Man pages for felixgrunberger/nanoRaw
Nanopore sequencing summary visualization in R

nano_biplotBivariate plot of length against base call quality Takes in...
nano_channelHeatmap of reads per channel Takes in the...
nano_histlengthHistogram of read lengths of nanopore reads Takes in the...
nano_joy_lengthjoy distribution of read length Takes in the...
nano_joy_qualityjoy distribution of read quality Takes in the...
nano_longestReport n longest reads of a sequencing run Takes in the...
nano_n50N50 of nanopore run Takes in the 'sequencing_summary' file of...
nano_readsumSummary of n longest reads and their basecall quality Takes...
nano_seq_covGenome coverage of nanopore run Takes in the...
nano_seq_vs_exonRead length direct RNA seq vs expected transcript length...
nano_statsSummary of basic nanopore run statistics Takes in the...
nano_yieldCumulative yield plot Takes in the 'sequencing_summary' file...
felixgrunberger/nanoRaw documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:23 p.m.