wasa: WAxSA Cross Data

Description Usage Format Details Source References


Data from a QTL analysis of haploid tetrad spores from an F1 cross between two strains of S. cerevisiae: the West African (WA) strain 'DBVPG6044' and the Sake (SA) strain 'Y12' (Cubillos et al. 2011).




An R/qtl cross object, with cross information contained in attribute 'info'. For more information on the cross object, see the R/qtl function read.cross. For more information on the 'info' attribute, see the CrossInfo class documentation.


This cross object contains 96 segregants from the WAxSA F1 cross, with 39 phenotypes, and 183 markers across the 16 nuclear chromosomes of the S288C reference genome.

Segregant strains were growth phenotyped in 13 different environmental conditions, and 3 growth variables were extracted from the growth curve of each strain: the population doubling time during the exponential phase (rate), the total growth on reaching the stationary phase (efficiency), and the time lag required for the strain culture to adapt to the given environmental condition and reach the exponential growth phase (adaptation) (Cubillos et al. 2011; Warringer et al. 2008).


Supporting information from Cubillos et al. (2011)


Cubillos FA, Billi E, Zorgo E, Parts L, Fargier P, Omholt S, Blomberg A, Warringer J, Louis EJ, Liti G (2011) Assessing the complex architecture of polygenic traits in diverged yeast populations. Molecular Ecology 20(7):1401-13. (PubMed)

Warringer J, Anevski D, Liu B, Blomberg A (2008) Chemogenetic fingerprinting by analysis of cellular growth dynamics. BMC Chemical Biology 8:3. (PubMed)

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