Man pages for frhl/genoppi-v4

accession_gene_tablegene ID mapping table
add_genoppi_traceadd genoppi trace
add_hover_lines_volcanoadd hover lines
add_layout_html_axes_scatterplotlayout for scatterplot
add_layout_html_axes_volcanolayout for volcano plot.
add_line_unityadd unity line
add_markers_searchsearch volcano plots
add_markers_search_pathwaysearch pathway plots
append_to_columnAppend a string to a column
assign_freqassign frequency
calc_fisherPerform Fisher's exact test
calc_hyperPerform hypergeometric test
calc_mod_ttestPerform moderated t-test
catfwarnings to stderr
check_inputCheck input data format
collapse_labelscollaps overlay data
color_distinctdistinct coloring
color_gradientcolor gradient
draw_genoppi_vennDraw venn diagrams
enumerate_replicate_combinationsenumerate replicate combinations
example_dataexample proteomic data
genes_snpsSNP-to-gene mapping hash table
get_gene_listsRead in gene lists
get_gwas_listsRetreive GWAS catalog data for a given list of traits
get_inweb_listRetrieve InWeb data for a given bait
get_pathwaysRetreive pathway annotations for a list of genes
get_snp_listsMap SNP lists to genes
gnomad_tablegnomAD table
goa_bp_tableGOA biological process annotation table
goa_cc_tableGOA cellular component annotation table
goa_mf_tableGOA molecular function annotation table
grapes-nin-grapesnot in
gwas_tableGWAS catalog table
hgnc_group_tableHGNC gene group annotation table
id_enriched_proteinsIdentify enriched proteins
inweb_hashInWeb hash table
launch_genoppilaunch genoppi
make_interactiveMake ggplot interactive using plotly
map_gene_idMap Uniprot accession ID to gene name (HGNC symbol)
miscmisc tools
modify_ggplot_from_overlaymodify ggplot from overlay
msigdb_c1_tableMSigDB C1 collection (positional gene sets) annotation table
msigdb_c2_tableMSigDB C2 collection (curated gene sets) annotation table
msigdb_c3_tableMSigDB C3 collection (regulatory target gene sets) annotation...
msigdb_c4_tableMSigDB C4 collection (computational gene sets) annotation...
msigdb_c5_tableMSigDB C5 collection (GO gene sets) annotation table
msigdb_c6_tableMSigDB C6 collection (oncogenic signatures) annotation table
msigdb_c7_tableMSigDB C7 collection (immunologic signatures) annotation...
msigdb_h_tableMSigDB H collection (hallmark gene sets) annotation table
null_omitomit nulls from list
plot_overlayplot overlay
plot_scatter_basicplot a basic scatte plot
plot_scatter_basic_allplot a list of basic scatter plots
plot_volcano_basicPlot basic volcano
read_inputRead input data
stop_invalid_columnsStop invalid columns
subset_snp_lociSubset SNP-to-gene list
theme_genoppiGenoppi GG theme
theme_genoppi_bargenoppi themed bar
to_overlay_datato overlay data
validate_referencevalidate reference data.frame
venn_to_tablevenn diagram to table
frhl/genoppi-v4 documentation built on May 5, 2020, 7:16 a.m.