
Defines functions abort_bad_class stopifnot_single_plotname groups_restore groups_lower each_list_item_is_df has_class_df round_any anchor pipes commas pad_dbl low

low <- function(x) {
  set_names(x, tolower)

pad_dbl <- function(string, width, pad) {
  fmt <- paste0("%", pad, width, ".f")
    sprintf(fmt, as.double(string))

commas <- function(...) {
  paste0(..., collapse = ", ")

pipes <- function(...) {
  paste0(..., collapse = "|")

anchor <- function(x) {
  paste0("^", x, "$")

# Copied from `plyr:::round_any.numeric()`
round_any <- function(x, accuracy, f = round) {
  f(x / accuracy) * accuracy

has_class_df <- function(x) {
  any(grepl("data.frame", class(x)))

each_list_item_is_df <- function(x) {
  if (!is.list(x) || is.data.frame(x)) {
    abort("`x` must be a list of datafraems (and not itself a dataframe).")
  all(vapply(x, has_class_df, logical(1)))

groups_lower <- function(x) {
  dplyr::grouped_df(x, tolower(dplyr::group_vars(x)))

groups_restore <- function(x, ref) {
  dplyr::grouped_df(x, dplyr::group_vars(ref))

stopifnot_single_plotname <- function(.x) {
  if (has_name(.x, "plotname") && detect_if(.x, "plotname", is_multiple)) {
    stop("`.x` must have a single plotname.", call. = FALSE)

abort_bad_class <- function(x) {
  .class <- glue_collapse(class(x), sep = ", ", last = ", or ")
  abort(glue("Can't deal with data of class: {.class}."))
forestgeo/fgeo.tool documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 1:44 a.m.