
#' @name VRP.SWEEP 
#' @rdname VRP.SWEEP 
#' @title Vehicle-Routing-Problem -- SWEEP-Algorithm
#' @description Calculate solution for the VRP using the SWEEP-Algorithm.
#' @param object Object of Type \code{\link{GeoSituation}}
#' @param ... \emph{Optional Parameters} See Below.
#' @section Optional Parameters (\code{...}): 
#' \subsection{used by \code{\link{VRP.SWEEP}}}{
#'    \describe{ 
#'      \item{alpha}{ numeric The \code{alpha}-Shape-Parameter of the SWEEP-algorithm (Offset of Sweep-Angle. To be rovided in Radians!)}
#'      \item{constraint}{ numeric \emph{Optional Parameter}. Defining the maximum loading-capacity of each tour. Default is 2*sum(demand) +1 (will be ignored).}
#'      \item{constraint.maxstops}{numeric \emph{Optional Parameter}. Defining the maximum Stops of each tour. Default is 2*n +1 (will be ignored).}
#'      \item{roundcij}{ Obsolete. Please use digits from \code{\link{getDistance}}.}
#'      \item{log}{logical Optional Parameter. Indicating, if the calculation should be logged to console. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
#'    } 
#' }
#' \subsection{Forwarded to the follwowing functions}{  
#'    You may want to check these functions for any other optional parameters.
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item{\code{\link{getpolar}} (offset-parameter is used by \code{\link{VRP.SWEEP}}}
#'    }
#' }  
#' @return same modified object of Type \code{\link{GeoSituation}}.
#'      The Solution will be assigned to each \code{\link{Warehouse}$vrp}
#' @keywords OR Vehicle-Routing-Problem VRP SWEEP
#' @details Apart from Algorithm 5.1 at Domschke(2010) p. 229, the improvement steps with 2opt/3opt are not implemented.
#' @export 
#' @references Algorithmus 5.1 S. 229: Domschke, Wolfgang (2010): Logistik. Rundreisen und Touren. 5., Aufl. Muenchen [u.a.]: Oldenbourg (2).
#' @seealso \code{\link{GeoSituation}}, \code{\link{Node}}, \code{\link{VRP.SWEEP}} \code{\link{VRP.SAVINGS}}
#' @examples
#' # demo(HNUVRP01)
#' # demo(HNUVRP02) 
#' @note 
#'      for citing use: Felix Lindemann (2014). HNUORTools: Operations Research Tools. R package version 1.1-0. \url{http://felixlindemann.github.io/HNUORTools/}.
#' @author Dipl. Kfm. Felix Lindemann \email{felix.lindemann@@hs-neu-ulm.de} 
#' Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
#' Kompetenzzentrum Logistik
#' Buro ZWEI, 17
#' Hochschule fur angewandte Wissenschaften 
#' Fachhochschule Neu-Ulm | Neu-Ulm University 
#' Wileystr. 1 
#' D-89231 Neu-Ulm 
#' Phone   +49(0)731-9762-1437 
#' Web      \url{www.hs-neu-ulm.de/felix-lindemann/} 
#'      \url{http://felixlindemann.blogspot.de}
setGeneric("VRP.SWEEP",  function(object,...)  standardGeneric("VRP.SWEEP") )

#' @aliases VRP.SWEEP,GeoSituation-method
#' @rdname VRP.SWEEP
setMethod("VRP.SWEEP", signature(object="GeoSituation"),
            li <- list(...) 
            if(is.null(li$log)) li$log <- TRUE
            if(is.null(li$roundcij)) li$roundcij <- TRUE 
            if(is.null(li$rotateClockwise)) li$rotateClockwise <- FALSE
            if(is.null(li$alpha)) li$alpha <- 0
            if(is.null(object$tpp$x)) object$tpp$x <- matrix()
            M <- length(object$warehouses)
            N <- length(object$customers)
            totalcosts <- 0
            if( length(object$tpp$x) == 1){
                stop("There is no Transportplan assigned. This is required as there are more than 1 warehouses.")
              x <- matrix(object$customers$demand, nrow=1, byrow=TRUE)
              rownames(x) <- object$warehouses$id
              colnames(x) <- object$customers$id
              object$tpp$x <- x
                stop("There is no valid Transportplan assigned. The number of warehouses is not equal to the number of rows in the transportation plan.")
                stop("There is no valid Transportplan assigned. The number of customers is not equal to the number of columns in the transportation plan.")
              object$tsp$cij <- li$cij
            if(length(object$tsp$cij) <= 1){
              nodes <- list()
              for ( i in 1:M){
                nodes[[length(nodes)+1]] <- object$warehouses[i]
              for ( j in 1:N){
                nodes[[length(nodes)+1]] <- object$customers[j]
              K <- length(nodes)
              cij <- matrix(rep(0, K*K), ncol=K, nrow=K, byrow=TRUE)
              for (i in 1:(K-1))
                cij[i,i] <-0
                n1 <- nodes[[i]]
                for(j in (i+1):K){
                  n2 <- nodes[[j]]
                  cij[i,j] <- getDistance(n1,n2,...)
                  cij[j,i] <- cij[i,j]
              object$tsp$nodes <- nodes
              object$tsp$cij <- cij
                warning("\nCij has been calculated.\nNodes have been assigned to TSP.\n") 
                stop("There is no valid costmatrix assigned. The number of warehouses is not equal to the number of rows in the transportation plan.")
