
Defines functions mspTrain

Documented in mspTrain

#' Multi-State Adaptive-Dynamic Process Training
#' @description This function performs Multi-State Adaptive-Dynamic PCA on a
#'   data set with time-stamped observations.
#' @param data An xts data matrix
#' @param labelVector Class labels as a logical (two states only) or finite
#'   numeric (two or more states) vector or matrix column (not from data frame)
#'   with length equal to the number of rows in "data". For data with only one
#'   state, this will be a vector of 1s.
#' @param trainObs The number of observations upon which to train the algorithm.
#'   This will be split based on class information by a priori class membership
#'   proportion.
#' @param updateFreq The algorithm update frequency. Defaults to half as many
#'   observations as the training frequency.
#' @param Dynamic Specify if the PCA algorithm should include lagged variables.
#'   Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param lagsIncluded A vector of lags to include. If Dynamic = TRUE, specify
#'   which lags to include. Defaults to c(0, 1), signifying that the Dynamic
#'   process observations will include current observations and observations
#'   from one time step previous. See "Details" for more information.
#' @param faultsToTriggerAlarm The number of sequential faults needed to trigger
#'   an alarm. Defaults to 5.
#' @param ... Lazy dots for additional internal arguments
#' @return A list with the following components: \describe{
#'   \item{FaultChecks -- }{an xts flagging matrix with the same number of rows
#'     as "data". This flag matrix has the following five columns: \describe{
#'       \item{SPE -- }{the SPE statistic value for each observation in "data"}
#'       \item{SPE_Flag -- }{a vector of SPE indicators recording 0 if the test
#'         statistic is less than or equal to the critical value passed through
#'         from the threshold object}
#'       \item{T2 -- }{the T2 statistic value for each observation in "data"}
#'       \item{T2_Flag -- }{a vector of T2 fault indicators, defined like
#'         SPE_Flag}
#'       \item{Alarm -- }{a column indicating if there have been five flags in
#'         a row for either the SPE or T2 monitoring statistics or both. Alarm
#'         states are as follows: 0 = no alarm, 1 = Hotelling's T2 alarm,
#'         2 = Squared Prediction Error alarm, and 3 = both alarms.}
#'       }
#'   }
#'   \item{Non_Alarmed_Obs -- }{an xts data matrix of all the non-alarmed
#'     observations}
#'   \item{Alarms -- }{an xts data matrix of the features and specific alarms
#'     for Alarmed observations with the alarm codes are listed above}
#'   \item{TrainingSpecs -- }{a list of k lists, one for each class, with each
#'     list containing the specific threshold object returned by the internal
#'     threshold() function for that class. See the threshold() function's help
#'     file for more details.}
#'   }
#' @details This function is designed to identify and sort out sequences of
#'   observations which fall outside normal operating conditions. We assume that
#'   the process data are time-dependent in both seasonal and non-stationary
#'   effects (which necessitate the Adaptive and Dynamic components,
#'   respectively). We further assume that this data is drawn from a
#'   multivariate process under multiple mutually exclusive states, implying
#'   that the linear dimension reduction projection matrices may be different
#'   for each state. Therefore, in summary, this function lags the features to
#'   account for correlation between sequential observations, splits the data by
#'   classes, and re-estimates projection matrices on a rolling window to
#'   account for seasonality. Further, this function uses non-parametric density
#'   estimation to calculate the 1 - alpha quantiles of the SPE and Hotelling's
#'   T2 statistics from a set of training observations, then flags any
#'   observation in the testing data set with process monitoring statistics
#'   beyond these calculated critical values. Because of natural variability
#'   inherent in all real data, we do not remove observations simply because
#'   they are have been flagged as outside normal operating conditions. This
#'   function records an alarm only for observations having five flags in a
#'   row, as set by the default argument value of "faultsToTriggerAlarm". These
#'   alarm-positive observations are then removed from the data set and held in
#'   a separate xts matrix for inspection.
#'   Concerning the lagsIncluded variable: the argument lagsIncluded = c(0,1)
#'   will column concatenate the current data with the same data from one
#'   discrete time step back. This will necessarily remove the first row of the
#'   data matrix, as we will have NA values under the lagged features. The
#'   argument lagsIncluded = 0:2 will column concatenate the current
#'   observations with the observations from one step previous and the
#'   observations from two steps previous, which will necessarily require the
#'   removal of the first two rows of the data matrix. To include only certain
#'   lags with the current data, specify lagsIncluded = c(0, lag_1, lag_2, ...,
#'   lag_K). This induce NA values in the first max(lag_k) rows, for k = 1, ...,
#'   K, and these rows will be removed from consideration. From the lag.xts()
#'   function helpfile: "The primary motivation for having methods specific to
#'   xts was to make use of faster C-level code within xts. Additionally, it was
#'   decided that lag's default behavior should match the common time-series
#'   interpretation of that operator — specifically that a value at time ‘t’
#'   should be the value at time ‘t-1’ for a positive lag. This is different
#'   than lag.zoo() as well as lag.ts()."
#'   Of note when considering performance: the example has 10080 rows on three
#'   features alternating between three states, and trains on 20 percent of the
#'   observations, while updating every 1008 (10 percent) observation. On a 2016
#'   Macbook Pro with 16Gb of RAM, this example function call takes 15 second to
#'   run. Increasing the update frequency will decrease computation time, but
#'   may increase false alarm rates or decrease flagging accuracy. We recommend
#'   that you set the update frequency based on the natural and physical designs
#'   of your system. For example, if your system has a multi-state process which
#'   switches across one of four states every two hours, then test the update
#'   frequency at an eight or 12 hour level --- enough observations to measure
#'   two to three full cycles of the switching process. For observations
#'   recorded every five minutes, try updateFreq = (60 / 5) * 8 = 96 or (60 / 5)
#'   * 12 = 144.
#'   This user-facing function calls the processMonitor() function, and returns
#'   the training arguments necessary to call the mspMonitor() and mspWarning()
#'   functions.
#'   For more details, see Kazor et al (2016):
#'   \doi{10.1007/s00477-016-1246-2}
#' @seealso Calls: \code{\link{processMonitor}}. Pipe flow: \code{mspTrain}
#'   into \code{\link{mspMonitor}} into \code{\link{mspWarning}}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom lazyeval lazy_dots
#' @importFrom lazyeval lazy_eval
#' @importFrom xts xts
#' @importFrom xts lag.xts
#' @importFrom xts is.xts
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# cut down on R CMD check time
#'   nrml <- mspProcessData(faults = "NOC")
#'   mspTrain(data = nrml[, -1],
#'          labelVector = nrml[, 1],
#'          trainObs = 4320)
#' }
mspTrain <- function(data,
                     updateFreq = ceiling(0.5 * trainObs),
                     Dynamic = TRUE,
                     lagsIncluded = c(0, 1),
                     faultsToTriggerAlarm = 5,

