
Defines functions nms_detect nms_has_any nms_restore_newvar nms_restore nms_lowercase nms_try_rename

Documented in nms_try_rename

#' Try to rename an object.
#' Given a name you want and a possible alternative, this function renames an
#' object as you want or errs with an informative message.
#' @param x A named object.
#' @param want String of length 1 giving the name you want the object to have.
#' @param try String of length 1 giving the name the object might have.
#' @seealso nms
#' @examples
#' nms_try_rename(c(a = 1), "A", "a")
#' nms_try_rename(data.frame(a = 1), "A", "a")
#' # Passes
#' nms_try_rename(c(a = 1, 1), "A", "a")
#' \dontrun{
#' # Errs
#' # nms_try_rename(1, "A", "A")
#' }
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @family functions for developers
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nms_try_rename <- function(x, want, try) {
  nm <- nms_extract1(x = x, want = want, try = try)
  if (length(nm) == 0) {
    abort(glue("Data must have an element named `{want}` or `{try}`"))

  names(x)[grepl(nm, names(x))] <- want

#' Lower and restore names.
#' These functions are useful together, to lowercase names, then to do something
#' (as long as attributes are preserved -- see section warning), and then
#' restore the original names.
#' @section Warning:
#' [nms_restore()] is similar to [nms_restore_newvar()] but
#' [nms_restore()] is necessary if the data is mutated with [dplyr::mutate()]:
#' [dplyr::mutate()] drops attributes
#' (https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/1984), which makes it
#' [nms_restore()] useless. attributes.
#' @param x A named object.
#' @return
#' * `nms_lowercase()` Returns the object `x` with lowercase names
#' * `nms_restore()` Returns the object `x` with original (restored) names.
#' @examples
#' cns <- tibble(CensusID = 1, status = "A")
#' original <- cns
#' original
#' lowered <- nms_lowercase(cns)
#' lowered
#' attr(lowered, "names_old")
#' back_to_original <- nms_restore(lowered)
#' back_to_original
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @family functions for developers
#' @noRd
nms_lowercase <- function(x) {
  is_not_named <- is.null(attr(x, "names"))
  if (is_not_named) {
    stop("`x` must be named")

  attr(x, "names_old") <- names(x)
  set_names(x, tolower)
nms_restore <- function(x) {
  x_has_attr_names_old <- !is.null(attr(x, "names_old"))

  names(x) <- attr(x, "names_old")

#' Restore the names of a dataframe to which a new variable has been added.
#' This function helps to develop functions that work with ForestGEO-like
#' censuses, i.e. _ViewFullTable_, _tree_, and _stem_ tables. These tables share
#' multiple names but often the case of those names is different (e.g. `Tag` and
#' `tag`). When developing functions that work with ForestGEO-like censuses one
#' solution is to lowercase all names, do whatever the function needs to do, and
#' then restore the old names. This function restores old names, which is
#' particularly challenging when the function adds a new variable and may
#' contain a preexisting variable with the same name of the added variable.
#' The length of `x` must equal the number of names in old_nms, or that + 1".
#' [nms_restore_newvar()] is similar to [nms_restore()] but specifically
#' targets dataframes that have been mutated with [dplyr::mutate()].
#' [dplyr::mutate()] drops attributes
#' (https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/1984), which makes it
#' [nms_restore()] useless. attributes.
#' @param x A dataframe.
#' @param new_var The name of a single new variable added to `x`.
#' @param old_nms A vector containing the old names of `x`.
#' @return Returns the input with the names changed accordingly.
#' @examples
#' # Data does not contain the variable that will be added
#' dfm <- data.frame(X = 1, Y = "a")
#' (old <- names(dfm))
#' # Lower names
#' (dfm <- rlang::set_names(dfm, tolower))
#' # Add a variable
#' mutated <- dplyr::mutate(dfm, newvar = x + 1)
#' # Restore
#' nms_restore_newvar(mutated, "newvar", old)
#' # Data contains the variable that will be added
#' dfm <- data.frame(X = 1, Y = "a", newvar = "2")
#' (old <- names(dfm))
#' # Lower names
#' (dfm <- rlang::set_names(dfm, tolower))
#' # Add a variable
#' mutated <- dplyr::mutate(dfm, newvar = x + 1)
#' # Restore
#' nms_restore_newvar(mutated, "newvar", old)
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @family functions for developers
#' @noRd
nms_restore_newvar <- function(x, new_var, old_nms) {
  if (!any(length(x) == length(old_nms), length(x) == length(old_nms) + 1)) {
      "The length of `x` must equal the number of names in old_nms, ",
      "or that + 1",
      call. = FALSE

  if (any(grepl(new_var, old_nms))) {
    return(set_names(x, old_nms))

  set_names(x, c(old_nms, new_var))

