
fast = TRUE
.set_exo <- function(model) {
  # This is terrible practice. Irf requires the exogen matrix to be available, which is not available anymore.
  # Here we recreate the matrix by padding the datamat with zeros.
  # TODO: Fix this!
  pattern <- paste(dimnames(model$y)[[2]], collapse='|')

  pattern <- paste('const', pattern, sep='|')
  endogen <- grepl(pattern, names(model$datamat), perl=TRUE)
  exogedata <<- model$datamat[names(model$datamat)[!endogen]]
  for ( i in 1:model$p) {
    exogedata <<- rbind(rep(0, length(!endogen)), exogedata)

testdata_var_model <- function() {
  data_set <- autovar::read_spss("inst/pp1_nieuw_compleet.sav", to.data.frame=TRUE)
  endodata <- data_set[,c('SomBewegUur', 'SomPHQ')]
  exogedata <- data_set[,c('UitbijterPHQ','UitbijterBeweg')]
  #assign("endodata", "endodata", envir = .GlobalEnv)

  var.2c <- vars::VAR(endodata, p=2, type='const', exogen=exogedata)
  resmat <- autovar::new_restriction_matrix(var.2c)
  resmat <- autovar::update_restriction_matrix(var.2c, 'SomBewegUur', 'SomPHQ.l2', 0, resmat)
  resmat <- autovar::update_restriction_matrix(var.2c, 'SomBewegUur', 'SomPHQ.l1', 0, resmat)
  resmat <- autovar::update_restriction_matrix(var.2c, 'SomPHQ', 'SomBewegUur.l2', 0, resmat)
  resmat <- autovar::update_restriction_matrix(var.2c, 'SomBewegUur', 'UitbijterPHQ', 0, resmat)
  resmat <- autovar::format_restriction_matrix(var.2c, resmat)
  var.2c <- vars::restrict(var.2c, method = 'manual', resmat = resmat)
  var.2c$exogen <- exogedata

testdata_multiple_variables <- function() {
  data(Canada, package='vars')
  data_set <- Canada
  var.2c <- vars::VAR(data_set, p=2, type='both')

test_that('determine_best_node_from_all', {
  test_that('it returns the total effect of a variable on the other variables', {
    test_that('Rosmalen', {
      aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE)
      tot <- aira$determine_best_node_from_all()

      expect_equal(tot$SomBewegUur, -2.32155, tolerance=1e-5)
      expect_equal(tot$SomPHQ, 0, tolerance=1e-5)
    test_that('Canada', {
      aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_multiple_variables(), orthogonalize= TRUE)
      tot <- aira$determine_best_node_from_all()

      # Values have been copy pasted. just to check if the DF is complete
      expect_true('e' %in% names(tot))
      expect_true('prod' %in% names(tot))
      expect_true('U' %in% names(tot))
      expect_true('rw' %in% names(tot))

      expect_true(class(tot$e) == 'numeric')
      expect_true(class(tot$prod) == 'numeric')
      expect_true(class(tot$U) == 'numeric')
      expect_true(class(tot$rw) == 'numeric')

      expect_equal(tot$e, -1.674678, tolerance=1e-5)
      expect_equal(tot$rw, -2.166623, tolerance=1e-5)
      expect_equal(tot$prod, -0.9059553, tolerance=1e-5)
      expect_equal(tot$U, 3.49601, tolerance=1e-5)


  test_that('it returns the total effect of a variable on the other variables, also without orthogonalization', {
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE)
    tot <- aira$determine_best_node_from_all()

    # Result from aira-web
    expect_equal(tot$SomBewegUur, -1.047593888, tolerance=1e-5)
    expect_equal(tot$SomPHQ, 0, tolerance=1e-5)

  test_that('it can use bootstrapping to return the total significant effect of a variable on the other variables', {
    test_that('Rosmalen', {
      if(fast) skip('Takes too long')
      aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 200, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE)
      tot <- aira$determine_best_node_from_all()

      # According to the Rosmalen paper, in this model we would expect a significant NEGATIVE effect
      # from sombeweguur on the som phq variable. The effect is rather large, i.e. < -.15 (i.e. order 1)

      # Because of the low number of iterations, the results might vary
      # with 1000 bootstraps the result is more or less stable, and around .4, but this takes a lot of time
      expect_lt(tot$SomBewegUur, -0.03)
      expect_gt(tot$SomBewegUur, -0.10)

      # Furthermore, they show that for order one, no significant effect exist from the somphq variables
      expect_equal(tot$SomPHQ, 0, tolerance=1e-5)

    test_that('Canada', {
      if(fast) skip('Takes too long')
      aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 200, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_multiple_variables(), orthogonalize= TRUE)
      tot <- aira$determine_best_node_from_all()
      # Values have been copy pasted. just to check if the DF is complete
      expect_true('e' %in% names(tot))
      expect_true('prod' %in% names(tot))
      expect_true('U' %in% names(tot))
      expect_true('rw' %in% names(tot))

      expect_true(class(tot$e) == 'numeric')
      expect_true(class(tot$prod) == 'numeric')
      expect_true(class(tot$U) == 'numeric')
      expect_true(class(tot$rw) == 'numeric')
  test_that('It takes the negative variables into account', {
    negative_variables <- c('SomPHQ')

