
Defines functions test_eigengene_explained_variance

Documented in test_eigengene_explained_variance

#' Test the significance of a target eigengene
#' Performs a permutation test of significance for the eigengene
#' Given a dataset, a set of results from blockwiseModules, and a target module,
#' this function performs a permutation test of the variance explained by the eigengene
#' (first eigenvalue of the correlation matrix of the genes belonging to the module).
#' The target module should be expressed in the same way as when using blockwiseModules
#' (i.e., color or number)
#' Notice that option bicor=TRUE can be extremely computationally demanding
#' @param OriginalData Matrix or data frame
#' containing the original data on which the blockwiseModules function has been run
#' (observations in rows, variables in columns).
#' @param Original_blockwiseModules output of the blockwiseModules function
#' @param target_module module whose largest eigenvalue/eigengene will be tested
#' @param permutations number of permutations to use
#' @param usebicor whether one should use the standard eigengene function in WGCNA (default), or bicor
#' @param ... further parameters to be passed to either moduleEigengenes or bicor
#' @return The function outputs a list with the following elements:
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{moduleEigengenes_ALL}{The eigengenes for all the modules (will be empty if bicor=TRUE)}
#'   \item{explained_variance_target_module}{The observed explained variance for the target module}
#'   \item{p_value}{The p value obtained through permutation}
#' }
#' @section Citation:
#' If you use this function please cite Fruciano et al. 2019
#' @references Fruciano, C., Meyer, A., Franchini, P. 2019. Divergent allometric trajectories in gene expression and coexpression produce species differences in sympatrically speciating Midas cichlid fish.  Genome Biology and Evolution 11, 1644-1657.
#' @importFrom WGCNA bicor moduleEigengenes
#' @export
test_eigengene_explained_variance = function(OriginalData, Original_blockwiseModules, target_module, permutations = 999, usebicor = FALSE,
    ...) {

    extract_data_expr_target_module = OriginalData[, which(Original_blockwiseModules$colors == target_module)]
    # Extract only the original data corresponding to the selected target module

    if (usebicor == FALSE) {
        moduleEigengenes_ALL = WGCNA::moduleEigengenes(OriginalData, colors = Original_blockwiseModules$colors, ...)
        target_eigengene_ME = which(colnames(moduleEigengenes_ALL$eigengenes) == paste("ME", target_module, sep = ""))
        observed_explained_variance = moduleEigengenes_ALL$varExplained[target_eigengene_ME]
        # Compute module eigengenes for all the modules in the Original_blockwiseModules and select the explained variance for the
        # target module
    } else {
        eigen_bicor_observed = eigen(WGCNA::bicor(extract_data_expr_target_module))$values
        observed_explained_variance = (eigen_bicor_observed/sum(eigen_bicor_observed))[1]
        moduleEigengenes_ALL = NA
        # use bicor and eigenvalue decomposition to compute the first eigenvalue

    permuted_indices = lapply(seq_len(permutations), function(X) lapply(seq_len(ncol(extract_data_expr_target_module)), function(z) sample(seq_len(nrow(extract_data_expr_target_module)),
        nrow(extract_data_expr_target_module), replace = FALSE)))
    permuted_datasets = lapply(permuted_indices, function(x) as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow(extract_data_expr_target_module),
    # preallocate list
    for (k in seq_len(length(permuted_datasets))) {
        for (j in seq_len(ncol(extract_data_expr_target_module))) {
            permuted_datasets[[k]][, j] = extract_data_expr_target_module[permuted_indices[[k]][[j]], j]

    # Generate permuted datasets with the genes in the target module

    colors_permutations = rep(1, ncol(permuted_datasets[[1]]))
    # simple vector of ones
    if (usebicor == FALSE) {
        varExplained_permuted_datasets = unlist(lapply(permuted_datasets, function(X) WGCNA::moduleEigengenes(X, colors = colors_permutations,
    } else {
        varExplained_permuted_datasets = unlist(lapply(permuted_datasets, function(X) {
            k = eigen(WGCNA::bicor(X))$values

    names(varExplained_permuted_datasets) = paste("perm_", seq_len(permutations), sep = "")
    p_value_perm = (length(which(varExplained_permuted_datasets >= observed_explained_variance)) + 1)/(permutations + 1)
    # Compute for each permuted dataset variance explained and a p value

    Results = list(moduleEigengenes_ALL, explained_variance_target_module = observed_explained_variance, explained_variance_permuted_datasets = varExplained_permuted_datasets,
        p_value = p_value_perm)
    # create results list to return
fruciano/resampleWGCNA documentation built on Feb. 11, 2022, 5:38 a.m.