
Defines functions create.fixedCovar.ctrl create.covars.ctrl

Documented in create.covars.ctrl

#                    ** create.covars.ctrl **
# Dorleta Garc?a - Azti Tecnalia
# 29/05/2013 10:43:04
#' covars.ctrl object creator
#' It creates the covars.ctrl object to be used in the call to the main function FLBEIA.
#   :: ARGUMENTS ::
#' @param cvrsnames A vector with the name of the covariates in the OM.
#' @param process.models A character vector of the same length as cvrsnames with the name of the process model
#'                       followed by each of the covariates.
#'                       The first element corresponds with the process model of the first covariable in cvrsnames, 
#'                       the second with the second and so on. 
#'                       The default is NULL in which case 'fixedCovar' is used for **all** the covariates.
#' @param flq An FLQuant to give structure to the FLQuants to be used within the function, 
#'            the dimension and dimnames in 'year', 'season' and 'iter' will be used to create the necessary FLQuants. 
#' @param immediate logical, indicating if the warnings should be output immediately.
#' @param ... any extra arguments necessary in the HCR specific creators. '...' are extracted using 'list(...)', this generates a named list with the extra arguments.
#'        To assure the correct functioning the extra arguments must have a name.
#' @return A list of lists with the basic structure of the covars.ctrl object.

create.covars.ctrl <- function(cvrsnames, process.models = NULL, flq, immediate = FALSE,...){

    process.models.available <- 'fixedCovar'
    res        <- vector('list', length(cvrsnames))
    names(res) <- cvrsnames
    extra.args <- list(...)
    if(is.null(process.models)) process.models <- rep('fixedCovar', length(cvrsnames))
      if(length(process.models) != length(cvrsnames)) stop("'process.models' must be NULL or must have the same length as stknames'")
      if(!all(process.models %in% process.models.available)){ 
        wmod <- unique(process.models[which(!(process.models %in% process.models.available))])  
        warning(paste(unique(wmod), collapse = "-")," in 'process.models' is not an internal FLBEIA covariables model. If you want to use create.covars.ctrl you must create, ", paste('create', paste(unique(wmod), collapse = ', ') ,'ctrl', sep = ".")," function.", immediate. = immediate)
    # Generate the general structure
    for(cv in 1:length(cvrsnames)){
        res[[cv]] <- list()
        res[[cv]][['process.model']] <- process.models[cv] 
    # Add process.model specific arguments.
    for(cv in 1:length(cvrsnames)){
        processmodcreator <- paste('create', process.models[cv],  'ctrl', sep = '.')
        res[[cv]] <- eval(call(processmodcreator, res = res[[cv]], cvrname = cv, largs = extra.args))

#                       ** create.fixedCovar.ctrl **
create.fixedCovar.ctrl <- function(rescv,cvrname,largs) return(rescv)
flr/FLBEIA documentation built on July 19, 2024, 6:16 a.m.