    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE)
    tot <- aira$determine_best_node_from_all(negative_variables = negative_variables)

    # Result from aira-web
    expect_equal(tot$SomBewegUur, 1.047593888, tolerance=1e-5)
    expect_equal(tot$SomPHQ, 0, tolerance=1e-5)

test_that('determine_effect_network', {
  test_that('Without autocorrelation', {
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE)
    result <- aira$determine_effect_network()
    expect_equal(dim(result), c(2,2))

    # No autocorrelation
    expect_equal(result['SomBewegUur', 'SomBewegUur'], 0)
    expect_equal(result['SomPHQ', 'SomPHQ'], 0)

    expect_equal(result['SomBewegUur', 'SomPHQ'], -2.32155, tolerance=1e-5)
    expect_equal(result['SomPHQ', 'SomBewegUur'], 0, tolerance=1e-5)

test_that('determine_percentage_effect', {
  test_that('with orthogonalization', {
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE)
    tot <- aira$determine_percentage_effect("SomBewegUur", 10)

    # The effect on the variable itself should not be included
    expect_equal(tot$SomBewegUur, NULL)

    # The effect of SOMPHQ is 0 (or at least extremely small), therefore it would take an infinite amount of
    # somphq to make sombeweguur larger
    expect_equal(tot$SomPHQ, Inf, tolerance=1e-4)

    tot <- aira$determine_percentage_effect("SomPHQ", 10)

    # The effect on the variable itself should not be included
    expect_equal(tot$SomPHQ, NULL)

    # The effect of SomBewegUur on SomPhq is not null, so this can have an effect
    #TODO: Currently this is a magic number, change this once the formula is really final
    expected <- -76.5
    expect_equal(tot$SomBewegUur, expected, tolerance=1e-2)

  test_that('should call the lenght of effect function', {
      skip('Test not yet implemented, we need to mock the call to the determine_length_of_effect func')

  test_that('without orthogonalization', {
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE)
    result <- aira$determine_percentage_effect("SomBewegUur", 10)

    # The effect on the variable itself should not be included
    expect_equal(result$SomBewegUur, NULL)
    expect_equal(result$SomPHQ, Inf)

    result <- aira$determine_percentage_effect("SomPHQ", 10)

    # The effect on the variable itself should not be included
    expect_equal(result$SomPHQ, NULL)

    #TODO: Currently this is a magic number, change this once the formula is really final
    expected <- -170.4
    expect_equal(result$SomBewegUur, expected, tolerance=1e-2)

  test_that('with a higher percentage', {
    percentage <- 20
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE)
    result <- aira$determine_percentage_effect("SomBewegUur", percentage)

    # The effect on the variable itself should not be included
    expect_equal(result$SomBewegUur, NULL)
    expect_equal(result$SomPHQ, Inf)

    result <- aira$determine_percentage_effect("SomPHQ", percentage)

    # The effect on the variable itself should not be included
    expect_equal(result$SomPHQ, NULL)

    #TODO: Currently this is a magic number, change this once the formula is really final
    expected <- -339
    expect_equal(result$SomBewegUur, expected, tolerance=1e-3)

test_that('determine_length_of_effect', {
  test_that('should return a dataframe with three elements', {
    variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
    variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 10, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
    result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name = variable_to_shock,
                                              response = variable_to_respond,
                                              measurement_interval = 24*60)
    expect_equal(length(names(result)), 3)
    expect_equal(names(result), c( 'length_in_minutes', 'length_of_effect', 'effective_horizon'))

  test_that('should produce similar results to the rosmalen project', {
    variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
    variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 200, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
    result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name = variable_to_shock,
                                              response = variable_to_respond,
                                              measurement_interval = 24*60)

    # We expect the effect to be between 1.5 and three days
    expected <- 2.6904
    expect_equal(result$length_in_minutes / (24*60), expected, tolerance=1e-5)

  test_that('should return the correct effective horizon',{
    test_that('should work with non-bootstrapped effects',{
      test_that('should return the correct total effect',{
        variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
        variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
        interval <- 24*60
        horizon <- 50

        aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= horizon, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE , reverse_order=FALSE)
        result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name = variable_to_shock,
                                                  response = variable_to_respond,
                                                  measurement_interval = interval)

        vars_functions <- VarsFunctions$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0,
                                            horizon = horizon,
                                            var_model = testdata_var_model(),
                                            orthogonalize = FALSE,
                                            reverse_order = FALSE
        vars_result <- vars_functions$irf(from=variable_to_shock, to=variable_to_respond)
        the_actual_effect <- (vars_result$irf[[variable_to_shock]] < -1e-4 | vars_result$irf[[variable_to_shock]] > 1e-4)

