Man pages for flaviusb/homosapienDEE2CellScore
Example Data Package for CellScore

buildDatabuildData builds the data included in this package
buildRawbuildRaw gets the raw data in SummarizedExperiment format
colshsapiens column data we are targetting
downloadAllTheDatadownloadAllTheData in SummarizedExperiment format
HomosapienDEE2_QC_WARN_RawAutomatically created ergonomic accessor functions
readInSEFolderreadInSEFolder read a SummarizedExperiment in from a folder
readInSEZipreadInSEZip read a SummarizedExperiment in from a zip file
srx_agg_sesrx_agg_se is a version of srx_agg that works on...
writeOutSEZipwriteOutSEZip writes out a SummarizedExperiment into a zip...
flaviusb/homosapienDEE2CellScore documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:47 p.m.