Man pages for gact/shmootl
QTL Analysis Utilities for Yeast

addXInfoAdd experiment info to the given matrix.
allKwargsTest if ellipsis arguments are all keyword arguments.
allNATest if all elements are 'NA' values.
allWhiteTest if vector is all whitespace.
anyKwargsTest if any ellipsis arguments are keyword arguments. 'geno' object to 'data.frame'. 'map' to 'data.frame'. 'mapframe' to 'data.frame'. 'pheno' object to 'data.frame'.
as.genoConvert to 'geno' object.
as.mapConvert object to 'map'.
as.mapframeConvert object to 'mapframe'.
as.mappingConvert to a 'mapping' object.
as.phenoConvert to 'pheno' object.
batchPermScanoneRun 'qtl::scanone' on a batch of permuted 'cross' objects.
batchPermScanoneFRun 'funqtl::scanoneF' on a batch of permuted 'cross'...
batchPermScantwoRun 'qtl::scantwo' on a batch of permuted 'cross' objects.
batchPermScantwoFRun 'funqtl::scantwoF' on batch of permuted 'cross' objects.
batchPhenoScanoneRun 'qtl::scanone' on a batch of phenotypes.
batchPhenoScantwoRun 'qtl::scantwo' on a batch of phenotypes.
batchScanPerform a batch of QTL analysis.
binLODValuesBin LOD values of 'scanone' object.
bstripBlankRowsStrip blank rows from bottom of 'data.frame'.
clampClamp numbers within a range.
closeStack-methodsClose all HDF5 objects in 'H5Stack'.
coerceDataFrameCoerce 'data.frame' columns to the specified classes.
compareCrossInfoCompare object with associated 'CrossInfo'.
convertMapUnitConvert map unit and rescale map positions.
copyObjectsHDF5Copy objects between HDF5 files.
crossesEqualTest if two 'R/qtl' 'cross' objects are essentially equal.
CrossInfo-classAn S4 class to hold yeast cross information.
decodeGenotypesDecode genotype integers to genotype strings.
deleteColumnDelete column from object.
dispatchFromClassS3Dispatch method with respect to the given class vector.
elliptEllipt string to the given length.
emptyArgsTest if ellipsis arguments are empty.
encodeGenotypesEncode genotype strings as genotype integers.
estPhysicalPositionsAdd estimated physical positions to QTL intervals.
extractMarkersExtract marker loci.
extractPseudomarkersExtract pseudomarker loci.
fileID-methodsGet HDF5 object ID of HDF5 file.
findFlankingFind map loci flanking map positions.
findFlankingRowIndicesFind row index of flanking 'mapframe' loci.
findLociFind closest map loci.
findLocusRowIndicesFind row index of closest 'mapframe' locus.
findMarkersFind closest markers.
formatChrFormat chromosome labels.
formatSeqFormat sequence labels.
genomeOptSet/get genome option.
getAlleles-methodsGet allele symbols.
getAnalysisTitleGet analysis title for the given 'shmootl' analysis pipeline.
getCoercionFromClassS3Get coercion function for the given class.
getColIndicesGet column indices of object.
getColMaskGet logical mask of object columns.
getCrosstype-methodsGet cross type.
getDatColIndicesGet data column indices.
getFlankingPhenoColIndicesGet flanking phenotype column indices.
getGenotypes-methodsGet genotype symbols.
getIdColIndexGet sample ID column index.
getIndicesGet indices of object elements.
getLodColIndexGet LOD column index.
getLodColIndicesGet LOD column indices.
getLODMatrixGet LOD matrix.
getLODProfileGet LOD profile.
getLODValuesGet LOD values.
getMapNamesHDF5Get names of maps in HDF5 file.
getMapStepsGet steps between loci.
getMapUnitGet map unit.
getMapUnitSuffixGet map unit suffix from a vector of map positions.
getMarkerIndices-methodsGet marker indices.
getMarkerNames-methodsGet marker names.
getMarkerSeqs-methodsGet sequences by marker.
getMarkers-methodsGet marker IDs.
getMaskGet logical mask of object elements.
getMetadataCSVGet parameters of 'R/qtl' input data.
getMissingValueFromClassS3Get missing value for the given class.
getNumMarkers-methodsGet the number of markers.
getNumPhenotypes-methodsGet the number of phenotypes.
getNumSamples-methodsGet the number of samples.
getNumSeqs-methodsGet the number of sequences.
getObjectClassHDF5Get R class of a HDF5 object.
getObjectNamesHDF5Get names of HDF5 objects from HDF5 file and name.
getPhenoColIndicesGet phenotype column indices.
