
#' get the number of locus that contain the genome
get.nb.locus <- function(genome){

#' get the number of possible genotype that exist for a given genome
#' The number of possible genotype is of the order of the square of the
#' number of possible gamete. If all genotype are possible, it's given
#' by \eqn{n(n+1)/2}, but if some are not (like YY), it might be more complicated
get.nb.genotype <- function(genome)

#' get the number of possible gamete that exist for a given genome
get.nb.gamete <- function(genome)

#' get an gamete from it's index
#' All possible gamete can be generated and store in a
#' matrix. This function return the content of the line "index"
#' of this matrix.
#' @param gamete.index The index of the gamete we want to generate
#' @param nb.alleles A vector containing the number of allele for each locus
get.gamete.from.index <- function(gamete.index,nb.alleles){
  representation <- c()
  prod <- 1
  for(n.locus in seq(length(nb.alleles),1,-1)){
    new <- mod(ceiling(gamete.index/prod),nb.alleles[n.locus])
    representation <- c(new,representation)
    prod <- prod*nb.alleles[n.locus]

#' get the number of allele on each locus
#' @return A table containing the number of allele at each locus
get.nb.alleles.per.locus <- function(genome){
  nb.alleles <- c()
  for (locus in genome@locus){
    alleles <- unique(c(locus$allele1,locus$allele2))
    nb.alleles <- c(nb.alleles,length(alleles))

#' Build all possible gamete
#' For a given genome, various gamete are possible.
#' This function build all the possible gamete
#' for a given genome

build.all.possible.gamete <- function(genome){
  nb.alleles <- get.nb.alleles.per.locus(genome)
  nb.gametes <- prod(nb.alleles)
  all.gamete <- matrix(0,nrow=nb.gametes,ncol = get.nb.locus(genome))
  for (gamete in 1:nb.gametes){
    gamete.representation <- get.gamete.from.index(gamete,nb.alleles)
    all.gamete[gamete,] <- gamete.representation

#' For a locus, give all possible genotype
#' For a genome and a locus of this genome, we expect
#' to have different possible genotype like aa, aA and AA.
#' In the simple case, this function just return all the possible
#' combination of allele. However, in some case, some configuration
#' are not possible and this function takes care of eliminating them
#' like yy is not possible.
build.genotype.from.locus <- function(genome,locus){
   all.config <- matrix(0,ncol=2,nrow=length(genome@locus[[locus]]$allele1))
    for(i in 1:length(genome@locus[[locus]]$allele1)){
      all.config[i,] <- c(genome@locus[[locus]]$allele1[i],genome@locus[[locus]]$allele2[i])

#' Build all genotype for a given genome
#' a genotype is defined by two gamete. Since an
#' gamete can be defined by its index, i.e. a number,
#' a genotype can be seen as two number. This function return
#' all the possible genotype for a given genome, i.e. all the possible
#' pairs of number. Notice that the pair is not order so is c(1,2) is
#' equivalent to c(2,1) and only one is return. Moreover, this function
#' check that only compatible gamete are combine. Therefore genotype
#' of the form YY would not be returned.

build.all.genotype <- function(genome){

  loci <- genome@locus
  nb.locus <- get.nb.locus(genome)
  locus.all.config <- vector("list",nb.locus)
  for(locus in 1:nb.locus){
    locus.all.config[[locus]] <- build.genotype.from.locus(genome,locus)
  all.gamete <- build.all.possible.gamete(genome)
  nb.gamete <- dim(all.gamete)[1]
  for(gamete1 in 1:nb.gamete){
    for(gamete2 in gamete1:nb.gamete){
      is.compatible <- TRUE
      for (locus in 1:nb.locus){
        allele.locus <- c(all.gamete[gamete1,locus],all.gamete[gamete2,locus])
        is.compatible <- is.compatible & genotype.is.in.locus(allele.locus,locus.all.config[[locus]])
      if(is.compatible) all.genotype = c(all.genotype,gamete1,gamete2)
  all.genotype <- matrix(all.genotype,ncol=2,byrow = T)

#' check if a certain genotype configuration is in a locus
genotype.is.in.locus <- function(allele.locus,locus.all.config){
  is.here <- FALSE
  for (config in 1:dim(locus.all.config)[1]){
    is.here <- is.here | identical(allele.locus,locus.all.config[config,])
    is.here <- is.here | identical(allele.locus[2:1],locus.all.config[config,])

#' gives the position of a certain configuration
# The name of this function should be updated
# It also sound that the function does the same as the function get.genotype.index.from.gametes.index
# Why is it more complicated?
where.is.locus <- function(allele.locus,locus.all.config){
  where.is <- 0
  for (config in 1:dim(locus.all.config)[1]){
    if(all(allele.locus == locus.all.config[config,])) where.is <- config
    if(all(allele.locus[2:1] == locus.all.config[config,])) where.is <- config
  if(where.is == 0) stop(paste("Cannot find",paste(allele.locus,collapse = " "), " in ",paste(locus.all.config,collapse = " "),"matdim:",paste(dim(locus.all.config),collapse = " ")))

#' get genotype from two gamete
#' This function return the index value of a genotype
#' defined by the value of the index of two gametes
get.genotype.index.from.gametes.index <- function(gametes,all.genotype){
  which(all.genotype[,1] == gametes[1] & all.genotype[,2]==gametes[2] | all.genotype[,1] == gametes[2] & all.genotype[,2]==gametes[1])

#' get gamete index from the alleles present on an gamete

get.gamete.from.allele <- function(genome,alleles){
  all.gamete <- genome@all.gamete
  gamete.index <- which(apply(all.gamete, 1, function(x) all.equal(x, alleles))==TRUE)

#' get all the genotype which contains a given gamete

get.genotype.with.given.gamete <- function(genome,gamete){
  all.matching.genotype <- c()
  all.genotype <- genome@all.genotype
  position.first.gamete.match <- which(gamete==all.genotype[,1])
  position.second.gamete.match <- which(gamete==all.genotype[,2])
  all.matching.genotype <- c(position.first.gamete.match,

get.genotype.with.given.allele <- function(genome,locus,allele){
  all.matching.gamete <- get.gamete.with.given.allele(genome,locus,allele)
  all.matching.genotype <- c()
  all.genotype <- genome@all.genotype
  for(gamete in all.matching.gamete){
    position.first.gamete.match <- which(gamete==all.genotype[,1])
    position.second.gamete.match <- which(gamete==all.genotype[,2])
    all.matching.genotype <- c(position.first.gamete.match,position.second.gamete.match,all.matching.genotype)

get.gamete.with.given.allele <- function(genome,locus,allele){
  all.gamete <- genome@all.gamete
  all.allele <- all.gamete[,locus]
  matching.gamete <- which(all.allele==allele)
frederic-michaud/hapex documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:29 p.m.