
Defines functions candidate3 candidate2 candidate1 get_r_uz_bounds

Documented in candidate1 candidate2 candidate3 get_r_uz_bounds

#' Evaluates r_uz bounds given user restrictions on r_TstarU and kappa
#' This function takes observables from the data and user beliefs over the extent
#'   of measurement error (kappa) and the direction of endogeneity (r_TstarU) to
#'   generate the implied bounds on instrument validity (r_uz)
#' @param r_TstarU_lower Vector of lower bounds of endogeneity
#' @param r_TstarU_upper Vector of upper bounds of endogeneity
#' @param k_lower Vector of lower bounds on measurement error
#' @param k_upper Vector of upper bounds on measurement error
#' @param obs Observables generated by get_observables
#' @return 2-column data frame of lower and upper bounds of r_uz
get_r_uz_bounds <- function(r_TstarU_lower, r_TstarU_upper,
                            k_lower, k_upper, obs) {
  # If beliefs are not restrictive, function returns unrestricted bounds
  unrestricted <- get_bounds_unrest(obs)
  if (sum(r_TstarU_lower <= unrestricted$r_TstarU$Lower &
          r_TstarU_upper >= unrestricted$r_TstarU$Upper &
          k_lower <= unrestricted$k$Lower &
          k_upper >= unrestricted$k$Upper) > 0) {
    warning("Beliefs are not restrictive, returning unrestricted bounds")
  } else {

    # Storing the more restrictive bounds for each parameter
    # (either user or unrestricted)
    r_TstarU_lower_bound <- ifelse(r_TstarU_lower <= unrestricted$r_TstarU$Lower,
    r_TstarU_upper_bound <- ifelse(r_TstarU_upper >= unrestricted$r_TstarU$Upper,
    k_lower_bound <- ifelse(k_lower <= unrestricted$k$Lower,
    k_upper_bound <- ifelse(k_upper >= unrestricted$k$Upper,

    # Finding r_uz bounds based on restricted bounds above
    # Candidate Set I - Corner for both kappa and rho_TstarU
    set1 <- candidate1(r_TstarU_lower_bound, r_TstarU_upper_bound,
                       k_lower_bound, k_upper_bound, obs)

    # Candidate Set II - Corner for kappa, interior for rho_TstarU
    set2 <- candidate2(r_TstarU_lower_bound, r_TstarU_upper_bound,
                       k_lower_bound, k_upper_bound, obs)

    # Candidate Set III - Interior for kappa, corner for rho_TstarU
    set3 <- candidate3(r_TstarU_lower_bound, r_TstarU_upper_bound,
                       k_lower_bound, k_upper_bound, obs)

    # Finally: overall max and min
    r_uz_max <- pmax(set1$max_corner, set2$max_edge, set3$r_uz$max_edge, na.rm = TRUE)
    r_uz_min <- pmin(set1$min_corner, set2$min_edge, set3$r_uz$min_edge, na.rm = TRUE)
    data.frame(min = r_uz_min, max = r_uz_max)

#' Evaluates the corners given user bounds. Vectorized wrt multiple draws of obs.
#' @param r_TstarU_lower Vector of lower bounds of endogeneity
#' @param r_TstarU_upper Vector of upper bounds of endogeneity
#' @param k_lower Vector of lower bounds on measurement error
#' @param k_upper Vector of upper bounds on measurement error
#' @param obs Observables generated by get_observables
#' @return List containing vector of lower bounds and vector of upper bounds of r_uz
candidate1 <- function(r_TstarU_lower, r_TstarU_upper, k_lower, k_upper, obs) {
    corner1 <- get_r_uz(r_TstarU_upper, k_upper, obs)
    corner2 <- get_r_uz(r_TstarU_lower, k_lower, obs)
    corner3 <- get_r_uz(r_TstarU_upper, k_lower, obs)
    corner4 <- get_r_uz(r_TstarU_lower, k_upper, obs)
    min_corner <- pmin(corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4, na.rm = TRUE)
    max_corner <- pmax(corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4, na.rm = TRUE)
    ans <- list(min_corner = min_corner,
                max_corner = max_corner)

#' Evaluates the edge where k is on the boundary. Vectorized wrt multiple draws
#'   of obs.
#' @param r_TstarU_lower Vector of lower bounds of endogeneity
#' @param r_TstarU_upper Vector of upper bounds of endogeneity
#' @param k_lower Vector of lower bounds on measurement error
#' @param k_upper Vector of upper bounds on measurement error
#' @param obs Observables generated by get_observables
#' @return List containing vector of lower bounds and vector of upper bounds of r_uz
candidate2 <- function(r_TstarU_lower, r_TstarU_upper, k_lower, k_upper, obs) {
    a_lower <- with(obs, r_Tz * sqrt(k_lower - r_Ty ^ 2) /
                        (r_Ty * r_Tz - k_lower * r_zy))
    a_upper <- with(obs, r_Tz * sqrt(k_upper - r_Ty ^ 2) /
                        (r_Ty * r_Tz - k_upper * r_zy))
    a <- cbind(a_lower, a_upper)
    r <- -1 * a / sqrt(1 + a ^ 2)
    r <- ifelse(r <= r_TstarU_upper & r >= r_TstarU_lower, r, NA)

    edges_lower <- get_r_uz(r[, 1], k_lower, obs)
    edges_upper <- get_r_uz(r[, 2], k_upper, obs)
    min_edge <- pmin(edges_lower, edges_upper, na.rm = TRUE)
    max_edge <- pmax(edges_lower, edges_upper, na.rm = TRUE)
    ans <- list(min_edge = min_edge,
                max_edge = max_edge)

