
#' @title Generates a table with Unit Roor test results 
#' @name urTable
#' @description Returns a datatable and generates a .csv or .tex file with Unit Root test results.
#' @details Supports ADF, PP and KPSS unit root tests. 
#' @param df        Dataframe with series to test
#' @param tests     List of tests to be performed, by default tests are \code{c("adf","pp","kpss")}. 
#' @param order     Maximum order of integration to test, usually noted as I(?). It can be \code{c(0,1,2)}.
# @param structure List of models to test, can be \code{c("c","ct","nc")}: \code{"c"} assumes model with intercept,"ct" assumes intercept and deterministic trend,"nc" assumes no intercept and no trend.
#' @param file      (Optional) Filename to be generated according to \code{format}.
#' @param format    (Optional) Format of the output table, can be \code{c("csv","latex")}. Defaults to \code{"csv"}.
#' @return A dataframe with the test results and a file (optional).
#' @importFrom tseries adf.test
#' @importFrom tseries pp.test
#' @importFrom tseries kpss.test
#' @importFrom xtable  xtable
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(tseries)
#' data(USeconomic,package="tseries")
#' data <- data.frame( USeconomic ) 
#' dft1 <- urTable( data, tests=c("adf","pp","kpss"), file="US.csv" )
#' dft2 <- urTable( data, tests=c("pp","kpss"), order=2, file="US.tex", format="latex" )
#' # Even series with missing observations can be tested
#' bad <- data.frame( var1=rnorm(100), var2=cumsum(rnorm(100)) ) 
#' bad[seq(95,100),"var1"] <- bad[1,"var2"] <- bad[2,"var2"] <- NA
#' dft3 <- urTable( bad )

urTable <- function( df ,tests=c("adf","pp","kpss"), order=1, file=NULL, format="csv" ){

  # TODO: include UR test for structural changes, maybe 
  # fUnitRoots::unitrootTest()
  # validate arguments 
  if (!(order %in% c(0,1,2))) stop("order must be 0, 1 or 2")
  intorder <- seq(0,order) 

  format <- match.arg(format, c("csv","latex"))
  if (!is.data.frame(df)) stop("first argument must be a data frame")

  for (i in 1:length(tests)) 

  # prepare the structure for the output dataframe 
  nTest <- length(tests)
  nVar  <- length(colnames(df))
  nInt  <- length(intorder)
  core <- matrix( rep(NA,nTest*nVar*nInt), ncol=nTest*nInt )

  # response data frame has one row for each variable and one colum for each test 
  dft <- data.frame( core )
  rownames(dft) <- colnames(df)
  colnames <- c()
  for (i in intorder) colnames <- c(colnames,paste0(tests,"(",i,")"))
  colnames(dft) <- colnames 
  for (i in intorder)  
   for (test in tests)
    for (series in colnames(df)) { 
      data <- df[[series]]
      if (is.numeric(data)){
        data <- macror::tsComplete(ts(data))
        if (i>0) data <- diff(data,i)
        col <- paste0(test,"(",i,")")  # cols = test(order) as "kpss(2)"
        if (DEBUG)  print(paste(col,"of",series))
        if (test=="adf")   dft[series,col] <- tseries::adf.test(data)$p.value
        if (test=="pp")    dft[series,col] <- tseries::pp.test(data)$p.value
        if (test=="kpss")  dft[series,col] <- tseries::kpss.test(data)$p.value
      # else warning(paste("series",series," is not numeric so it is skipped.")) 

  legend <- rep("",4)
  legend[1] <- c("Legend: Results are test p-values. Some observations may have been inputed.")
  legend[2] <- c("adf is Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test with H0:series has unit root")
  legend[3] <- c("pp is Phillips-Perron Unit Root Test with H0:series has unit root")
  legend[4] <- c("kpss is KPSS Test for Level Stationarity  with H0:series is stationary")
  if (!is.null(file)) {
    if (format=="latex") 
      print( xtable::xtable(dft), type="latex", file=file ) 
      write.csv( dft, file=file )
fcbarbi/macroR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:05 p.m.