Man pages for fmicompbio/monaLisa
Binned Motif Enrichment Analysis and Visualization

annoSeqlogoSequence logo annotation
binBin elements of 'x'.
calcBinnedKmerEnrCalculate k-mer enrichment in bins of sequences.
calcBinnedMotifEnrHomerPrepare and run HOMER motif enrichment analysis.
calcBinnedMotifEnrRBinned Motif Enrichment Analysis with 'monaLisa'
dot-calcKmerEnrichmentCalculate k-mer enrichment
dot-calcMotifEnrichmentCalculate motif enrichment
dot-calculateGCweightGet background sequence weights for GC bins
dot-checkDfValidityCheck if seqinfo DataFrame is valid
dot-checkIfSeqsAreEqualLengthCheck if elements of 'x' are have equal lengths
dot-cons2matrixCreate matrix from consensus sequence
dot-defineBackgroundDefine background sequence set for a single motif enrichment...
dot-filterSeqsFilter Sequences
dot-glmnetRandomizedLassoRandomized Lasso
dot-iterativeNormForKmersAdjust for k-mer composition (multiple iterations)
dot-normForKmersAdjust for k-mer composition (single iteration)
dumpJasparDump Jaspar motifs into a HOMER motif file.
findHomerFind HOMER script file.
findMotifHits-methodsFind motif matches in sequences.
getColsByBinGet colors by bin.
getKmerFreqCalculate observed and expected k-mer frequencies
getSetZeroBinGet and set the zero bin manually
homerToPFMatrixListRead a HOMER motif file and create a PFMatrixList
monaLisa-packagemonaLisa - MOtif aNAlysis with Lisa.
motifKmerSimilarityCalculate similarities between motifs and k-mers.
motifSimilarityCalculate similarities between pairs of motifs.
parseHomerOutputload output from HOMER into R
plotBinDensityDensity plot of binned elements.
plotBinDiagnosticsPlot diagnostics of binned sequences
plotBinHistHistogram of binned elements.
plotBinScatterScatter plot (xy-plot) of binned elements.
plotMotifHeatmapsHeatmap of motif enrichments.
plotSelectionProbPlot selection probabilities of predictors
plotStabilityPathsPlot Stability Paths
prepareHomerPrepare input files for HOMER motif enrichment analysis.
randLassoStabSelRandomized Lasso Stability Selection
sampleRandomRegionsSample random regions of fixed length.
seqLogoGrobCreate a simple sequence logo grob.
fmicompbio/monaLisa documentation built on Jan. 9, 2025, 5:16 a.m.