
#' SMGFactory
#' The \code{SMGFactory} applies the Factory pattern for creating a set of
#' SummaryMeasureGenerators, based on the needed variables. This eases the
#' creation of summary measures as the user of this package only needs to
#' specify the correct column names. The factory parses the formulas used and
#' generates summary measures accordingly.
#' TODO: In its current form the SMG Factory is a rather static class. It is
#' currently hard to extend this function with more SMGS without changing the
#' actual package code. This should be improved.
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @include SMG.Latest.Entry.R
#' @include SMG.Lag.R
#' @include SMG.Mean.R
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{initialize(candidate_smgs) }}{
#'     Creates a new SMG factory
#'     @param candidate_smgs list UNUSED. This argument should be used to
#'      specify a list of possible SMGs.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate(relevantVariables, ...) }}{
#'     Fabricates the actual SMG's. Given a list of \code{RelevantVariable}s all
#'     covariates are selected and merged.  These are used as a basis for
#'     selecting the needed variables in the dataframe. The column names need to be specified as follows:
#'     - just the variable name: uses the \code{SMG.Latest.Entry} class
#'       to include the contemporaneous variables.
#'     - the variable name\_lag\_the lag: uses the \code{SMG.Lag} class
#'       to include the lagged variables.
#'     - the variable name\_mean: uses the \code{SMG.Mean} class to
#'       include the running mean for this variable.
#'     @param relevantVariables = a list of \code{RelevantVariable} objects, from
#'      which the X variables are selected.
#'     @param ... = data to get passed to the SMG
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate(relevantVariables, ...) }}{
#'     Fabricates the actual SMG's. Given a list of \code{RelevantVariable}s all
#'     covariates are selected and merged.  These are used as a basis for
#'     selecting the needed variables in the dataframe.
#'     @param relevantVariables list a list of \code{RelevantVariable} objects, from which the X variables are selected.
#'     @param ... the data to get passed to the SMG.
#'     @return SummaryMeasureGenerator with the correct SMGs.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{get_candidate_smgs}}{
#'     Active method. Returns the candidate \code{SummaryMeasureGenerator}s provided on initialization.
#'     @return list the list of \code{candidate_smgs}.
#'   }
#' }
#' @export
SMGFactory <- R6Class("SMGFactory",
  public =
        initialize = function(candidate_smgs = NULL) {
          # TODO:
          # 1. Inject a list of possible SMG's here
          private$candidate_smgs <- candidate_smgs
          # 2. let each define a function that describes the variables they need, given the relevantvariables
          # 3. Make a loop in here that processes the RV's
          # This allows for flexible, new SMG's to be added outside of the package.

        fabricate = function(relevantVariables, ...) {
          SMG.list <- list()
          lag_variables_found <- FALSE
          mean_variables_found <- FALSE

          needed_variables <- lapply(relevantVariables, function(rv) c(rv$getX, rv$getY)) %>%
            unlist %>%

          # Process lags
          smg_lag_params <- private$get_smg_lag_params(needed_variables)
          if (is.a(smg_lag_params, 'list')) {
            lag_variables_found <- TRUE
            SMG.list <- c(SMG.list, SMG.Lag$new(lags = smg_lag_params$lags,
                                                colnames.to.lag = smg_lag_params$colnames.to.lag))

          # Process other stuff
          mean_params <- private$get_smg_mean_params(needed_variables)
          if (is.a(mean_params, 'list')) {
            mean_variables_found <- TRUE
            SMG.list <- c(SMG.list, SMG.Mean$new(colnames.to.mean = mean_params$colnames.to.mean))

          # Contemporaneos variables
          if (lag_variables_found)  { needed_variables %<>% setdiff(., smg_lag_params$covered_variables) }
          if (mean_variables_found) { needed_variables %<>% setdiff(., mean_params$covered_variables) }

          SMG.list <- c(SMG.list, SMG.Latest.Entry$new(colnames.to.use = needed_variables))
          SummaryMeasureGenerator$new(SMG.list = SMG.list, ...)
  active =
      get_candidate_smgs = function() {
  private =
      candidate_smgs = NULL,
      get_smg_mean_params = function(needed_variables) {
        my_variables <-  grep('_mean', needed_variables) %>%

        if (length(my_variables) == 0) { return(FALSE) }

        variables <- my_variables %>%
          gsub("_mean", "",  .) %>%

        list(colnames.to.mean = variables,
             covered_variables = my_variables)
      get_smg_lag_params = function(needed_variables) {
        my_variables <-  grep('_lag_', needed_variables) %>%

        if (length(my_variables) == 0) { return(FALSE) }

        lags <- my_variables %>%
          gsub("^.+?(_lag_)", "",  .) %>%
          strtoi %>%

        variables <- my_variables %>%
          gsub("_lag_[0-9]*", "",  .) %>%

        list(lags = lags, colnames.to.lag = variables, covered_variables = my_variables)
frbl/OnlineSuperLearner documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 9:28 p.m.