Man pages for franciscorichter/emphasis
Evolutionary Modeling on Phylogenetic Applications with Simulations and Importance Sampling

AugmentMultiplePhyloPDAugment Multiple Phylogenetic Trees with Parameter Diversity
augmentPDAugment Phylogenetic Diversity using MCEM
check_convergenceCheck Convergence in Parameters
dd_ML_estOptimize GAM Model Parameters with Fixed betaP
e_cppfunction to perform one step of the E-M algorithm
em_cppfunction to perform one step of the E-M algorithm
emphasisEmphasis main function
emphasis_deperform emphasis analysis using DE method
emphasis_de_factorialperform emphasis analysis using DE method
emphasis-packageA short title line describing what the package does
ExponentialRateCompute the Rate of a Non-Homogeneous Exponential Process
generateNonHomogeneousExpGenerate Variates for a Non-Homogeneous Exponential Process
generatePhyloPDGenerate Phylogenetic trees under PD model
loglikelihoodfunction to calculate log likelihood of pars for a tree set,
mcGridMonte Carlo Grid Calculation
m_cppfunction to perform one step of the E-M algorithm
nhExpRandGenerate Non-Homogeneous Exponential Random Variables
pd_MLParameter Discovery using Monte Carlo EM Algorithm
rate_tCompute the Rate at a Given Time for a Non-Homogeneous...
rescale_treefunction to rescale the branching times of a phylogenetic...
sim_tree_is_extinct_pdsimulation function to simulate a tree under the pd model,...
sim_tree_pd_cppsimulation function to simulate a tree under the pd model
sim_tree_pd_gridsimulation function to simulate a tree under the pd model
sim_tree_pd_Rsimulation function to simulate a tree under the pd model,...
simulate_evolutionSimulate Evolutionary Processes
simulate_single_pd_tree_cppSimulate a single phylogenetic diversity tree using C++...
train_GAMTrain a Generalized Additive Model on Simulation Data
franciscorichter/emphasis documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 8:20 p.m.