
# rjmcmc_draw proposes an insertion, deletion, or shift to the current trajectory
rjmcmc_draw <- function(path.cur, Xcount.cur, j, initdist, shift.int, insert.prob, remove.prob, shift.prob, tmax, b, m , p){
    path.new <- path.cur
    t_epideath <- ifelse(max(Xcount.cur[,1]) < tmax & Xcount.cur[nrow(Xcount.cur), 2] == 0, max(Xcount.cur[,1]), tmax) # time of epidemic death, if the epidemic is observed to die off    
    if(all(path.cur[,3] == 0)){ # neither an infection, nor a recovery are observed in the current path
        # choose whether to insert both an infection, or an infection and a recovery
        which.insert <- sample.int(2, 1)
        if(which.insert == 1){ # with probability 0.5, insert an infection only
            # choose whether the subject is initially infected
            init.infec <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = initdist)
            if(init.infec == 2){ # with probability initdist[2] subject is initially infected
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(0,1)
            } else if(init.infec == 1){ # with probability 1 - initdist[2] subject is initially susceptible
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, 0, t_epideath), 1)
        } else if (which.insert == 2){ # with probability 0.5 insert both an infection and a recovery
            # choose whether the subject is initially infected
            init.infec <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = initdist)
            if(init.infec == 2){ # with probability initdist[2] subject is initially infected
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(0,1)
                path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, 0, tmax), -1)
            } else if(init.infec == 1){ # with probability 1 - initdist[2] subject is initially susceptible
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, 0, t_epideath), 1)
                path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, path.new[1,1], tmax), -1)
    } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, 0))){ # an infection is observed in the current path but no recovery
        if(path.cur[1,1] == 0){ # if the subject is infected at time 0, the only available moves are to add the recovery or remove the infection
            event <- sample.int(2, 1, prob = c(remove.prob, insert.prob))
            if(event == 1){ # remove the infection
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- 0 # remove the infection
            } else if(event == 2) { # insert the recovery
                path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, path.new[1, 1], tmax), -1)
        } else if(path.cur[1,1] != 0){ # if the subject is not infected at time 0, insertion, removal, and shift moves are all available
            event <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = c(remove.prob, insert.prob, shift.prob)) # select whether a removal, insertion, or shift occurs
            if(event == 1) { # remove the infection
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- 0 # remove the infection
            } else if(event == 2) { # insert the recovery
                path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, path.new[1, 1], tmax), -1)
            } else if(event == 3) { # shift the infection uniformly within an interval around the current value or to zero if that shift is available
                epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
                path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon, 1)
    } else if(all(path.cur[,3] != 0)) {# both an infection or recovery are observed
        event <- sample.int(2, 1, prob = c(remove.prob, shift.prob)) # select whether to remove just the recovery, the recovery and the infection, or to shift one of the recovery or infection
        event <- ifelse(event == 1, sample.int(2,1), 3)
        if(event == 1){# remove the recovery
            path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- 0 # remove the recovery
        } else if(event == 2){ # remove both the recovery and the infection
            path.new[, c(1,3)] <- 0
        } else if(event == 3){ # a shift of either the infection or recovery occurs  
            if(path.cur[1,1] == 0){ # if the subject is infected at time 0, only the recovery can be shifted
                epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
                path.new[2, c(1, 3)] <- c(path.cur[2, 1] + epsilon, -1)
            } else if(path.cur[1,1] != 0){ # if the subject is not infected at time 0, select either the infection or recovery to be shifted
                which.shift <- sample.int(2,1) # select whether to shift the infection or the recovery
                if(which.shift == 1){ # shift the infection
                    epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
                    path.new[1, c(1, 3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon , 1)
                } else if(which.shift == 2){ # shift the recovery
                    epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
                    path.new[2, c(1, 3)] <- c(path.cur[2, 1] + epsilon, -1)

# rjmcmc_ratio computes the acceptance ratio for a proposed move
rjmcmc_ratio <- function(W.cur, W.new, Xcount.cur, Xcount.new, path.cur, path.new, initdist, shift.int, insert.prob, remove.prob, shift.prob, b, m, samp_prob, tmax, popsize){
