
#' Interface with MAFFT
#' This is a slightly modification of the \code{\link[ips]{mafft}} function from the package \pkg{ips} to allow multi-threading.
mafft2 <- function (x, y, add, method = "auto", maxiterate = 0, op = 1.53, 
                    ep = 0, gt, options, path, quiet) 
  if (!inherits(x, "DNAbin")) 
    stop("'x' is not of class 'DNAbin'")
  os <- .Platform$OS
  if (missing(quiet)) 
    quiet <- TRUE
  qut <- ifelse(quiet, " --quiet ", " ")
  if (missing(path)) 
    path <- "/usr/local/bin/mafft"
  fns <- vector(length = 3)
  for (i in seq_along(fns)) fns[i] <- tempfile(pattern = "mafft", 
                                               tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".fas")
  method <- match.arg(method, c("auto", "localpair", "globalpair", 
                                "genafpair", "parttree", "retree 1", "retree 2"))
  if (missing(gt)) {
    gt <- ""
  else {
    if (!inherits(gt, "phylo")) 
      stop("object \"gt\" is not of class \"phylo\"")
    if (!all(names(x) %in% gt$tip.label)) 
      stop("guide tree does not match sequence names")
    gt$tip.label <- match(names(x), gt$tip.label)
    if (!is.binary.tree(gt)) 
      gt <- multi2di(gt)
    if (is.null(gt$edge.length)) 
      gt$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(gt$edge))
    gt <- " --treein tree.mafft "
  if (missing(options)) {
    options <- ""
  else {
    options <- paste(options, collapse = " ")
  if (missing(y)) {
    write.fas(x, fns[1])
    call.mafft <- paste(path, " --", method, " --", "maxiterate ", 
                        maxiterate, qut, "--op ", op, " --ep ", ep, gt, " ", 
                        options, " ", fns[1], " > ", fns[3], sep = "")
  else {
    if (!inherits(y, "DNAbin")) 
      stop("'y' is not of class 'DNAbin'")
    if (missing(add)) 
      add <- "addprofile"
    add <- match.arg(add, c("add", "addprofile"))
    add <- paste("--", add, sep = "")
    write.fas(x, fns[1])
    write.fas(y, fns[2])
    call.mafft <- paste(path, qut, add, fns[2], fns[1], ">", 
  if (!quiet) 
  if (os == "unix") {
    system(call.mafft, intern = FALSE, ignore.stdout = FALSE)
    res <- length(scan(fns[3], what = "c", quiet = TRUE))
    if (res != 0) 
      res <- read.fas(fns[3])
  else {
    res <- system(call.mafft, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = FALSE)
    if (length(grep("error|ERROR", res)) > 0) {
      res <- 0
    else {
      res <- read.fas(fns[3])
fkeck/diatobc documentation built on May 12, 2019, 7:18 p.m.