
pkgname <- "paths"
source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
options(warn = 1)

base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
base::assign(".old_wd", base::getwd(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
### * paths

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: paths
### Title: Causal Paths Analysis
### Aliases: paths print.paths

### ** Examples


m1 <- c("trust_g1", "victim_g1", "fear_g1")
m2 <- c("trust_g2", "victim_g2", "fear_g2")
m3 <- c("trust_g3", "victim_g3", "fear_g3")
mediators <- list(m1, m2, m3)

formula_m0 <- annex ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre + land_pre +
  orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre + violence
formula_m1 <- update(formula_m0,    ~ . + trust_g1 + victim_g1 + fear_g1)
formula_m2 <- update(formula_m1,    ~ . + trust_g2 + victim_g2 + fear_g2)
formula_m3 <- update(formula_m2,    ~ . + trust_g3 + victim_g3 + fear_g3)
formula_ps <- violence ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre +
  land_pre + orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre

# Causal Paths Analysis using GLM

# outcome models
glm_m0 <- glm(formula_m0, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m1 <- glm(formula_m1, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m2 <- glm(formula_m2, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m3 <- glm(formula_m3, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_ymodels <- list(glm_m0, glm_m1, glm_m2, glm_m3)

# propensity score model
glm_ps <- glm(formula_ps, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)

# causal paths analysis using glm
# note: For illustration purposes only a small number of bootstrap replicates are used
paths_glm <- paths(a = "violence", y = "annex", m = mediators,
  glm_ymodels, ps_model = glm_ps, data = tatar, nboot = 3)

# Causal Paths Analysis using GBM


# outcome models
gbm_m0 <- gbm(formula_m0, data = tatar, distribution = "bernoulli", interaction.depth = 3)
gbm_m1 <- gbm(formula_m1, data = tatar, distribution = "bernoulli", interaction.depth = 3)
gbm_m2 <- gbm(formula_m2, data = tatar, distribution = "bernoulli", interaction.depth = 3)
gbm_m3 <- gbm(formula_m3, data = tatar, distribution = "bernoulli", interaction.depth = 3)
gbm_ymodels <- list(gbm_m0, gbm_m1, gbm_m2, gbm_m3)

# propensity score model via gbm
gbm_ps <- gbm(formula_ps, data = tatar, distribution = "bernoulli", interaction.depth = 3)

# causal paths analysis using gbm
# note: For illustration purposes only a small number of bootstrap replicates are used
paths_gbm <- paths(a = "violence", y = "annex", m = mediators,
  gbm_ymodels, ps_model = gbm_ps, data = tatar, nboot = 3)

### * plot.paths

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: plot.paths
### Title: Plot Method for 'paths' Objects
### Aliases: plot.paths

### ** Examples


m1 <- c("trust_g1", "victim_g1", "fear_g1")
m2 <- c("trust_g2", "victim_g2", "fear_g2")
m3 <- c("trust_g3", "victim_g3", "fear_g3")
mediators <- list(m1, m2, m3)

formula_m0 <- annex ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre + land_pre +
  orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre + violence
formula_m1 <- update(formula_m0,    ~ . + trust_g1 + victim_g1 + fear_g1)
formula_m2 <- update(formula_m1,    ~ . + trust_g2 + victim_g2 + fear_g2)
formula_m3 <- update(formula_m2,    ~ . + trust_g3 + victim_g3 + fear_g3)
formula_ps <- violence ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre +
  land_pre + orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre

# Causal Paths Analysis using GLM

# outcome models
glm_m0 <- glm(formula_m0, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m1 <- glm(formula_m1, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m2 <- glm(formula_m2, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m3 <- glm(formula_m3, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_ymodels <- list(glm_m0, glm_m1, glm_m2, glm_m3)

# propensity score model
glm_ps <- glm(formula_ps, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)

# causal paths analysis using glm
# note: For illustration purposes only a small number of bootstrap replicates are used
paths_glm <- paths(a = "violence", y = "annex", m = mediators,
  glm_ymodels, ps_model = glm_ps, data = tatar, nboot = 3)

# plot total, direct, and path-specific effects
plot(paths_glm, mediator_names = c("G1 identity", "G2 identity", "G3 identity"),
     estimator = "both")

### * plot.sens

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: plot.sens
### Title: Plot Method for 'sens' Objects
### Aliases: plot.sens

### ** Examples


m1 <- c("trust_g1", "victim_g1", "fear_g1")
m2 <- c("trust_g2", "victim_g2", "fear_g2")
m3 <- c("trust_g3", "victim_g3", "fear_g3")
mediators <- list(m1, m2, m3)

formula_m0 <- annex ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre + land_pre +
  orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre + violence
formula_m1 <- update(formula_m0,    ~ . + trust_g1 + victim_g1 + fear_g1)
formula_m2 <- update(formula_m1,    ~ . + trust_g2 + victim_g2 + fear_g2)
formula_m3 <- update(formula_m2,    ~ . + trust_g3 + victim_g3 + fear_g3)
formula_ps <- violence ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre +
  land_pre + orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre

# Causal Paths Analysis using GLM

# outcome models
glm_m0 <- glm(formula_m0, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m1 <- glm(formula_m1, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m2 <- glm(formula_m2, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m3 <- glm(formula_m3, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_ymodels <- list(glm_m0, glm_m1, glm_m2, glm_m3)

# propensity score model
glm_ps <- glm(formula_ps, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)

# causal paths analysis using glm
# note: For illustration purposes only a small number of bootstrap replicates are used
paths_glm <- paths(a = "violence", y = "annex", m = mediators,
  glm_ymodels, ps_model = glm_ps, data = tatar, nboot = 3)

# sensitivity analysis for the path-specific effect via M1
sens_glm <- sens(paths_glm, confounded = "M1", estimand = "via M1",
  gamma_values = - seq(0, 0.5, 0.005), eta_values = seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.005))


### * sens

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: sens
### Title: Sensitivity Analysis for Unobserved Confounding on Path-Specific
###   Causal Effects
### Aliases: sens

### ** Examples


m1 <- c("trust_g1", "victim_g1", "fear_g1")
m2 <- c("trust_g2", "victim_g2", "fear_g2")
m3 <- c("trust_g3", "victim_g3", "fear_g3")
mediators <- list(m1, m2, m3)

formula_m0 <- annex ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre + land_pre +
  orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre + violence
formula_m1 <- update(formula_m0,    ~ . + trust_g1 + victim_g1 + fear_g1)
formula_m2 <- update(formula_m1,    ~ . + trust_g2 + victim_g2 + fear_g2)
formula_m3 <- update(formula_m2,    ~ . + trust_g3 + victim_g3 + fear_g3)
formula_ps <- violence ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre +
  land_pre + orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre

# Causal Paths Analysis using GLM

# outcome models
glm_m0 <- glm(formula_m0, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m1 <- glm(formula_m1, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m2 <- glm(formula_m2, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m3 <- glm(formula_m3, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_ymodels <- list(glm_m0, glm_m1, glm_m2, glm_m3)

# propensity score model
glm_ps <- glm(formula_ps, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)

# causal paths analysis using glm
# note: For illustration purposes only a small number of bootstrap replicates are used
paths_glm <- paths(a = "violence", y = "annex", m = mediators,
  glm_ymodels, ps_model = glm_ps, data = tatar, nboot = 3)

# sensitivity analysis for the path-specific effect via M1
sens_glm <- sens(paths_glm, confounded = "M1", estimand = "via M1",
  gamma_values = - seq(0, 0.5, 0.005), eta_values = seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.005))


### * summary.paths

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: summary.paths
### Title: Summarizing Output from Causal Paths Analysis
### Aliases: summary.paths print.summary.paths

### ** Examples

# **For illustration purposes a small number of bootstrap replicates are used**


m1 <- c("trust_g1", "victim_g1", "fear_g1")
m2 <- c("trust_g2", "victim_g2", "fear_g2")
m3 <- c("trust_g3", "victim_g3", "fear_g3")
mediators <- list(m1, m2, m3)

formula_m0 <- annex ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre + land_pre +
  orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre + violence
formula_m1 <- update(formula_m0,    ~ . + trust_g1 + victim_g1 + fear_g1)
formula_m2 <- update(formula_m1,    ~ . + trust_g2 + victim_g2 + fear_g2)
formula_m3 <- update(formula_m2,    ~ . + trust_g3 + victim_g3 + fear_g3)
formula_ps <- violence ~ kulak + prosoviet_pre + religiosity_pre +
  land_pre + orchard_pre + animals_pre + carriage_pre + otherprop_pre

# Causal Paths Analysis using GLM

# outcome models
glm_m0 <- glm(formula_m0, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m1 <- glm(formula_m1, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m2 <- glm(formula_m2, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_m3 <- glm(formula_m3, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)
glm_ymodels <- list(glm_m0, glm_m1, glm_m2, glm_m3)

# propensity score model
glm_ps <- glm(formula_ps, family = binomial("logit"), data = tatar)

# causal paths analysis using glm
# note: For illustration purposes only a small number of bootstrap replicates are used
paths_glm <- paths(a = "violence", y = "annex", m = mediators,
  glm_ymodels, ps_model = glm_ps, data = tatar, nboot = 3)
# plot total, direct, and path-specific effects

### * <FOOTER>
options(digits = 7L)
base::cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - base::get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n")
### Local variables: ***
### mode: outline-minor ***
### outline-regexp: "\\(> \\)?### [*]+" ***
### End: ***
gbm-developers/gbm documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 6:13 p.m.