    # calculate the time of epidemic death (equal to tmax if the epidemic doesn't die off in the observation window)
    t_epideath <- ifelse(max(Xcount.cur[,1]) < tmax & Xcount.cur[nrow(Xcount.cur), 2] == 0, max(Xcount.cur[,1]), tmax)
    loglike_new <- dbinom(sum(W.new[,2]), sum(W.new[,3]), prob = samp_prob, log = TRUE) + pop_prob(Xcount = Xcount.new, tmax = tmax, b = b, m = m, a = 0, initdist = initdist, popsize = popsize)
    # determine whether the new path should be automatically rejected
    if((all(path.new[,3] %in% c(1,-1)) && 
        path.new[path.new[,3] == 1, 1] > path.new[path.new[,3] == -1, 1]) || # infection is proposed after recovery
           path.new[1,1] < 0 || # infection is proposed before time 0
           path.new[1,1] > t_epideath || # infection is proposed after the time of epidemic death
           path.new[2,1] > tmax || # recovery is proposed after tmax
           path.new[2,1] < 0 || # recovery is proposed before time 0
           loglike_new == -Inf){ # new population trajectory is impossible
        auto_reject <- TRUE
    } else{
        auto_reject <- FALSE
    if(auto_reject == FALSE){
        loglike_cur <- dbinom(sum(W.cur[,2]), sum(W.cur[,3]), prob = samp_prob, log = TRUE) + pop_prob(Xcount = Xcount.cur, tmax = tmax, b = b, m = m, a = 0, initdist = initdist, popsize = popsize)
        # calculate acceptance ratio for the appropriate move type
        if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(0,0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1,0))){ # move from 0 -> 1
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(remove.prob) - log(insert.prob) - log(0.5) - log(ifelse(path.new[1,1] == 0, initdist[2], (initdist[1]/t_epideath))))
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(0,0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1,-1))){ # move from 0 -> 2
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(remove.prob) - log(insert.prob) - log(ifelse(path.new[1,1] == 0, initdist[2], (initdist[1]/t_epideath))) - log(1/(tmax - path.new[1,1]))) 
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1,0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(0,0))){ # move from 1 -> 0
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(insert.prob) - log(remove.prob) + log(0.5) + log(ifelse(path.cur[1,1] == 0, initdist[2], initdist[1]/t_epideath)))
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, 0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, 0))){ # move from 1 -> 1
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur ) 
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, 0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, -1))){ # move from 1 -> 2
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(remove.prob) - log(insert.prob) + log(0.5) - log(1/(tmax - path.cur[1,1])))
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, -1)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(0, 0))){ # move from 2 -> 0
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(insert.prob) - log(remove.prob) + log(ifelse(path.cur[1,1]==0, initdist[2], initdist[1]/t_epideath)) + log(1/(tmax - path.cur[1,1])))
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, -1)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, 0))){ # move from 2 -> 1
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(insert.prob) - log(remove.prob) - log(0.5) + log(1/(tmax - path.cur[1,1])))
        } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, -1)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, -1))){ # move from 2 -> 2
            rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur ) 
    } else if(auto_reject == TRUE){
        rjmcmc.ratio <- -Inf

# # rjmcmc functions with shifts to/from 0 ----------------------------------
# # rjmcmc_draw proposes an insertion, deletion, or shift to the current trajectory
# rjmcmc_draw <- function(path.cur, Xcount.cur, j, initdist, shift.int, insert.prob, remove.prob, shift.prob, tmax, b, m , p){
#     path.new <- path.cur
#     t_epideath <- ifelse(max(Xcount.cur[,1]) < tmax & Xcount.cur[nrow(Xcount.cur), 2] == 0, max(Xcount.cur[,1]), tmax) # time of epidemic death, if the epidemic is observed to die off    
#     if(all(path.cur[,3] == 0)){ # neither an infection, nor a recovery are observed in the current path
#         # choose whether to insert both an infection, or an infection and a recovery
#         which.insert <- sample.int(2, 1)
#         if(which.insert == 1){ # with probability 0.5, insert an infection only
#             # choose whether the subject is initially infected
#             init.infec <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = initdist)
#             if(init.infec == 2){ # with probability initdist[2] subject is initially infected
#                 path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(0,1)
#             } else if(init.infec == 1){ # with probability 1 - initdist[2] subject is initially susceptible
#                 path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, 0, t_epideath), 1)
#             }
#         } else if (which.insert == 2){ # with probability 0.5 insert both an infection and a recovery
#             # choose whether