##' @name obhistory
##' @title Read weather observation history of One Airport Location
##' @description This function read a table from an html page from National Weather Service website and output a dataframe
##' @usage obhistory(id)
##' @param id one 4 character airport code
##' @return a data frame with 7 variabes descripting the weather history of Weather and Temperature
##' @examples obhistory("KAMW")
##' @importFrom lubridate days hours
##' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
##' @importFrom dplyr if_else mutate
##' @export
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "fulltime", "code", "localtime", "time_UTC", "Weather", "Temperature", "hday"))
obhistory <- function(id=NULL){
assertthat::assert_that((length(id) == 1), msg = "num of argument should be 1")
assertthat::assert_that(is.character(id) , msg = "id is not a string")
assertthat::assert_that(stringr::str_length(id) == 4, msg = "id is not 4 characters")
url <- paste("https://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/", id, ".html", sep = "")
msg = "url is not valid, maybe not a correct ID")
webpage <- xml2::read_html(url)
tbls_ls <- webpage %>%
rvest::html_nodes("table") %>%
.[4] %>%
rvest::html_table(fill = TRUE)
weather_table <- tbls_ls[[1]] %>% .[c(1,2,5,7)]%>% tail(-2) %>% head(-3)
names(weather_table) <- c("date", "time", "Weather", "Temperature")
weather_table$Weather <- as.factor(weather_table$Weather)
weather_table$Temperature <- as.numeric(weather_table$Temperature)
nobs <- nrow(weather_table) # total number of obs
# to get current time from current weather XML
current <- xml2::read_xml(paste0("https://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/", id ,".xml"))
loc_name <- current %>% xml2::xml_children()%>%
weather_table$loc_name <- loc_name
weather_table$code <- id
current_obs_time <- current %>% xml2::xml_children()%>%
TZ <- tail(unlist(strsplit(current_obs_time, " ")), 1)
current_obs_time <- lubridate::mdy_hm(current_obs_time)
crtdate <-as.character(as.Date(current_obs_time))
weather_table$crt_date <- crtdate # add a new column of current date
# paste the date and time
weather_table$fulltime <- with(weather_table, as.POSIXct(paste(crt_date, time), tz = "UTC" ))
udate <- unique(weather_table$date) # different date, could be (2,1,31,32)
nd <- length(unique(weather_table$date)) # number of different date
for (i in 1:nd){
weather_table$day[weather_table$date == udate[i]] <- nd -i + 1
# `fulltime` has the same value as local time but in UTC
weather_table$`fulltime` <- weather_table$`fulltime` - days(nd - weather_table$day)
weather_table$localtime <- as.character(weather_table$`fulltime`) # local time
# deal with hday: first, second, thirs 24 hours
last_obs_time<- weather_table$`fulltime`[1]
weather_table <- weather_table %>%
dplyr::mutate (hday = if_else(as.numeric(last_obs_time - `fulltime`) < 86400, "third24hours",
if_else(as.numeric(last_obs_time - `fulltime`) < 172800, "second24hours", "first24hours")))
# transfer to true time, based on TZ, time_UTC
shift <- if_else(TZ =="EDT", 4,
if_else(TZ %in% c("CDT","EST"), 5,
if_else(TZ %in% c("MDT","CST"), 6,
if_else(TZ %in% c("PDT","MST"), 7,
if_else(TZ%in% c("AKDT","PST"), 8,
if_else(TZ == "AKST", 9,
if_else(TZ == "HST",10,0)))))))
weather_table$time_UTC <- weather_table$`fulltime` - hours(shift)
# reverse the dataset
weather_table<- weather_table %>% purrr::map_df(rev)
histweather <- weather_table %>% dplyr::select(code, loc_name, date, time, localtime, time_UTC, Weather, Temperature, hday)
# example
# obhistory("KAMW")
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