
Defines functions INTERNAL_count_synapses_in_mesh synapses_per_neuropil

Documented in synapses_per_neuropil

#' Count the number of synapses one or more neurons make in each neuropil volume
#' @param skids A vector of skeleton IDs or an annotation query; required if \code{neurons} is not provided.  Will only be used if \code{neurons} is not provided.
#' @param neurons A neuron list; required if \code{skids} is not provided.
#' @param reference The name of a reference brain to use.  Currently accepts \code{"FAFB"}, or \code{"FCWB"}; defaults to \code{"FAFB"}.
#' @return Returns a list containing one data frame for each neuron/skeleton ID provided.
#' Each data frame will contain a row for each neuropil, with two columns indicating the number of outgoing and incoming synapses that the neuron has in that region.
#' @export
#' @importFrom elmr fetchn_fafb
#' @importFrom catmaid connectors
#' @importFrom nat pointsinside
synapses_per_neuropil <- function(skids = NULL, neurons = NULL, reference = c("FAFB", "FCWB")){#TODO - automatic skid/neuron detection, expand to any template brain with neuropil segmentation

  if(is.null(skids) & is.null(neurons)){ stop("At least one skeleton ID or neuron must be provided.") }

  reference = match.arg(reference)

    tb = if(reference == "FCWB"){ nat.flybrains::FCWB } else{ elmr::FAFB }
    neurons = fetchn_fafb(skids, mirror = FALSE, reference = tb)

  surf = if(reference == "FCWB"){ nat.flybrains::FCWBNP.surf } else{ elmr::FAFBNP.surf }
  neuropils = surf$RegionList
  neurons.connectors = connectors(neurons)

  summaries = sapply(names(neurons),
                        neuron.outgoing = subset(neurons.connectors, neurons.connectors$skid == s &
                                                   neurons.connectors$prepost == 0)
                        neuron.incoming = subset(neurons.connectors, neurons.connectors$skid == s &
                                                   neurons.connectors$prepost == 1)

                        outgoing = sapply(neuropils, function(x){ if(!is.null(neuron.outgoing)){ INTERNAL_count_synapses_in_mesh(neuron.outgoing, x, surf)} else{ 0 } })
                        incoming = sapply(neuropils, function(x){ if(!is.null(neuron.incoming)){ INTERNAL_count_synapses_in_mesh(neuron.incoming, x, surf)} else{ 0 } })

                        summary = data.frame(outgoing = outgoing, incoming = incoming)#neuropils given as row names from sapply
                      simplify = F


INTERNAL_count_synapses_in_mesh <- function(connectors, neuropil, surf){
  if(is.null(connectors) | nrow(connectors) == 0){ return(0) }
  tf = pointsinside(connectors[,c("x", "y", "z")], subset(surf, neuropil))
  n = sum(tf, na.rm = TRUE)
fmlove/tracerutils documentation built on April 29, 2020, 11:09 p.m.