
Defines functions BTailTest

Documented in BTailTest

#' BTailTest for difference in disparity/morphospace occupation
#' Performs the BTailTest, in the same spirit as implemented in the
#' Matlab package MDA (Navarro 2003) and used in various empirical
#' papers (e.g., Fruciano et al. 2014, 2016).
#' This is a test of the difference in disparity between two groups:
#' a reference and a test group.
#' The function proceeds by computing a bootstrapped distribution of the
#' test statistics (multivariate variance and mean pairwise Euclidean distances in this implementation)
#' in the reference sample and then comparing the statistics observed in the test sample to this
#' distribution to obtain p-values.
#' @section Citation:
#' If you use this function, in addition to this package,
#' please cite Navarro (2003)
#' @param Reference Matrix or data frame containing data for the reference group
#' (observations in rows, variables in columns).
#' @param Test Matrix or data frame containing data for the test group
#' (observations in rows, variables in columns).
#' @param boot number of bootstrap replicates
#' @seealso \code{\link{rarefied_convex_hull}}, \code{\link{rarefied_disparity}}
#' @return The function outputs a list with the following elements:
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{BootstrappedSamplesEstimates}{Estimates of both multivariate variance and
#'         mean pairwise Euclidean distance for each of the bootstrapped samples}
#'   \item{pvalues}{p values obtained for the test}
#' }
#' @references Navarro N. 2003. MDA: a MATLAB-based program for morphospace-disparity analysis. Computers & Geosciences 29:655-664.
#' @references Fruciano C, Franchini P, Raffini F, Fan S, Meyer A. 2016. Are sympatrically speciating Midas cichlid fish special? Patterns of morphological and genetic variation in the closely related species Archocentrus centrarchus. Ecology and Evolution 6:4102-4114.
#' @references Fruciano C, Pappalardo AM, Tigano C, Ferrito V. 2014. Phylogeographical relationships of Sicilian brown trout and the effects of genetic introgression on morphospace occupation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112:387-398.
#' @export
BTailTest=function(Reference,Test,boot=1000) {
	Reference=scale(Reference, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
	Test=scale(Test, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)

BootstrappedSamples=lapply(seq(boot),function(x) Reference[sample(1:nrow(Reference),nrow(Reference),replace=TRUE),])

DisparityEst=lapply(BootstrappedSamples, function(x) c(muvar(x),meanpairwiseEuclideanD(x)))
colnames(DisparityEst)=c("Multivariate variance","Mean pairwise Euclidean distance")

pvalues=lapply(seq(length(ObservedTestStats)),function(x) c(

colnames(pvalues)=c("Upper tail","Lower tail","Two-tail")
rownames(pvalues)=c("Multivariate variance","Mean pairwise Euclidean distance")

fruciano/GeometricMorphometricsMix documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 6:24 a.m.