getPhenotypeIndices-methodsGet phenotype indices.
getPhenotypeNames-methodsGet phenotype names.
getPhenotypes-methodsGet phenotype IDs.
getPhenotypes.summary.scantwopermGet phenotype names.
getPipelineFunctionGet 'shmootl' pipeline function.
getPipelineFunctionNameGet function name for the given 'shmootl' pipeline.
getPipelineNameGet 'shmootl' pipeline name for the given function.
getPkgAnalysisPipelineNamesGet 'shmootl' analysis pipeline names.
getPkgPipelineDocsGet 'shmootl' pipeline docs.
getPkgPipelineFunctionNamesGet 'shmootl' pipeline function names.
getPkgPipelineInfoGet info for 'shmootl' pipelines.
getPkgPipelineNamesGet 'shmootl' pipeline names.
getPkgPipelineUsageGet default usage string for 'shmootl' pipelines.
getPosColDataMapUnitGet map unit from position column values.
getPosColIndexGet 'mapframe' position column index.
getPosColNameMapUnitGet map unit from position column heading.
getQTLFeaturesGet annotation of features within QTL intervals.
getQTLIntervalsGet QTL intervals.
getQTLPeaksGet QTL peaks.
getResultAnalysesHDF5Get names of result analyses for a given phenotype.
getResultInfoHDF5Get result info for the given HDF5 scan files.
getResultNamesHDF5Get names of results for a given phenotype and analysis.
getResultPhenotypesHDF5Get names of result phenotypes in HDF5 file.
getRowIndicesGet row indices of object.
getRowMaskGet logical mask of object rows.
getRunIndexListGet index list of successive runs in a vector.
getRunIndicesGet indices of successive runs in a run-length encoding.
getSampleIndices-methodsGet sample indices.
getSampleNames-methodsGet sample names.
getSamples-methodsGet sample IDs.
getSamplesVCFGet sample IDs from VCF file.
getScanoneThresholdInfoGet 'scanone' threshold info from object.
getSeqColIndexGet sequence column index.
getSeqIndices-methodsGet sequence indices.
getSeqinfoGet 'GenomeInfoDb' 'Seqinfo' object.
getSeqMarkers-methodsGet markers by sequence.
getSeqNames-methodsGet vector of sequence names.
getSeqTableGet genome sequence info table.
getSequences-methodsGet vector of normalised sequence labels.
getSpecialAttributeNamesGet special attributes for the given object.
getStrainIndices-methodsGet strain indices for the given samples.
getTetradIndices-methodsGet tetrad indices for the given samples.
getXInfoFromFilenamesGet experiment info from filenames.
gmapframeCreate a new genetic 'mapframe'.
H5Stack-classAn S4 class to manage a HDF5 object stack.
h5writeAttributesWrite attributes to HDF5 object.
hasCrossHDF5Test if HDF5 file contains an 'R/qtl' 'cross' object.
hasEnumGenotypesTest if object contains enumerated genotypes.
hasFounderGenotypesTest if object contains founder genotypes.
hasGenoQualVCFTest if VCF file contains GQ scores.
hasMapCSVTest if CSV file contains map data.
hasMapHDF5Test if HDF5 file contains the named map.
hasMarkerSeqs-methodsTest if 'CrossInfo' object has a marker-sequence mapping.
hasNamesTest if object has names.
hasObjectHDF5Test if HDF5 file contains the named object.
hasPhysicalPositionsTest if QTL intervals contain physical positions.
hasResultsOverviewHDF5Test if HDF5 file contains a QTL analysis results overview.
hasRownamesTest if object has rownames.
hasSampleIDs-methodsTest if 'CrossInfo' object has sample IDs.
hasStrainIndices-methodsTest if 'CrossInfo' object has strain indices.
hasTetradIndices-methodsTest if 'CrossInfo' object has sample tetrad indices.
hasTimeSeriesPhenotypesTest if 'cross' contains time-series phenotypes.
inferFormatFromFilenameInfer format from filename.
inferLodColNamesInfer 'scanone' result LOD column names.
inferMapStepInfer map step size.
inferStepSizeInfer step size from step values.
inferStrainIndicesInfer sample strain indices.
inferTetradIndicesInfer sample tetrad indices.
inferTimeStepInfer time step of time-series phenotypes.
initialize-methodsInit 'H5Stack' object.
inMapOrderTest if object is in map order.
inRangeTest if numbers lie within a range.
insertColumnInsert column in an object.
interpTimeSeriesInterpolate gaps in a time-series.
intersectLociFind intersection set of loci.
isBOOLTest for a single logical value.
isDefaultMarkerIDTest for default marker IDs.
