
#' Finds the optimal local nucleotide sequence aligment with Smith-Waterman algorithm and BLOSUM50 as score matrix.
#' @param sequence1 First vector with characters indicating some of DNA nucleotides.
#' @param sequence2 Second vector with characters indicating some of DNA nucleotides.
#' @param gapPenalty A number indicating the gap penalty value.
#' @param matchingScore A number indicating the value for matching nucleotides.
#' @param unmatchingScore A number indicating the value for unmatching nucleotides.
#' @return List containing the score, the resulting aligned sequences and the matrix of aligment.
#' @examples
#' localAligmentNucleotideSequence(c("A","C","A","C","A","C","T","A"), c("A","G","C","A","C","A","C","A"), 1, 2, -1)

localAligmentNucleotideSequence <- function(sequence1, sequence2, gapPenalty, matchingScore, unmatchingScore){

  if(gapPenalty > 0)
    d = gapPenalty * -1
    d = gapPenalty

  matrix <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(sequence1) + 1, ncol = length(sequence2) + 1)
  dimnames(matrix) <- list(c("-", sequence1), c("-", sequence2))

  matrix[1,1] = 0  #prviot element e nula

  # popolnuvanje na prva kolona
  for(i in 2:nrow(matrix)){
    matrix[i,1] = 0

  # popolnuvanje na prv red
  for(j in 2:ncol(matrix)){
    matrix[1,j] = 0

  highestScore <- 0                 #najgolemiot najden score za da znaeme od kade da pocneme so backtracking
  highestScoreI <- 0                #indeksot na redicata od kade treba da pocneme so backtracking
  highestScoreJ <- 0                #indeksot na kolonata od kade treba da pocneme so backtracking

  # presmetka na matricata
  for(i in 2:nrow(matrix)){
    for(j in 2:ncol(matrix)){
      rowname <- rownames(matrix)[i]
      colname <- colnames(matrix)[j]
      if(rowname == colname)
        match <- matrix[i-1, j-1] + matchingScore
        match <- matrix[i-1, j-1] + unmatchingScore
      delete <- matrix[i-1,j] + d
      insert <- matrix[i,j-1] + d
      matrix[i,j] <- max(0, match, insert, delete)

      if(matrix[i,j] > highestScore){
        highestScore <- matrix[i,j]
        highestScoreI <- i
        highestScoreJ <- j

  finalScore <- highestScore

  # back track
  newSequence1 <- ""
  newSequence2 <- ""
  i <- highestScoreI
  j <- highestScoreJ

    score <- matrix[i,j]

    if(score == 0)

    scoreDiag <- matrix[i-1,j-1]
    scoreLeft <- matrix[i,j-1]
    scoreUp <- matrix[i-1,j]
    rowname <- rownames(matrix)[i]
    colname <- colnames(matrix)[j]

    if(score == scoreUp + d){
      newSequence1 <- paste(rowname, newSequence1, sep = "")
      newSequence2 <- paste("-", newSequence2, sep = "")
      i <- i - 1
    else if(score == scoreLeft + d){
      newSequence1 <- paste("-", newSequence1, sep = "")
      newSequence2 <- paste(colname, newSequence2, sep = "")
      j <- j - 1
      newSequence1 <- paste(rowname, newSequence1, sep = "")
      newSequence2 <- paste(colname, newSequence2, sep = "")
      i <- i - 1
      j <- j - 1

  solution = list(score = finalScore, sequence1 = newSequence1, sequence2 = newSequence2, matrix = matrix)
frosinastojanovska/Bioinformatics documentation built on May 16, 2019, 3:32 p.m.