        # Get the last TRUE element, and get its position. That would be the effective horizon length
        the_actual_effect_rev <- rev(the_actual_effect)
        last_index <- length(the_actual_effect)
        for(i in 1:length(the_actual_effect)) {
          if(the_actual_effect_rev[i]) {
            last_index <- last_index+1 - i

        diff <- result$effective_horizon - last_index

        # Since we are interpolating the places where it crosses zero (or the threshold) only at the end, we could have a most a deviation of 1
        expect_less_than(diff, 1)
        expect_gte(diff, 0)
      test_that('should return the correct total effect',{
        variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
        variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
        interval <- 24*60
        horizon <- 50
        aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= horizon, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE , reverse_order=FALSE)
        result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name = variable_to_shock,
                                                  response = variable_to_respond,
                                                  measurement_interval = interval)

        vars_functions <- VarsFunctions$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0,
                                            horizon = horizon,
                                            var_model = testdata_var_model(),
                                            orthogonalize = FALSE,
                                            reverse_order = FALSE
        vars_result <- vars_functions$irf(from=variable_to_shock, to=variable_to_respond)

        the_actual_effect <- vars_result$irf[[variable_to_shock]][(vars_result$irf[[variable_to_shock]] < -1e-4 | vars_result$irf[[variable_to_shock]] > 1e-4)]

        diff <- result$length_of_effect - length(the_actual_effect)
        # Since we are interpolating the places where it crosses zero (or the threshold), we could have a most a deviation of 2
        expect_less_than(diff, 2)
        expect_gte(diff, 0)
    test_that('should work with non-bootstrapped effects',{
      test_that('should return the total horizon if the effect does not stop anywhere',{
        variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
        variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
        aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 10, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
        interval <- 24*60
        result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name <- variable_to_shock,
                                                  response = variable_to_respond,
                                                  measurement_interval = interval)

        # The effects were visually inspected, and it seems that the result is always < the line, hence the effect doesn't quit, and therefore the
        # effective horizon is the total horizon
        expect_equal(result$effective_horizon, 10)
      test_that('should return the total horizon if the effect does stop',{
        variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
        variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
        aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 100, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
        interval <- 24*60
        result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name = variable_to_shock,
                                                  response = variable_to_respond,
                                                  measurement_interval = interval)

        # The effects were visually inspected, and it seems the effects become significant a bit before step 2 (1.5), and die out a bit after 2 (2.5)
        expect_more_than(result$effective_horizon, 2)
        expect_less_than(result$effective_horizon, 3)

        # Since the beginning is not significant, the length should be less
        expect_less_than(result$length_of_effect, result$effective_horizon)

  test_that('should return the correct length of the effect',{
    variable_to_shock <- 'SomBewegUur'
    variable_to_respond <- 'SomPHQ'
    aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 10, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
    interval <- 24*60
    result <- aira$determine_length_of_effect(variable_name = variable_to_shock,
                                              response = variable_to_respond,
                                              measurement_interval = interval)

    expect_equal(result$length_in_minutes / interval, result$length_of_effect, tolerance=1e-5)

test_that('.calculate_irf', {
  test_that('caching', {
    test_that('it returns a same cached object the second time', {
      if(fast) skip('Takes too long')
      aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 200, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
      result1 <- aira$.calculate_irf(variable_name = 'SomBewegUur')
      result2 <- aira$.calculate_irf(variable_name = 'SomBewegUur')
      expect_equal(result1, result2)

    test_that('it returns faster the second time because of caching', {
      if(fast) skip('Takes too long')
      aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 200, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= TRUE, reverse_order=FALSE)
      start.time <- Sys.time()
      result1 <- aira$.calculate_irf(variable_name = 'SomBewegUur')
      end.time <- Sys.time()
      duration_pre_caching <- end.time - start.time

      start.time <- Sys.time()
      result2 <- aira$.calculate_irf(variable_name = 'SomBewegUur')
      end.time <- Sys.time()

      duration_post_caching <- end.time - start.time
      expect_less_than(100 * duration_post_caching, duration_pre_caching)

test_that('get_all_variable_names', {
  aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE)
  result <- aira$get_all_variable_names()
  expected <- dimnames(testdata_var_model()$y)[[2]]
  expect_equal(result, expected)

test_that('.get_variable_name', {
  aira <- Aira$new(bootstrap_iterations = 0, horizon= 10, var_model = testdata_var_model(), orthogonalize= FALSE)

  for (i in 1:aira$var_model$K) {
    result <- aira$.get_variable_name(i)
    expected <- dimnames(testdata_var_model()$y)[[2]][i]
    expect_equal(result, expected)
frbl/airaR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:07 a.m.