
# checks if two scidbst object have the same coordinate reference system
# x:scidbst, y: scidbst
# returns: logical
.equalSRS = function(x,y) {
  return(x@srs@authority == y@srs@authority && x@srs@srid == y@srs@srid)

# checks if two scidbst arrays have the same spatial resolution
# x:scidbst, y: scidbst
# returns: logical
.equalRes = function(x,y) {

#returns a list of scidbst objects in the order A has a higher resolution as B (to merge A into B)
# A: scidst , B: scidbst
# return: list of scidbst with object A having a lower resolution as object B
.compareRes = function (A,B) {
  if (all(res(A)>res(B))) {
  } else if (all(res(A)<=res(B))) {
  } else {
    stop("The spatial resolution is in one arrays dimension higher than the other and in the other lower.")

# joins attributes from A into B under the condition that both arrays are strictly spatial and have the same resolution and SRS
.join.spatial.normalized = function(A,B) {
  # code from Marius (modified)
  join.ref.st = transfer(A,B) #eo_over
  join.ref = as(join.ref.st,"scidb")

  attributestr = scidb:::build_attr_schema(as(A,"scidb"))

  ### rename the dimensions of the eo_over output (e.g. x,y,t -> x_old, y_old, t_old)
  dimrename = NULL
  if (xdim(A) == xdim(B)) {
    dimrename = rbind(dimrename, c(xdim(A),
                                   paste(xdim(A), "_orig", sep="")))
  if (ydim(A) == ydim(B)) {
    dimrename = rbind(dimrename, c(ydim(A), paste(ydim(A), "_orig", sep="")))

  ### rename dimensions in scidb
  if (!is.null(dimrename)) {
    join.ref = dimension_rename(join.ref,dimrename[,1], dimrename[,2])

  ### rename attributes into dimension (over_x, over_y, over_t -> x,y,t)
  attrrename = NULL
  if (B@isSpatial) {
    attrrename = rbind(attrrename, c("over_x",  xdim(B) ))
    attrrename = rbind(attrrename, c("over_y",  ydim(B) ))
  # if (B@isTemporal) {
  #   attrrename = rbind(attrrename, c("over_t",  tdim(B) ))
  # }
  ### rename attributes in scidb
  join.ref = attribute_rename(join.ref,attrrename[,1],attrrename[,2])

  ### create array expression for scidb
  attributestr = scidb:::build_attr_schema(as(A,"scidb"))
  dimensionstr = scidb:::build_dim_schema(as(B,"scidb"))

  ### redimension
  q.redim = paste("redimension(", join.ref@name, ",",
                  paste(attributestr,dimensionstr,sep=""), ", false )", sep="")

  # TODO join is maybe deprecated in the future (use cross_join)
  q.redim.scidb = scidb(q.redim)
  B.scidb = as(B,"scidb")

  ### Option join
  # q.join = paste("join(", q.redim , ",", scidb_op(B)  ,")", sep="")
  # B@proxy = scidb(q.join)

  ### Option merge (either join, equi_join or cross_join)
  # joined.scidb = merge(q.redim.scidb,B.scidb,by=intersect(scidb::dimensions(q.redim.scidb),scidb::dimensions(B.scidb)))
  # B@proxy = joined.scidb

  ### Option cross_join explicit
  # if both are not temporal it is ok
  # if not then the temporal array needs to be passed as first argument
  # in both cases B is spatial target and will be used for SRS and extent
  if (A@isTemporal || (!A@isTemporal && !B@isTemporal)) {
    # dim.match = paste(c("A","B"),cbind(rep(intersect(scidb::dimensions(q.redim.scidb),dimensions(B)),2)),sep=".",collapse=",")
    dim.match = paste(c("A","B"),matrix(rep(intersect(dimensions(A),dimensions(B)),2),ncol=2,byrow=T),sep=".",collapse=",")
    q.cjoin = paste("cross_join(", q.redim , " as A,", scidb_op(B)  ," as B,",dim.match,")", sep="")
    B@proxy = scidb(q.cjoin)
    if (A@isTemporal) {
      B@isTemporal = TRUE
      B@tExtent = A@tExtent
      B@trs = trs(A)

