#' Find entities using Pubtator API
#' @param pmid pmid
#' @param bioconcept bioconcept
#' @param raw_abstract raw_abstract
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when filter slice
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_detect
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @rdname find_pubtator
#' @return the results from the search
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' find_pubtator(22894909, bioconcept = 'all')
#' }
find_pubtator <- function(pmid, bioconcept = 'all', raw_abstract = FALSE){
# pmid <- c(23819905, 23819906, 32220312)
# bioconcept <- 'gene'
# c('all', 'gene', 'disease', 'chemical', 'species', 'mutation', 'cellline')
# pmid <- 'PMC3531190'
# bioconcept <- 'all'
# pmid <- 20583161
input_vector <- pmid
pmid <- pmid %>% paste(collapse = ',')
if (bioconcept == 'all') {
base_url <- paste0(pubtator_url, 'pmids=', pmid)
} else {
base_url <- paste0(pubtator_url, 'pmids=', pmid, '&concepts=', bioconcept)
res <- GET(base_url, user_agent = ua)
content_query <- content(res, encoding = 'UTF-8')
content_query <- strsplit(content_query, split = '\n', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
result_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(input_vector)) {
content_tmp <- content_query[content_query %>% str_detect(as.character(input_vector[i]))]
title <- content_tmp[1]
title <- str_remove(title, paste0(input_vector[i], '\\|t\\|'))
splitted_title <- str_split(title, '')[[1]]
abstract <- content_tmp[2]
abstract <- str_remove(abstract, paste0(input_vector[i], '\\|a\\|'))
splitted_abstract <- str_split(abstract, '')[[1]]
result_tbl <- content_tmp %>%
enframe(name = NULL) %>%
slice(3:nrow(.)) %>%
separate(.data$value, sep = '\t', into =c('id', 'start', 'end', 'word', 'category', 'identifier')) %>%
mutate(color = case_when(category == 'Gene' ~ 'green',
category == 'Species' ~ 'lime',
category == 'Disease' ~ 'red',
category == 'SNP' ~ 'orange',
category == 'Chemical' ~ 'blue'),
start = as.integer(.data$start),
end = as.integer(.data$end)) %>%
mutate(element = ifelse(.data$start < nchar(title), 'title', 'abstract'))
# Tagging title
tags_title <- result_tbl %>%
filter(.data$element == 'title')
if (nrow(tags_title) > 0) {
tags_title <- tags_title %>%
mutate(start = .data$start + 1) %>%
filter(.data$start < nchar(title)) %>%
mutate(html_tag = paste0('<span style="color:', .data$color, '">', .data$word, '</span>'))
for (j in 1:nrow(tags_title)) {
tmp_start <- tags_title[j,]$start
tmp_end <- tags_title[j,]$end
tmp_html_tag <- tags_title[j,]$html_tag
splitted_title[tmp_start] <- tmp_html_tag
splitted_title[(tmp_start + 1):tmp_end] <- ''
title_tagged <- splitted_title %>%
paste(collapse = '') %>%
# Tagging abstract
tags_title <- result_tbl %>%
filter(.data$element == 'title')
tags_abstract <- result_tbl %>%
filter(.data$element == 'abstract')
if (nrow(tags_abstract) > 0) {
tags_abstract <- tags_abstract %>%
mutate(start = .data$start - nchar(title),
end = .data$end - nchar(title) - 1) %>%
mutate(html_tag = paste0('<span style="color:', .data$color, '">', .data$word, '</span>'))
for (k in 1:nrow(tags_abstract)) {
tmp_start <- tags_abstract[k,]$start
tmp_end <- tags_abstract[k,]$end
tmp_html_tag <- tags_abstract[k,]$html_tag
splitted_abstract[tmp_start] <- tmp_html_tag
splitted_abstract[(tmp_start + 1):tmp_end] <- ''
abstract_tagged <- splitted_abstract %>%
paste(collapse = '') %>%
if (nchar(abstract_tagged) == 0) abstract_tagged <- 'No abstract found'
if (isFALSE(raw_abstract)) {
list_tmp <- list('rm' = list('dataframe' = result_tbl,
'abstract_tagged' = abstract_tagged,
'title_tagged' = title_tagged))
} else {
list_tmp <- list('rm' = list('dataframe' = result_tbl,
'abstract_tagged' = abstract,
'title_tagged' = title_tagged))
names(list_tmp) <- input_vector[i]
result_list <- append(result_list, list_tmp)
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