#' Functions to detect and extract names.
#' These functions are handy to work with fgeo's data structures because the
#' same variable may be named differently in different data sets. For example,
#' the variable status is called `Status` or `status` in viewfull or census
#' (tree and stem) tables.
#' nms_has_any(): Checks if an object has any of the provided names.
#' * Returns a logical value.
#' nms_detect(): Checks if an object has the provided names.
#' * Returns a logical vector.
#' nms_extract_all(): Finds the names that match the provided names.
#' * Returns a character vector.
#' nms_extract1(): Finds the first name that matches the provided names.
#' * Returns a character string.
#' @param x A named object.
#' @param ... Strings; each of the names that need to be checked.
#' @examples
#' v <- c(a = 1, b = 1)
#' nms_has_any(v, "a", "B")
#' nms_has_any(v, "A", "B")
#' nms_has_any(v, "A", "b")
#' nms_detect(v, "a", "B", "b")
#' nms_extract_all(v, "a", "B")
#' nms_extract_all(v, "a", "a", "b")
#' nms_extract1(v, "a", "a", "b")
#' # Usage with ForestGEO data
#' assert_is_installed("fgeo.x")
#' vft <- fgeo.x::vft_4quad
#' nms_extract_all(vft, "gx", "gy", "PX", "PY")
#' stem <- fgeo.x::stem6
#' nms_extract_all(stem, "gx", "gy", "PX", "PY")
#' @family functions for developers
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @noRd
nms_has_any <- function(x, ...) {
  any(nms_detect(x, ...))
nms_detect <- function(x, ...) {
  purrr::map_lgl(list(...), ~ has_name(x, .))
nms_extract_all <- function(x, ...) {
  is_detected <- nms_detect(x, ...)
  nms <- unlist(list(...))
nms_extract1 <- function(x, ...) {
  extracted <- nms_extract_all(x, ...)
  if (length(extracted) == 0) {


#' Find a name exactly matching a string but regardless of case.
#' @param x A named object.
#' @param nm A string to match names exactly but regardless of case.
#' @return A string of the name that was found in `names(x)`.
#' @examples
#' v <- c(a = 1, B = 1)
#' nms_extract_anycase(v, "b")
#' dfm <- data.frame(a = 1, B = 1)
#' nms_extract_anycase(dfm, "b")
#' @family functions for developers
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @noRd
nms_extract_anycase <- function(x, nm) {
  has_nms <- !is.null(attr(x, "names"))
  stopifnot(has_nms, is.character(nm))
  names(x)[which(nm == tolower(names(x)))]

#' Create tidy names that are lowercase and have no empty spaces.
#' These functions create tidy names that are lowercase and have no empty
#' spaces. `nms_tidy()` tidies the names of named objects. Unnamed strings are
#' also tidied via `to_tidy_names()`. `to_tidy_names()` tidies a string -- not
#' its names.
#' @param x A named object or a character string.
#' @return A modified version of `x` with tidy names or a string of tidy names.
#' @examples
#' messy <- "Hi yOu"
#' # With unnamed strings, both functions do the same
#' unnamed_string <- messy
#' names(messy)
#' nms_tidy(messy)
#' # Same
#' to_tidy_names(messy)
#' messy_named_string <- c(`Messy Name` = messy)
#' # Targets names
#' nms_tidy(messy_named_string)
#' # Targets strings -- not its names
#' to_tidy_names(messy_named_string)
#' # Same output, but here `to_tidy_names()` better communicates intention.
#' dfm <- data.frame(1)
#' setNames(dfm, nms_tidy(messy))
#' setNames(dfm, to_tidy_names(messy))
#' # Makes more sense when operating on strings
#' setNames(list(1), to_tidy_names(messy))
#' # Makes more sense when operating on named objects
#' messy_list <- list(`Hi yOu` = 1)
#' nms_tidy(messy_list)
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @family functions for developers
#' @noRd
#' @name nms_tidy
nms_tidy <- function(x) {
  if (is_named(x)) {
    names(x) <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(names(x)))

  gsub(" ", "_", tolower(x))

#' Comparing two dataframes, How many names differ only in case?
#' @param table1 A dataframe.
#' @param table2 A dataframe.
#' @return An number indicating how many names are different only in their case.
#' @examples
#' vft <- yosemite::ViewFullTable_yosemite
#' stem <- yosemite::yosemite_s1_lao
#' tree <- yosemite::yosemite_f1_lao
#' nms_minus_lower_nms(stem, vft)
#' nms_minus_lower_nms(vft, stem)
#' nms_minus_lower_nms(stem, tree)
#' @family functions dealing with names
#' @family functions for developers
#' @noRd
nms_minus_lower_nms <- function(table1, table2) {
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(table1), is.data.frame(table2))

  nms_list <- purrr::map(list(table1, table2), names)
  diff_nms <- purrr::reduce(nms_list, setdiff)
  nms_list_lowered <- purrr::map(nms_list, tolower)
  diff_nms_lower <- purrr::reduce(nms_list_lowered, setdiff)
  length(diff_nms) - length(diff_nms_lower)
forestgeo/fgeo.tool documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 1:44 a.m.