## 2024-07-04 Clauda Fortes / Christian Panse
.insertSample <- function(x, where = NA, howOften = round(nrow(x)/2),
sampleFUN = NA, path=NA, ...){
output <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = ncol(x), nrow = 0))
colnames(output) <- colnames(x)
if (is.na(where)){
for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
if (i %% howOften == 0){
plateId <- output$Position[nrow(output)] |> substr(1,1)
rbind(output, sampleFUN(x, plateId=plateId, ...)) -> output
rbind(output, x[i, ]) -> output
}else if (where == 0){
plateId <- x$Position[1] |> substr(1,1)
rbind(sampleFUN(x, plateId = plateId, ...), x) -> output
}else if (where > nrow(x)){
plateId <- x$Position[nrow(x)] |> substr(1,1)
rbind(x, sampleFUN(x, plateId = plateId, ...)) -> output
}else{stop("Invalid arguments")}
output$Path <- path
## TODO(cp): check replacemet for QHF2!!
.toHystar <- function(x, file='file.xml'){
Position = x$Position |>
stringr::str_replace("^", "S") |>
stringr::str_replace(":", "_") |>
stringr::str_replace(",", ""),
SampleID = sprintf("%s", x$"File Name"),
SampleComment = "",
Volume = 1,
DataPath = x$Path |> stringr::str_replace("QEXACTIVEHF_2", "TIMSTOFFLEX_1"),
SuperMethod = "",
ResultDatafile = sprintf("%s\\%s.d", x$Path, x$"File Name"),
ACQEND_EXECUTE = "D:\\FGCZ\\Biobeamer\\biobeamer.bat"
) -> df
xml <- XML::xmlTree()
dump <- lapply(1:nrow(df), FUN = function(i) xml$addTag("Sample", close=TRUE, attrs=df[i, ]))
message(paste0("Saving XML to file '", file, "' ..."))
rvSave <- XML::saveXML(xml$value(), file = file, encoding = "utf-8")
.replaceRunIds <- function(x){
for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
rn <- sprintf("_%03d_", i)
x$`File Name`[i] |>
stringr::str_replace("_@@@_", rn) -> x$`File Name`[i]
x$`File Name`[i] |>
stringr::str_replace("#", "_") -> x$`File Name`[i]
#' @examples
#' .readSampleOfContainer(35464, login, webservicepassword, bfabricposturl)
.readSampleOfContainer <- function(containerID, login, webservicepassword, posturl){
res <- bfabricShiny::read(login, webservicepassword, posturl = posturl,
endpoint = "sample",
maxitems = 2000,
query = list('containerid' = containerID))$res
data.frame('Sample Name' = sapply(res, function(x)x$name),
`Sample ID`= sapply(res, function(x)x$id),
"Tube ID" = sapply(res, function(x)x$tubeid),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) -> df
colnames(df) <- c("Sample Name", "Sample ID", "Tube ID")
df[order(df$`Sample ID`), ]
.deriveVialPositionVanquish <- function(n = 10){
X <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
nY <- 9
P <- c("Y", "R", "B", "G")
counterPlate <- 1
counterX <- 0
counterY <- 0
pos <- rep("", n)
for (i in 1:n){
pos[i] <- sprintf("%s:%s%d", counterPlate, X[counterX + 1], (counterY+1))
counterY <- counterY + 1
if (i %% nY == 0){
counterX <- counterX + 1
counterY <- 0
if (i %% (length(X) * nY) == 0){
counterPlate <- counterPlate + 1
counterX <- 0
counterY <- 0
.extractSampleIdfromTubeID <- function(containerid, tid){
sapply(tid, FUN = function(x){
pattern = sprintf("%s/[0-9]+", containerid)
if(grepl(pattern, x)){
x |> stringr::str_replace("/", "-")
.composePlateSampleTable <- function(p,
orderID = 34843,
area = "Metabolomics",
mode = "",
instrument = 'ASTRAL_1',
user = 'cpanse',
injVol = 3.5,
plateCounter = 0,
randomization = 'plate'){
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d") -> currentdate
p$"File Name" <- sprintf("%s_@@@_C%s_S%d%s_%s",
.extractSampleIdfromTubeID(orderID, p$`Tube ID`),
p$"Sample ID",
p$"Sample Name")
p$"Path" <- paste0("D:\\Data2San\\p", orderID, "\\", area,
"\\", instrument, "\\",
user, "_", currentdate)
p$"Sample Name" <- paste0(p$"Sample Name", mode)
p$Position <- sprintf("%d:%s", plateCounter, p$Position)
p$"Inj Vol" <- injVol
p$"L3 Laboratory" <- "FGCZ"
p$"Instrument Method" <- sprintf("%s\\methods\\", p$Path)
if (randomization == "plate"){
p[sample(nrow(p)), ] -> p
plateCounter <<- plateCounter + 1
p[, columnOrder]
#' @examples
#' .readSampleOfContainer(34843, login, webservicepassword, bfabricposturl) |> .composeSampleTable(orderID = 34843, randomization = TRUE) -> x
#' x|> qconfigMetabolomics()|> .replaceRunIds() -> xx
.composeSampleTable <- function(x, orderID = 34843,
area = "Metabolomics",
mode = "",
instrument = 'ASTRAL_1',
user = 'cpanse',
injVol = 3.5,
randomization = TRUE){
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d") -> currentdate
p <- x
p$"File Name" <- sprintf("%s_@@@_C%s_S%d%s_%s",
p$"Sample ID",
p$"Sample Name")
p$"Path" <- paste0("D:\\Data2San\\p", orderID, "\\", area,
"\\", instrument, "\\",
user, "_", currentdate)
p$"Sample Name" <- paste0(p$"Sample Name", mode)
p$Position <- .deriveVialPositionVanquish(n = nrow(p))
p$"Inj Vol" <- injVol
p$"L3 Laboratory" <- "FGCZ"
p$"Instrument Method" <- sprintf("%s\\methods\\", p$Path)
if (randomization){
split(1:nrow(p), substr(p$Position, 1, 1)) |>
lapply(function(idx){p[idx[sample(length(idx))], ]}) |>
Reduce(f = rbind) -> p
p$Position |> sapply(FUN = .parsePlateNumber) -> p$Position
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