isDefaultQTLNameTest for default QTL names.
isEnumAlleleTest if symbol is a valid enumerated allele.
isEnumGenotypeTest if symbol is a valid enumerated genotype.
isFALSETest for a single 'FALSE' value.
isFounderAlleleTest if symbol is a valid founder allele.
isFounderGenotypeTest if symbol is a valid founder genotype.
isGeneticMapTest if object is a genetic 'map'.
isGeneticMapframeTest if object is a genetic 'mapframe'.
isGeneticMapUnitTest if object is a known genetic map unit.
is.mappingTest if object is a 'mapping'.
isMarkerIDTest for marker IDs.
isNegativeNumberTest for negative numbers.
isNonNegativeNumberTest for non-negative numbers.
isNormChrTest for normalised chromosome labels.
isNormSeqTest for normalised sequence labels.
isPhysicalMapTest if object is a physical 'map'.
isPhysicalMapframeTest if object is a physical 'mapframe'.
isPhysicalMapUnitTest if object is a known physical map unit.
isPositiveNumberTest for positive numbers.
isPositiveWholeNumberTest for positive whole numbers.
isProbabilityTest for valid probabilities.
isPseudomarkerIDTest for pseudomarker IDs.
isRawAlleleTest if symbol is a valid raw SNP allele.
isRawGenotypeTest if symbol is a valid raw SNP genotype.
isSingleCharTest for a single character.
isSingleFiniteNumberTest for a single finite number.
isSingleNonNegativeNumberTest for a single non-negative number.
isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumberTest for a single non-negative whole number.
isSinglePositiveNumberTest for a single positive number.
isSinglePositiveWholeNumberTest for a single positive whole number.
isSingleProbabilityTest for a single valid probability.
isSingleStringTest for a single character string.
isSingleWholeNumberTest for a single whole number.
isValidAlleleTest if symbol is a valid allele.
isValidGenotypeTest if symbol is a valid genotype.
isValidIDTest identifier validity.
isValidMapUnitTest if object is a known map unit.
isValidNameTest for syntactically valid names.
isWholeNumberTest for whole numbers.
joinH5ObjectNamePartsJoin components of HDF5 object name.
joinSeqLabelsJoin sequence labels.
listGenomesList available genomes.
listWorksheetsList available output worksheets.
loadChrTableLoad chromosome info.
loadMappingLoad a mapping from a line or file.
loadSeqTablesLoad genome sequence info tables.
loadVectorLoad a vector from a line or file.
makeAlleleSetMake allele set from the given genotypes.
makeCrossMake an 'R/qtl' 'cross' object.
makeDefaultElementNamesMake default HDF5 group element names.
makeDefaultMapNameGet default map name.
makeDefaultMarkerIDsMake default marker IDs for loci.
makeDefaultQTLNamesMake default QTL names for the specified loci.
makeEnumGenoMatrixMake enumerated genotype matrix from genotype data.
makeFounderGenoMatrixMake founder genotype matrix from genotype data.
makeGenoMake an 'R/qtl' 'cross' 'geno' object.
makeGenotypeSetMake genotype set from the given alleles and cross type.
makeGroupObjectNamesMake valid HDF5 group object names.
makeLODBinLabelsMake LOD bin labels from bin starts.
makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDsMake map from default marker IDs.
makeMapFromDefaultQTLNamesMake map from default QTL names.
makeMapFromLocusIDsMake map from locus IDs.
makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDsMake map from pseudomarker IDs.
makeNumbersMake numbers from numeric names.
makePlaceholderMapMake a placeholder map.
makePlaceholderPhenoMake a placeholder 'pheno' object.
makePseudomarkerIDsMake pseudomarker IDs for the specified loci.
makeResultsOverviewMake QTL analysis results overview.
makeScanoneThresholdObjectMake 'scanone' threshold object.
makeScantwoThresholdObjectMake 'scantwo' threshold object.
makeWorksheetNamesMake 'shmootl' output worksheet names.
mapframeCreate a new 'mapframe'.
mapkeyMake new 'mapkey' rescaling function.
mapkeyOptSet/get 'shmootl' 'mapkey' option.
mappingCreate a 'mapping' object.
mappingKeysGet keys of a 'mapping' object.
mappingValuesGet values of a 'mapping' object.
mapsEqualTest if two 'R/qtl' 'map' objects are essentially equal.
matchLociGet object loci matching those specified.
matchLocusRowIndicesFind matching locus row indices.
matchSeqRowIndicesFind row indices of matching sequences.
mergeLODBinLabelsMerge multiple vectors of LOD bin labels.
