inferTimeStep: Infer time step of time-series phenotypes.

Description Usage Arguments Value Time-Series Phenotypes See Also

View source: R/cross.R


Infer time step of time-series phenotypes.


inferTimeStep(cross, allow.gaps = TRUE, tol = 1e-05)



An R/qtl cross object.


Allow gaps in time series, provided that any gaps are a multiple of the inferred time step.


Tolerance for time step equality.


Inferred time step. Returns NULL if time step could not be inferred.

Time-Series Phenotypes

A set of phenotypes can be designated as a time-series by naming each phenotype with the time point at which phenotype observations were made (e.g. '0.0', '1.0', '2.0'). Time points can be in any unit, but must be non-negative, monotonically increasing, and have a consistent time step. If some time points are missing, the resulting gap in time must be a multiple of the time step.

See Also

Other cross object functions: crossesEqual, getIdColIndex, getPhenoColIndices, hasTimeSeriesPhenotypes, inferStrainIndices, inferTetradIndices, interpTimeSeries, padTimeSeries, permCross, permIndices, pull.alleles, pull.chr, pull.crosstype, pull.ind, readCrossCSV, readCrossHDF5, writeCrossCSV, writeCrossHDF5

Other time-series functions: hasTimeSeriesPhenotypes, interpTimeSeries, padTimeSeries

gact/shmootl documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 6:23 p.m.