the subject is initially infected
#             init.infec <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = initdist)
#             if(init.infec == 2){ # with probability initdist[2] subject is initially infected
#                 path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(0,1)
#                 path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, 0, tmax), -1)
#             } else if(init.infec == 1){ # with probability 1 - initdist[2] subject is initially susceptible
#                 path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, 0, t_epideath), 1)
#                 path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, path.new[1,1], tmax), -1)
#             }
#         }
#     } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, 0))){ # an infection is observed in the current path but no recovery
#         event <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = c(remove.prob, insert.prob, shift.prob)) # select whether a removal, insertion, or shift occurs
#         if(event == 1) { # remove the infection
#             path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- 0 # remove the infection
#         } else if(event == 2) { # insert the recovery
#             path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- c(runif(1, path.new[1, 1], tmax), -1)
#         } else if(event == 3) { # shift the infection uniformly within an interval around the current value or to zero if that shift is available
#             if(path.cur[1,1] == 0){ # if the infection time is 0, we can only shift away from 0
#                 epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int) 
#                 path.new[1, c(1, 3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon , 1)
#             } else if(path.cur[1,1] != 0){
#                 if(0 > (path.cur[1,1] - shift.int)){ # it is possible to shift to 0, so select whether to do so
#                     infec_at_0 <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = initdist) 
#                     if(infec_at_0 == 2){# subject is infected at time 0
#                         path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(0, 1)
#                     } else if(infec_at_0 == 1){#subject is susceptible at 0, so draw as usual
#                         epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
#                         path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon, 1)
#                     }
#                 } else if(0 < (path.cur[1,1] - shift.int)){ # draw a new time as usual
#                     epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
#                     path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon, 1)
#                 }
#             }           
#         }
#     } else if(all(path.cur[,3] != 0)) {# both an infection or recovery are observed
#         event <- sample.int(2, 1, prob = c(remove.prob, shift.prob)) # select whether to remove just the recovery, the recovery and the infection, or to shift one of the recovery or infection
#         event <- ifelse(event == 1, sample.int(2,1), 3)
#         if(event == 1){# remove the recovery
#             path.new[2, c(1,3)] <- 0 # remove the recovery
#         } else if(event == 2){ # remove both the recovery and the infection
#             path.new[, c(1,3)] <- 0
#         } else if(event == 3){ # a shift of either the infection or recovery occurs  
#             which.shift <- sample.int(2,1) # select whether to shift the infection or the recovery
#             if(which.shift == 1){ # shift the infection
#                 if(path.cur[1,1] == 0){ # if the infection time is 0, we can only shift away
#                     epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
#                     path.new[1, c(1, 3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon , 1)
#                 } else if(path.cur[1,1] != 0){
#                     if(0 > (path.cur[1,1] - shift.int)){ # it is possible to shift to 0, so select whether to do so
#                         infec_at_0 <- sample.int(3, 1, prob = initdist) # sample when 
#                         if(infec_at_0 == 2){# subject is infected at time 0
#                             path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(0, 1)
#                         } else if(infec_at_0 == 1){#subject is susceptible at 0, so draw as usual
#                             epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
#                             path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon, 1)
#                         }
#                     } else if(0 < (path.cur[1,1] - shift.int)){ # draw a new time as usual
#                         epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
#                         path.new[1, c(1,3)] <- c(path.cur[1,1] + epsilon, 1)
#                     }
#                 }   
#             } else if(which.shift == 2){ # shift the recovery
#                 epsilon <- runif(1, -shift.int, shift.int)
#                 path.new[2, c(1, 3)] <- c(path.cur[2, 1] + epsilon, -1)
#             }
#         }
#     }
#     return(path.new)
# }
# # rjmcmc_ratio computes the acceptance ratio for a proposed move
# rjmcmc_ratio <- function(W.cur, W.new, Xcount.cur, Xcount.new, path.cur, path.new, initdist, shift.int, insert.prob, remove.prob, shift.prob, samp_prob, tmax, popsize){
#     # calculate the time of epidemic death (equal to tmax if the epidemic doesn't die off in the observation window)
#     t_epideath <- ifelse(max(Xcount.cur[,1]) < tmax & Xcount.cur[nrow(Xcount.cur), 2] == 0, max(Xcount.cur[,1]), tmax)
#     # determine whether the new path should be automatically rejected
#     if(path.new[1,1] > path.new[1,2] | # infection is proposed after recovery
#            path.new[1,1] < 0 | # infection is proposed before time 0
#            path.new[1,1] > t_epideath | # infection is proposed after the time of epidemic death
#            path.new[2,1] > tmax | # recovery is proposed after tmax
#            path.new[2,1] < 0){ # recovery is proposed before time 0
#         auto_reject <- TRUE
#     } else{
#         auto_reject <- FALSE
#     }
#     if(auto_reject == FALSE){
#         loglike_cur <- dbinom(sum(W.cur[,2]), sum(W.cur[,3]), prob = samp_prob, log = TRUE) + pop_prob(Xcount = Xcount.cur, tmax = tmax, b = b, m = m, a = 0, initdist = initdist, popsize = popsize)
#         loglike_new <- dbinom(sum(W.new[,2]), sum(W.new[,3]), prob = samp_prob, log = TRUE) + pop_prob(Xcount = Xcount.new, tmax = tmax, b = b, m = m, a = 0, initdist = initdist, popsize = popsize)
#         # calculate acceptance ratio for the appropriate move type
#         if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(0,0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1,0))){ # move from 0 -> 1
#             rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(remove.prob) - log(insert.prob) - log(0.5) - log(ifelse(path.new[1,1] == 0, initdist[2], (initdist[1]/t_epideath))))
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(0,0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1,-1))){ # move from 0 -> 2
#             rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(remove.prob) - log(insert.prob) - log(ifelse(path.new[1,1] == 0, initdist[2], (initdist[1]/t_epideath))) - log(1/(tmax - path.new[1,1]))) 
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1,0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(0,0))){ # move from 1 -> 0
#             rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(insert.prob) - log(remove.prob) + log(0.5) + log(ifelse(path.cur[1,1] == 0, initdist[2], initdist[1]/t_epideath)))
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, 0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, 0))){ # move from 1 -> 1
#             if(path.new[1,1] == 0){ # new infection time is 0
#                 rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur - log(initdist[2]))
#             } else if(path.cur[1,1] == 0){ # current infection time is 0
#                 rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(initdist[2]))
#             } else if(path.new[1,1] != 0 & path.cur[1,1] != 0){
#                 rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(ifelse(0 > (path.new[1,1] - shift.int), initdist[1], 1)) - log(ifelse(0 > (path.cur[1,1]), initdist[1], 1))) # note that the 1/(2*shift.int) appears in both the numerator and denominator and thus cancels
#             }
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, 0)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, -1))){ # move from 1 -> 2
#             rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(remove.prob) - log(insert.prob) + log(0.5) - log(1/(tmax - path.cur[1,1])))
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, -1)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(0, 0))){ # move from 2 -> 0
#             rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(insert.prob) - log(remove.prob) + log(ifelse(path.cur[1,1]==0, initdist[2], initdist[1]/t_epideath)) + log(1/(tmax - path.cur[1,1])))
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, -1)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, 0))){ # move from 2 -> 1
#             rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(insert.prob) - log(remove.prob) - log(0.5) + log(1/(tmax - path.cur[1,1])))
#         } else if(all(path.cur[,3] == c(1, -1)) & all(path.new[,3] == c(1, -1))){ # move from 2 -> 2
#             if(path.new[1,1] != path.cur[1,1]){ # the infection is shifted
#                 if(path.new[1,1] == 0){ # new infection time is 0
#                     rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur - log(initdist[2]))
#                 } else if(path.cur[1,1] == 0){ # current infection time is 0
#                     rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(initdist[2]))
#                 } else if(path.new[1,1] != 0 & path.cur[1,1] != 0){
#                     rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur + log(ifelse(0 > (path.new[1,1] - shift.int), initdist[1], 1)) - log(ifelse(0 > (path.cur[1,1]), initdist[1], 1)))
#                 }
#             } else if(path.new[2,1] != path.cur[2,1]){ # the recovery is shifted
#                 rjmcmc.ratio <- min(0, loglike_new - loglike_cur)                
#             }   
#         }
#     } else if(auto_reject == TRUE){
#         rjmcmc.ratio <- -Inf
#     }    
#     return(rjmcmc.ratio)    
# }
fintzij/augSIR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:57 p.m.