nodePermScanoneRun 'qtl::scanone' on a single permuted 'cross' object.
nodePermScanoneFRun 'funqtl::scanoneF' on a single permutation of a 'cross'...
nodePermScantwoRun 'qtl::scantwo' on a single permuted 'cross' object.
nodePermScantwoFRun 'funqtl::scantwoF' on a single permutation of a 'cross'...
nodePhenoScanoneRun 'qtl::scanone' on a single phenotype of a 'cross' object.
nodePhenoScantwoRun 'qtl::scantwo' on a single phenotype of a 'cross' object.
normChrNormalise chromosome labels.
normSeqNormalise sequence labels.
openStack-methodsOpen stack of HDF5 objects.
orderChrOrder chromosome labels.
orderMapPut object in map order.
orderSeqOrder sequence labels.
otherattributesGet non-reserved object attributes.
Package-ConstantsPackage constants for 'shmootl'.
padBinsPad 'scanonebins' object to given number of bins.
padTimeSeriesPad gaps in a time-series.
parseDefaultMarkerIDsParse default marker IDs.
parseDefaultQTLNamesParse default QTL names.
parseFilenamesParse filenames by pattern matching.
parseLODBinLabelsParse bin starts from LOD bin labels.
parsePseudomarkerIDsParse pseudomarker IDs.
parseWorksheetNamesParse 'shmootl' output worksheet names.
peek-methodsGet HDF5 object ID at top of 'H5Stack'.
permCrossPermute 'cross' phenotype or genotype data.
permIndicesGenerate permutation indices for a 'cross' object.
plotQTLScanonePlot 'R/qtl' 'scanone' result.
plotQTLScantwoPlot 'R/qtl' 'scantwo' result.
plotReportTitlePagePDFPlot a QTL analysis report title page.
pop-methodsRemove HDF5 object ID at top of 'H5Stack'.
prepPipelineArgparserPrep argument parser for 'shmootl' pipeline.
print.summary.scanonebinsPrint 'summary.scanonebins' object.
procPipelineArgsProcess arguments parsed by 'argparser'.
pull.allelesPull alleles from the given object.
pull.chrPull chromosomes/sequences from the given object.
pull.crosstypePull cross type from the given object.
pull.indPull individual sample IDs from the given object.
pullLociPull loci from object.
pullLocusIDsPull individual locus IDs.
pullLocusPosPull individual locus positions.
pullLocusSeqPull sequence labels for individual loci.
pullMapPull map from object.
pushLociReplace loci of object.
pushLocusIDsReplace individual locus IDs.
pushLocusPosReplace individual locus positions.
pushLocusSeqReplace sequence labels of individual loci.
pushMapPush map into object.
push-methodsPush HDF5 object ID onto top of 'H5Stack'.
qtlintervalsCreate a 'qtlintervals' object.
rankChrRank chromosome labels.
rankSeqRank sequence labels.
readCovarCSVRead covariate matrix from a CSV file.
readCrossCSVRead yeast 'cross' from a CSV file.
readCrossHDF5Read 'R/qtl' 'cross' object from an input HDF5 file.
readDatasetHDF5Read HDF5 dataset. The named HDF5 dataset is read from the...
readFeaturesGFFRead annotation from GFF file.
readGenoCSVRead yeast genotype data from a CSV file.
readGenoVCFRead genotype data from a VCF file.
readMapCSVRead 'map' from a CSV file.
readMapframeCSVRead 'mapframe' from a CSV file.
readMapHDF5Read 'map' from an input HDF5 file.
readObjectAttributesHDF5Read HDF5 object attributes.
readPhenoCSVRead yeast phenotype data from a CSV file.
readResultHDF5Read QTL analysis result from an input HDF5 file.
readResultsOverviewHDF5Read QTL analysis results overview from an input HDF5 file.
readSnpsVCFRead raw SNP genotypes from VCF files.
recodeCSVRecode 'R/qtl' data in CSV file.
refreshCrossRefresh derived data attributes of 'R/qtl' 'cross'.
removeColsNARemove columns containing only 'NA' values.
removeRowsNARemove rows containing only 'NA' values.
requestNodesRequest nodes for parallel execution.
requestPkgDataPathRequest path of 'shmootl' package data.
resolveAnalysisTitleResolve analysis title.
resolveH5ObjectNameResolve absolute HDF5 object name.
resolveMapNameHDF5Resolve map name in HDF5 file.
resolveScantwoLodtypesResolve 'scantwo' LOD types.
rstripBlankColsStrip blank columns from right of 'data.frame'.
runRun shmootl pipeline from the command line.
run_annoqtlAnnotate QTL intervals.
