Man pages for g-antonello/gautils2
Wrapper of my functions to wrangle mostly microbiome data

add_N_to_catVarAdd sample size to the value
add_percent_columnsAdd percentages to multicolumn tables
bin_integer_into_integerBin an integer/numeric variable
clone_dir_structureClone directory structure (Not working yet)
corncob_results_into_listExtract corncob results
date_to_SeasonFrom date to its season
declutter.envirDelete temporary or test objects in 'ls()'
deseq_results_into_listFrom DESeq2 results to a list of data.frames
get_GEMMA_resultsGet Gemma heritability results
get_SOLAR_resultsGet SOLAR results
is.nucleotideIs a sequence made of nucleotides?
metaphlan_to_phyloseqCreate a phyloseq object from Metaphlan profiles file/plot directory
phy_add_metadata_variablesAdd metadata variables to a phyloseq
phy_alpha_div_into_phy_metadataAdd alpha diversities into phyloseq metadata
phy_barplotTaxaBarplot taxa (beta)
phy_BasicStatsBasic Phyloseq stats
phy_beta_div_betw_withnBeta diversity into group boxplots
phy_betaPlotEasy and Nice MDS Plots
phy_betaPlotTaxonFancy MDS Plots
phy_drop_NA_varsDrop NAs from selected variables
phy_heatmapHeatmap of microbiota features, NOT EXPORTED, because I...
phyloseq_to_fastaSave Refseqs of phyloseq into a .fasta
phyloseq_to_picrust2Phyloseq to Picrust input tables
phy_OtuMetaTablemerge otu and metadata table
phy_plotTaxon_boxplotBoxplot of a taxon
phy_plotTaxon_histQuick histogram of taxa
phy_plotTaxon_scatterScatterplot of a taxon
phy_pruneTaxaRemove taxa that have counts summing to n
phy_substitute_metadataSubstitute a phyloseq metadata with a new data.frame
phy_tax_glomAgglomerate at higher taxonomic rank/level
phy_transformTransform microbiota counts
qklookGlimpse into a table-like object A simple function to make a...
read_metaml_results_binaryRead MetaML binary classification output
samp_cond_means_sdCreate Sample conditional means and standard deviation
samp_cond_medians_IQRCreate Sample conditional means and standard deviation
show_palette_colorsView the colors of a HTML list
g-antonello/gautils2 documentation built on Nov. 28, 2022, 9:39 a.m.