                stop("There is no valid costmatrix assigned. The number of customers is not equal to the number of columns in the transportation plan.")
            if(is.null(li$constraint.maxstops)) { 
              li$constraint.maxstops <- N*2+1
              if(li$log)  message("Maximum number of stops is not given. Constraint not taken into account.")
            if(is.null(li$constraint.cap)) { 
              li$constraint.cap <- sum(object$tpp$x)*2+1
              if(li$log) message("Maximum Vehicle Loading Capacity is not given. Constraint not taken into account.")
            if(is.null(li$constraint.dur)) { 
              li$constraint.dur <- sum(cij)*2+1
              if(li$log) message("Maximum Vehicle Tour Duration is not given. Constraint not taken into account.")
            for(i in 1:M){
              # iterate over all warehouses
              w<- object$warehouses[i]
                cat("Analyzing warehouse:",w$label,"\n")
              for(j in 1:N){ 
                if(object$tpp$x[i,j] >0){
                  cust <- object$customers[j] 
                  df<-rbind(df, data.frame(j = j , polar=getpolar(w,cust, offset = li$alpha,  ...) ))
              # sort by col2.
              if(li$rotateClockwise ){
                df <- df[ order( -df[,2]), ]
              } else{
                df <- df[ order( df[,2]), ]
              vrp <- list()
              vrp$maxstops <- li$constraint.maxstops 
              vrp$maxcapacity <- li$constraint.cap
              vrp$maxduration <- li$constraint.dur
              vrp$x   <- object$tsp$cij * 0
              vrp$cij <- object$tsp$cij
              vrp$tours <- list()
              tour <- NULL
              vi <- i
              for( j in 1:nrow(df)){
                vj <- df$j[j] + M
                k <- df$j[j] 
                NT <- FALSE 
                  NT <- TRUE 
                } else{ 
                  # checking loading capcity
                  if(tour$loading + object$tpp$x[i,k]   > li$constraint.cap){
                    NT <- TRUE
                    if(li$log) cat("\t\t Maximum loading capacity exceeded, if next customer (",object$customers$label[k],"demand:", object$tpp$x[i,k]  ,") will be added (",tour$loading ,"+",  object$tpp$x[i,k]  ,">", li$constraint.cap,").",
                        "\n\t\t I am Going to end the current Tour.\n")
                  } else{
                    # checking maximum number of stops
                    if(length(tour$stops) >li$constraint.maxstops){
                      NT <- TRUE
                      if(li$log) cat("\t\t Maximum number of stops exceeded, if next customer (",object$customers$label[k],") will be added (",length(tour$stops) ,">",li$constraint.maxstops,").",
                          "\n\t\t I am Going to end the current Tour.\n")
                      # checking maximum number of stops
                      if(tour$costs + object$tsp$cij[vi,vj] +vrp$cij[vj, i]   >li$constraint.dur){
                        NT <- TRUE
                        if(li$log) cat("\t\t Maximum cost/duration exceeded, if next customer (",object$customers$label[k],") will be added (",tour$costs ++ object$tsp$cij[vi,vj] +vrp$cij[vj, i]  ,">",li$constraint.dur,").",
                            "\n\t\t I am Going to end the current Tour.\n")
                  NT <- FALSE
                    # Add Warehouse as last stop
                    vrp$x[vi,i] <- 1
                    tour$costs <- tour$costs +  vrp$cij[vi, i] 
                    # store old Tour
                    vrp$tours[[length(vrp$tours)+1]] <- tour   
                      cat("\t\t Tourcosts:",tour$costs  ,"\n")
                  if(li$log) cat("\tTour #",length(vrp$tours)+1,":\n") 
                  tour <- list()
                  tour$loading <- 0
                  tour$costs <- 0	
                  tour$stops <-0
                  tour$stops.list    <- list()
                  tour$stops.indices <- numeric()
                  vi <- i
                  cat("\t\t",object$customers$label[k], "(demand:",object$tpp$x[i,k] ,", angle:",df$polar[j],")","\n")
                tour$loading <- tour$loading +  object$tpp$x[i,k] 
                tour$stops <- tour$stops + 1
                tour$stops.list[[length(tour$stops.list)+1]] <- object$customers[k]
                tour$stops.indices <- c(tour$stops.indices, vj)
                tour$costs <- tour$costs + object$tsp$cij[vi,vj]
                vrp$x[vi,vj]<- 1
                vi <- vj
                if(tour$stops > 0){
                  # Add Warehouse as last stop
                  vrp$x[tour$stops.indices[length(tour$stops.indices)],i] <- 1
                  tour$costs <- tour$costs + 
                  # store old Tour
                  vrp$tours[[length(vrp$tours)+1]] <- tour  	
                    cat("\t\t No customers left. \n\t\t I am Going to end the current Tour.\n")
                    cat("\t\t Tourcosts:",tour$costs  ,"\n")
              vrp$F <- sum(object$tsp$cij*vrp$x)
              totalcosts <- totalcosts + vrp$F
                cat("\tTotalcosts for ",w$label,":",vrp$F ,"\n")
              object$warehouses$vrp[[i]]  <- vrp
              message(paste("Total costs (all Warehouses) are:", totalcosts))
felixlindemann/HNUORTools documentation built on May 8, 2019, 6:46 p.m.