run_digestCreate digest of QTL analysis results.
run_estimapEstimate map from cross/genotype data.
run_interptimesInterpolate time-series phenotypes in 'R/qtl' CSV file.
run_makecrossMake cross CSV file from genotype and phenotype data.
run_makegenoMake genotype data from VCF.
run_prepPrepare data in 'R/qtl' CSV file.
run_pullmapPull map from a data file.
run_pushmapPush map into a data file.
run_recodeRecode data in 'R/qtl' CSV file.
run_reportCreate report of QTL analysis results.
run_scanoneDo single-QTL scan.
run_scantwoDo 2-QTL scan.
setAlleles-methodsSet allele symbols.
setColumnFromRownamesMove object row names to the specified column.
setCrosstype-methodsSet cross type.
setGenotypes-methodsSet genotype symbols.
setMapUnitSet map unit.
setMarkerSeqs-methodsSet marker sequences.
setMarkers-methodsSet markers.
setPhenotypes-methodsSet phenotypes.
setPosColDataMapUnitSet map unit of position column data.
setPosColNameMapUnitSet map unit of position column heading.
setRownamesFromColumnMove specified column to object row names.
setSamples-methodsSet samples by index or sample ID.
setSequences-methodsSet sequences.
setStrainIndices-methodsSet strain indices.
setTetradIndices-methodsSet sample tetrad indices.
setupDefaultMapkeysSetup default 'mapkey' objects.
setValidity-methodsValidate 'CrossInfo' object.
shmootl-packageQTL Analysis Utilities for Yeast
show-methodsGet number of HDF5 objects in 'H5Stack'.
sniffCSVIdentify type of 'R/qtl' data in CSV file.
sortChrSort chromosome labels.
sortSeqSort sequence labels.
splitH5ObjectNameSplit HDF5 object name into component parts.
splitSeqLabelsSplit sequence labels.
stopifStop if the expression is 'TRUE'.
stripWhiteStrip leading/trailing whitespace from elements of a...
subsetByLociSubset object by the specified loci.
subsetByLocusIDSubset object by locus ID.
subsetBySeqSubset object by the specified sequences.
subsetMapSubset 'shmootl' 'map' object.
subset.summary.scanonebinsSubset a 'summary.scanonebins' object.
subset.summary.scanonepermSubset a 'summary.scanoneperm' object.
subset.summary.scantwopermSubset a 'summary.scantwoperm' object.
summary-methodsDisplay summary of 'H5Stack' object.
summary.scanonebinsEstimate FDR LOD thresholds from a 'scanonebins' object.
testQTLPeakSignificanceTest if QTL peaks are significant.
updateResultsOverviewUpdate QTL analysis results overview.
validateAlleleSetValidate a set of alleles.
validateAlleles-methodsValidate allele information.
validateCrosstype-methodsValidate cross type information.
validateGeneticMapUnitValidate genetic map unit.
validateGenotypeSetValidate a set of genotypes.
validateGenotypes-methodsValidate genotype information.
validateMapValidate 'map' object.
validateMapframeValidate 'mapframe' object.
validateMappingValidate a 'mapping' object.
validateMapUnitValidate map unit.
validateMarkers-methodsValidate marker information.
validatePhenotypes-methodsValidate phenotype information.
validatePhysicalMapUnitValidate physical map unit.
validateRawGenoArrayValidate 'array' as containing raw genotype data.
validateResultsOverviewValidate a QTL analysis results overview.
validateSamples-methodsValidate sample information.
validateSequences-methodsValidate sequence information.
wasaWAxSA Cross Data
writeCrossCSVWrite yeast 'cross' to a CSV file.
writeCrossHDF5Write 'R/qtl' 'cross' object to an output HDF5 file.
writeDatasetHDF5Write R object to an output HDF5 dataset.
writeDigestExcelWrite an Excel digest of QTL scan results.
writeGenoCSVWrite yeast genotype data to a CSV file.
writeMapCSVWrite 'map' to a CSV file.
writeMapframeCSVWrite 'mapframe' to a CSV file.
writeMapHDF5Write 'map' to an output HDF5 file.
writeObjectAttributesHDF5Write attributes to a HDF5 object.
writePhenoCSVWrite yeast pheno data to a CSV file.
writeReportExcelWrite an Excel report of QTL scan results.
writeReportPDFWrite a PDF report of QTL scan results.
writeResultHDF5Write QTL analysis result to an output HDF5 file.
writeResultsOverviewHDF5Write QTL analysis results overview to an output HDF5 file.
writeWorkbookExcelWrite an Excel workbook of QTL analysis results.
gact/shmootl documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 6:23 p.m.