Defines functions GetISEfromFPCA kCFC

Documented in kCFC

#' Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudinal data using kCFC.
#' @param y A list of \emph{n} vectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing values specified by \code{NA}s are supported for dense case (\code{dataType='dense'}).
#' @param t A list of \emph{n} vectors containing the observation time points for each individual corresponding to y.
#' @param k A scalar defining the number of clusters to define; default 3. Values that define very small clusters (eg.cluster size <=3) will potentially err.
#' @param kSeed A scalar valid seed number to ensure replication; default: 123
#' @param maxIter A scalar defining the maximum number of iterations allowed; default 20, common for both the simple kmeans initially and the subsequent k-centres
#' @param optnsSW A list of options control parameters specified by \code{list(name=value)} to be used for sample-wide FPCA; by default: "list( methodMuCovEst ='smooth', FVEthreshold= 0.90, methodBwCov = 'GCV', methodBwMu = 'GCV' )". See `Details in ?FPCA'.
#' @param optnsCS A list of options control parameters specified by \code{list(name=value)} to be used for cluster-specific FPCA; by default:  "list( methodMuCovEst ='smooth', FVEthreshold= 0.70, methodBwCov = 'GCV', methodBwMu = 'GCV' )". See `Details in ?FPCA'.
#' @return A list containing the following fields:
#' \item{cluster}{A vector of levels 1:k, indicating the cluster to which each curve is allocated.} 
#' \item{fpcaList}{A list with the fpcaObj for each separate cluster.} 
#' \item{iterToConv}{A number indicating how many iterations where required until convergence.} 
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(medfly25) 
#' Flies <- MakeFPCAInputs(medfly25$ID, medfly25$Days, medfly25$nEggs)
#' kcfcObj <- kCFC(Flies$Ly[1:150], Flies$Lt[1:150], # using only 150 for speed consideration 
#'                  optnsSW = list(methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', userBwCov = 2, FVEthreshold = 0.90),
#'                  optnsCS = list(methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', userBwCov = 2, FVEthreshold = 0.70))
#' }
#' @references
#' \cite{Jeng-Min Chiou, Pai-Ling Li, "Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudinal data." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 69 (2007): 679-699}
#' @export

kCFC = function(y, t, k = 3, kSeed = 123, maxIter = 125, 
                optnsSW = list( methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', FVEthreshold = 0.90, methodBwCov = 'GCV', methodBwMu = 'GCV'), 
                optnsCS = list( methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', FVEthreshold = 0.70, methodBwCov = 'GCV', methodBwMu = 'GCV')){ 
  if( (k <2) || (floor(length(y)*0.5) < k) ){
    warning("The value of 'k' is outside [2, 0.5*N]; reseting to 3.")
  if(maxIter <1){
    stop("Please allow at least 1 iteration.")
  ## First FPCA
  fpcaObjY <- FPCA(y, t, optnsSW)
  N <- length(y)
  if( fpcaObjY$optns$dataType == 'Sparse' ){
    stop(paste0("The data has to be 'Dense' for kCFC to be relevant; the current dataType is : '", fpcaObjY$optns$dataType,"'!") )
  ## Initial clustering and cluster-associated FPCAs
  initialClustering <- kmeans( fpcaObjY$xiEst, centers = k, algorithm = "MacQueen", iter.max = maxIter)
  clustConf0 <- as.factor(initialClustering$cluster)
  indClustIds <- lapply(levels(clustConf0), function(u) which(clustConf0 == u) )
  if( any( min( sapply( indClustIds, length)) <= c(3)) ){
    stop(paste0("kCFC stopped during the initial k-means step. The smallest cluster has three (or less) curves. " ,
                "Consider using a smaller number of clusters (k) or a different random seed (kSeed)."))
  listOfFPCAobjs <- lapply(indClustIds, function(u) FPCA(y[u], t[u], optnsCS) )
  ## Iterative clustering
  ymat <- List2Mat(y,t); 
  convInfo <- "None"
  clustConf <- list() 
  for(j in seq_len(maxIter)){ 
    # Get new costs and relevant cluster configuration
    iseCosts       <- sapply(listOfFPCAobjs, function(u) GetISEfromFPCA(u, y,t,ymat))
    clustConf[[j]] <- as.factor(apply(iseCosts, 1, which.min))
    # Check that clustering progressed reasonably 
    #ie. Still having k clster AND the minimum cluster size is reasonable 
    if( (length(unique(clustConf[[j]])) < k) || any( min(summary(clustConf[[j]])) <= c(0.01 * N,3))){
      convInfo <- ifelse( length(unique(clustConf[[j]])) < k , "LostCluster", "TinyCluster")
    # Check if algorithm converged
    if( (j>1) && any(sapply(clustConf[1:(j-1)], function(u) all(u == clustConf[[j]]))) ){
      convInfo <- "WeMadeIt!"
    indClustIds       <- lapply(levels(clustConf[[j]]), function(u) which(clustConf[[j]] == u) )
    listOfFPCAobjs    <- lapply(indClustIds, function(u) FPCA(y[u], t[u], optnsCS) )
    curvesThatChanged <- ifelse(j > 1, sum(!( as.numeric(clustConf[[j]])  == as.numeric(clustConf[[j-1]] ))),
                                sum(!( as.numeric(clustConf[[j]])  == as.numeric(clustConf0))))
  if(convInfo == 'None'){
    warning(paste0( 'FkC did not converge after maxIter = ', maxIter, ' iterations. ', curvesThatChanged, ' curve(s) are undecided.'))
  if(convInfo == 'TinyCluster'){
    warning(paste0("kCFC did not fully converge. It stopped because the smallest cluster has ",
                   "less than 1% of the samples' curves. Consider using a smaller number of clusters."))
  if(convInfo == 'LostCluster'){
    warning(paste0("kCFC did not fully converge. It stopped because it 'lost a cluster'. Consider using a smaller number of clusters."))
  kCFCobj <-  list(cluster = clustConf[[j]], fpcaList = listOfFPCAobjs, iterToConv = j-1, prevConf = clustConf, clustConf0 = clustConf0)
  class(kCFCobj) <- 'kCFCobj'
  return( kCFCobj )

GetISEfromFPCA = function(fpcaObj,y,t,ymat){
  # First get the fitted curves for all the sample based on the mu/phi/lambda/sigma2
  # of 'fpcaObj' and then calculate their associated ISE; 'iseCost' is a n-dim vector.
  phiObs <- ConvertSupport(fpcaObj$workGrid, fpcaObj$obsGrid, phi=fpcaObj$phi)
  muObs  <- ConvertSupport(fpcaObj$workGrid, fpcaObj$obsGrid, mu=fpcaObj$mu)
  numIntResults <- mapply(function(yvec,tvec)
    GetINScores(yvec, tvec,optns= fpcaObj$optns,fpcaObj$obsGrid,mu = muObs,lambda =fpcaObj$lambda ,phi = phiObs,sigma2 = fpcaObj$sigma2),y,t)
  fittedYmat = List2Mat(numIntResults[3,],t)
  iseCost <- apply((fittedYmat - ymat)^2, 1, function(y) {notNA <- !is.na(y);  trapzRcpp(X = fpcaObj$obsGrid[notNA], Y = y[notNA])}) 
  return( iseCost )
functionaldata/tPACE documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 8:27 a.m.