  } else { # B has temporal ref
    # dim.match = paste(c("B","A"),cbind(rep(intersect(dimensions(B),scidb::dimensions(q.redim.scidb)),2)),sep=".",collapse=",")
    dim.match = paste(c("B","A"),matrix(rep(intersect(dimensions(B),dimensions(A)),2),ncol=2,byrow=T),sep=".",collapse=",")
    q.cjoin = paste("cross_join(", scidb_op(B) , " as B,",  q.redim ," as A,",dim.match,")", sep="")
    B@proxy = scidb(q.cjoin)



if (!isGeneric("join")) {
  setGeneric("join",function(x,y,...) {

.join = function (x,y,storeTemp=FALSE,name,raf="avg") {

  bothSpatial = x@isSpatial && y@isSpatial
  bothTemporal = x@isTemporal && y@isTemporal

  if (storeTemp && missing(name)) {
    stop("There is no name for the resulting array, if you want to optimize the process with temporary storing.")

  # prepare some temporary array names
  if (storeTemp) {
    tempResample = FALSE
    ids = sample.int(2147483647,2,replace=FALSE)
    tempResample.name = paste("__temp_resample_",ids[1],sep="")
    tempB.name = paste("__temp_B_",ids[2],sep="")

  if (bothSpatial) {
    if (!.equalSRS(x,y)) {
      stop("The arrays have different spatial reference systems. Currently resampling methods are not provided by 'scidbst' or in 'SciDB'")

  # case 1: both arrays are spatial, but not temporal
  # case 2: both arrays are spatial, and 1 is temporal
  if (bothSpatial && !bothTemporal) {

    if (!.equalRes(x,y)) {
      # bring resolution together (regrid) and sort from higher resolution to lower
      res.ls = .compareRes(x,y)
      # resample A into B
      A = res.ls$A
      B = res.ls$B
      expr = .createExpression(A,raf)
      A = resample(A,B,expr) # use B as target grid structure
      if (storeTemp) {
        B.attr = paste(B@title,"_",scidb_attributes(B),sep="")
        B@proxy = attribute_rename(as(B,"scidb"),scidb_attributes(B),B.attr)
        B = scidbsteval(B,tempB.name,temp=TRUE)
        tempB = TRUE

        A.attr = paste(A@title,"_regridded_",scidb_attributes(A),sep="")
        A@proxy = attribute_rename(as(A,"scidb"),scidb_attributes(A),A.attr)
        A = scidbsteval(A,tempResample.name,temp=TRUE)
        tempResample = TRUE

    #do normal join
    .out = .join.spatial.normalized(A,B)
    if (storeTemp) {
      .out = scidbst(name) #clean possible extent differences

      if (tempResample) {
      if (tempB) {

#' Joins the attributes of x and y
#' This function executes a join operation on two scidbst arrays, where all attributes of x and y are joined.
#' @details At this point the join operation works spatial arrays only (this will be extended in the future). As a merge strategy the array with the
#' lower resolution will be choosen as the target array. The array with the higher resolution will be regridded into the target array structure, so that
#' cells can be merged by transfering the coordinates into the target arrays dimension indices.
#' @param x scidbst object
#' @param y scidbst object
#' @param storeTemp logical whether or not some arrays are stored temporarily during the operation
#' @param name The name of the joined output array (required if storeTemp==TRUE)
#' @param raf the aggregation function to be applied during the spatial regrid
#' @return scidbst object with a combined object
#' @name join,scidbst
#' @export
setMethod("join",signature(x="scidbst",y="scidbst"), .join)
flahn/scidbst documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:15 p.m.