  ls <- lazy_dots(...)

  # browser()

    stop("Object 'data' is not an xts object. Please transform your data to an
         extendable time series.")

  # Lag the data
  if(Dynamic == TRUE){
    data <- lag.xts(data, lagsIncluded)
  data <- data[-(1:max(abs(lagsIncluded))),]

  classes <- unique(labelVector)
  # We have to do this because of how data_ls is subsetted
  names(classes) <- LETTERS[1:length(classes)]
    labelVector <- matrix(labelVector, ncol = 1)
  memberProp <- sapply(classes, function(x){
    sum(labelVector == x) / nrow(labelVector)
  classData <- cbind(labelVector[-(1:max(abs(lagsIncluded))),], data)
  data_ls <- lapply(1:length(classes), function(i){
    data_df <- classData[classData[,1] == classes[i],]
    data_df[, -1]
  names(data_ls) <- names(classes)

  monitorResults <- lapply(1:length(classes), function(i){
            args = c(list(data = data_ls[[names(classes)[i]]],
                          trainObs = floor(trainObs * memberProp[i]),
                          updateFreq = floor(updateFreq * memberProp[i]),
                          faultsToTriggerAlarm = faultsToTriggerAlarm),

  names(monitorResults) <- names(classes)

  # Fault Checks data matrix
  FaultChecks <- lapply(1:length(classes), function(i){
  FaultChecks <- do.call(rbind, FaultChecks)

  # Non-alarmed observations data matrix
  Non_Alarmed_Obs <- lapply(1:length(classes), function(i){
  Non_Alarmed_Obs <- do.call(rbind, Non_Alarmed_Obs)
  Non_Alarmed_Obs <- cbind(classData[index(Non_Alarmed_Obs), 1],

  # Alarmed observations and corresponding alarm codes data matrix
  Alarms <- lapply(1:length(classes), function(i){
  # Some of the alarm xts matrices are empty, and neither merge.xts() nor
  # rbind.xts() will work to bind an empty xts to a non-empty xts. Therefore,
  # we remove any empty xts objects. If all xts objects are empty, then we
  # return one of the empty ones.
  condition <- sapply(Alarms, function(i){
    # condition returns a logical vector where FALSE corresponds to an empty
    # xts object
  if(sum(condition) != 0){
    # If there is at least one non-empty xts object in Alarms, then find the
    # non-empty ones and row bind their observations together.
    Alarms <- Alarms[condition]
    Alarms <- do.call(rbind, Alarms)
    # Otherwise (all the xts objects are empty), return the first one.
    Alarms <- Alarms[[1]]

  # Training Specifications list for flagging future observations
  TrainingSpecs <- lapply(1:length(classes), function(i){
  names(TrainingSpecs) <- classes

  list(FaultChecks = FaultChecks,
       Non_Alarmed_Obs = Non_Alarmed_Obs,
       Alarms = Alarms,
       TrainingSpecs = TrainingSpecs)
gabrielodom/mvMonitoring documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 6:39 p.m.