#' Evaluates the edge where r_TstarU is on the boundary.
#' @param r_TstarU_lower Vector of lower bounds of endogeneity
#' @param r_TstarU_upper Vector of upper bounds of endogeneity
#' @param k_lower Vector of lower bounds on measurement error
#' @param k_upper Vector of upper bounds on measurement error
#' @param obs Observables generated by get_observables
#' @return List containing vector of lower bounds and vector of upper bounds of r_uz
candidate3 <- function(r_TstarU_lower, r_TstarU_upper, k_lower, k_upper, obs) {
  # Getting cubic coefficients for lower bound
  d_lower <- with(obs, -r_Tz ^ 2 * r_TstarU_lower ^ 2)
  c_lower <- with(obs, 3 * r_Ty ^ 2 * r_Tz ^ 2 * r_TstarU_lower ^ 2 +
                       ((2 * r_Ty * r_Tz - r_zy * r_Ty ^ 2) ^ 2) *
                       (1 - r_TstarU_lower ^ 2))
  b_lower <- with(obs, -3 * r_Ty ^ 4 * r_Tz ^ 2 * r_TstarU_lower ^ 2 -
                       2 * (2 * r_Ty * r_Tz - r_zy * r_Ty ^ 2) *
                       (r_Tz * r_Ty ^ 3) * (1 - r_TstarU_lower ^ 2))
  a_lower <- with(obs, r_Ty ^ 6 * r_Tz ^ 2)
  coefs_lower <- cbind(a_lower, b_lower, c_lower, d_lower)

  # Getting roots of cubic for lower bound
  all_roots_lower <- apply(coefs_lower, 1, polyroot)
  real_roots_lower <- t(Re(all_roots_lower))
  real_roots_lower <- ifelse(real_roots_lower >= k_lower &
                             real_roots_lower <= k_upper, real_roots_lower, NA)

  # Normally this should be solving a cubic which gives 3 solutions. However, if
  # one of the r_TstarU bounds is 0, it reduces to a quadratic. For dimensionality
  # purposes, this preserves the 3rd "root" that should be generated, but sets it
  # to NA
  if (ncol(real_roots_lower) == 2) {
    real_roots_lower <- cbind(real_roots_lower, NA)

  # Getting cubic coefficients for upper bound
  d_upper <- with(obs, -r_Tz ^ 2 * r_TstarU_upper ^ 2)
  c_upper <- with(obs, 3 * r_Ty ^ 2 * r_Tz ^ 2 * r_TstarU_upper ^ 2 +
                       ((2 * r_Ty * r_Tz - r_zy * r_Ty ^ 2) ^ 2) *
                       (1 - r_TstarU_upper ^ 2))
  b_upper <- with(obs, -3 * r_Ty ^ 4 * r_Tz ^ 2 * r_TstarU_upper ^ 2 -
                       2 * (2 * r_Ty * r_Tz - r_zy * r_Ty ^ 2) *
                       (r_Tz * r_Ty ^ 3) * (1 - r_TstarU_upper ^ 2))
  a_upper <- with(obs, r_Ty ^ 6 * r_Tz ^ 2)
  coefs_upper <- cbind(a_upper, b_upper, c_upper, d_upper)

  # Getting roots of cubic for upper bound
  all_roots_upper <- apply(coefs_upper, 1, polyroot)
  real_roots_upper <- t(Re(all_roots_upper))
  real_roots_upper <- ifelse(real_roots_upper >= k_lower &
                             real_roots_upper <= k_upper, real_roots_upper, NA)
  # Normally this should be solving a cubic which gives 3 solutions. However, if
  # one of the r_TstarU bounds is 0, it reduces to a quadratic. For dimensionality
  # purposes, this preserves the 3rd "root" that should be generated, but sets it
  # to NA
  if (ncol(real_roots_upper) == 2) {
    real_roots_upper <- cbind(real_roots_upper, NA)

    # Evaluating all combinations of roots and bounds for r_TstarU (upper bound)
  r_uz_upper <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(real_roots_upper),
                       ncol = ncol(real_roots_upper))
  for (i in 1:ncol(real_roots_upper)) {
    r_uz_upper[, i] <- get_r_uz(r_TstarU_upper, real_roots_upper[, i], obs)

  # Evaluating all combinations of roots and bounds for r_TstarU (lower bound)
  r_uz_lower <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(real_roots_lower),
                       ncol = ncol(real_roots_lower))
  for (i in 1:ncol(real_roots_lower)) {
    r_uz_lower[, i] <- get_r_uz(r_TstarU_lower, real_roots_lower[, i], obs)

  # Getting max and min if there are real roots
  min_edge <- apply(cbind(r_uz_lower, r_uz_upper), 1,
                     function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, min(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
  max_edge <- apply(cbind(r_uz_lower, r_uz_upper), 1,
                     function(x) ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, max(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
  ans <- list(r_uz = list(min_edge = min_edge, max_edge = max_edge),
              k_roots = list(real_roots_lower = real_roots_lower,
                             real_roots_upper = real_roots_upper))
fditraglia/ivdoctr documentation built on June 12, 2020, 7:08 p.m.