

# Global variables for GET request
API_VERSION <- "2.1"
BASE_URL <- "https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/api/"
USER_AGENT <- paste(
  paste0("npi/", utils::packageVersion("npi")),

# npi_url() ---------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("npi_url() returns BASE_URL.", {
  expect_identical(npi_url(), BASE_URL)

# npi_config() ------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("npi_config() sets default user_agent correctly", {
  expect_identical(npi_config(), httr::config(useragent = USER_AGENT))

test_that("npi_config() uses customized user agent option if defined", {
  options(npi_user_agent = "foo")
  expect_identical(npi_config(), httr::config(useragent = "foo"))
  options(npi_user_agent = USER_AGENT)

# npi_api() & npi_get() ----------------------------------------------------

  params <- list(version = API_VERSION, city = "Atlanta", limit = 10)
  expected_url <- paste0(BASE_URL, "?version=2.1&city=Atlanta&limit=10")

  test_that("npi_api() works with GET verb", {
    expect_GET(npi_api("GET", npi_url(), query = params), expected_url)

  test_that("npi_get() functions the same as npi_api() with `GET`", {
    expect_GET(npi_get(npi_url(), query = params), expected_url)

# npi_handle_response() ---------------------------------------------------

test_that("We throw a custom error when the API returns a bad status code", {
  status <- 400L
  url <- "foo"
  stub(npi_handle_response, "httr::status_code", status)
  resp <- structure(list(url = url), class = "response")

    class = "request_failed_error"

test_that("We throw a custom error when the API doesn't return JSON.", {
  status <- 200L
  http_type <- "application/xml"
  url <- "foo"
  stub(npi_handle_response, "httr::status_code", status)
  stub(npi_handle_response, "httr::http_type", http_type)
  resp <- structure(list(
    url = url,
    headers = list(
      `Content-Type` = http_type
  class = "response"

    class = "http_type_error"

# npi_search() ------------------------------------------------------------

## Argument validation and error-handling

  test_that("Response validation catches logic errors returned by API", {
    expect_error(npi_search(), class = "request_logic_error")

test_that("npi_search() throws an error when argument values are invalid", {
  # Provider type
  pt <- "`enumeration_type` must be one of: NULL, 'ind', or 'org'."
  expect_error(npi_search(enumeration_type = "NPI1"), pt)
  expect_error(npi_search(enumeration_type = 3), pt)

  # Use first name alias
  ufna <- "`use_first_name_alias` must be TRUE or FALSE if specified."
  expect_error(npi_search(use_first_name_alias = "foo"), ufna)

  # Address purpose
  expect_error(npi_search(address_purpose = "foo"))

  # Limit
  lim <- "`limit` must be a number between 1 and 1200"
  expect_error(npi_search(limit = -1), lim)
  expect_error(npi_search(limit = 0), lim)
  expect_error(npi_search(limit = 1201), lim)

  # Illegal characters in first_name, last_name, or city
  bad_1 <- c("a@b", "a[")
  for (s in bad_1) {
    expect_error(npi_search(first_name = s), class = "illegal_character")
    expect_error(npi_search(last_name = s), class = "illegal_character")
    expect_error(npi_search(city = s), class = "illegal_character")

  # Illegal characters in organization_name
  bad_2 <- "a["
  for (s in bad_2) {
    expect_error(npi_search(organization_name = s), class = "illegal_character")

  # Test regexes for allowed special characters
  legal_1 <- "[^[:alnum:][:space:]()&:,-.#;'/\"]"
  legal_2 <- "[^[:alnum:][:space:]()&:,-.#;'/\"@]"
  good_1 <- c(
    "", "a(", "a)", "a&", "a:", "a,", "a-", "a.", "a#", "a;", "a'",
    "a/", "a\"", "a::", "aáéíóúåâêîôûøäëïöüç"
  good_2 <- c(good_1, "a@")

  expect_true(!any(stringr::str_detect(good_1, legal_1)))
  expect_true(!any(stringr::str_detect(good_2, legal_2)))

  # Wildcard rules
  arg <- "A*"
  err <- "bad_wildcard_error"

  expect_error(npi_search(taxonomy_description = arg), class = err)
  expect_error(npi_search(first_name = arg), class = err)
  expect_error(npi_search(last_name = arg), class = err)
  expect_error(npi_search(organization_name = arg), class = err)
  expect_error(npi_search(postal_code = arg), class = err)
  expect_error(npi_search(city = arg), class = err)

  test_that("We can catch request logic errors in the API response", {
    expect_error(npi_search(enumeration_type = "ind"),
      class = "request_logic_error"

  test_that("A valid npi_search() call meets structural expectations", {
    res <- npi_search(city = "Atlanta")
    expected_types <- c(
      "integer", "character", rep("list", 7),
      rep("double", 2)
    names(expected_types) <- c(
      "npi", "enumeration_type", "basic", "other_names",
      "identifiers", "taxonomies", "addresses", "practice_locations",
      "endpoints", "created_date", "last_updated_date"

    expect_s3_class(res, "npi_results")
      types = expected_types, ncols = 11L,
      nrow = 10L

## Validate elements of API contract

  test_that("enumeration_type controls values of `enumeration_type` in
            response", {
    atl_ind <- npi_search(city = "Atlanta", enumeration_type = "ind")
    atl_org <- npi_search(city = "Atlanta", enumeration_type = "org")

    expect_equal(all(atl_ind$enumeration_type == "Individual"), TRUE)
    expect_equal(all(atl_org$enumeration_type == "Organization"), TRUE)

  test_that("npi_search() returns an NPI", {
    res <- npi_search(
      enumeration_type = "ind",
      first_name = "Bob",
      use_first_name_alias = TRUE

    expect_is(res, "npi_results")

  test_that("Multiple requests happen as needed", {
    res <- npi_search(city = "Atlanta", limit = 201L)
    expect_identical(dim(res), c(2L, 11L)) # Recorded responses manually edited

  test_that("If we search for an existing NPI, we get back the correct one", {
    npi <- 1568946812 # returned from a prior search
    res <- npi_search(number = npi)
    expect_equal(npi, res$npi)

test_that("The initial message accurately reports the requested number of records", {
  msg_1 <- "1 record requested"
  msg_10 <- "10 records requested"
  expect_message(npi_search(city = "Atlanta", limit = 1), msg_1)
  expect_message(npi_search(city = "Atlanta", limit = 10), msg_10)

# npi_process_results() --------------------------------------------------

  test_that("npi_process_results returns an empty tibble when npi_search returns zero records", {
    res <- npi_search(city = "ZZZZZZZ")
    expect_identical(res, tibble::tibble())

# validate_npi_results() --------------------------------------------------

  test_that("validate_npi_results throws a `bad_class_error` appropriately", {
    npi <- 1568946812
    res <- npi_search(number = npi)
    class(res) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame") # Tibble class only

    expect_error(validate_npi_results(res), class = "bad_class_error")
    expect_error(validate_npi_results(res[, -11L]))

# npi_summarize() ---------------------------------------------------------

  test_that("npi_summarize() method works as expected", {
    atl <- npi_search(city = "Atlanta")
    expect_types <- c("integer", rep("character", 5))
    expect_names <- c(
      "npi", "name", "enumeration_type",
      "primary_practice_address", "phone",

    checkmate::expect_tibble(npi_summarize(atl), types = expect_types)
    expect_identical(names(npi_summarize(atl)), expect_names)
frankfarach/npi documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 11:15 p.m.