
#' Metric Dimensional Scaling
#' An S4 Class implementing classical scaling (MDS).
#' MDS tries to maintain distances in high- and low-dimensional space,
#' it has the advantage over PCA that arbitrary distance functions can
#' be used, but it is computationally more demanding.
#' @template dimRedMethodSlots
#' @template dimRedMethodGeneralUsage
#' @section Parameters:
#' MDS can take the following parameters:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ndim}{The number of dimensions.}
#'   \item{d}{The function to calculate the distance matrix from the input coordinates, defaults to euclidean distances.}
#' }
#' @section Implementation:
#' Wraps around \code{\link[stats]{cmdscale}}. The implementation also
#' provides an out-of-sample extension which is not completely
#' optimized yet.
#' @references
#' Torgerson, W.S., 1952. Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and method.
#' Psychometrika 17, 401-419. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02288916
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dat <- loadDataSet("3D S Curve")
#' emb <- embed(dat, "MDS")
#' plot(emb, type = "2vars")
#' # a "manual" kPCA:
#' emb2 <- embed(dat, "MDS", d = function(x) exp(stats::dist(x)))
#' plot(emb2, type = "2vars")
#' # a "manual", more customizable, and slower Isomap:
#' emb3 <- embed(dat, "MDS", d = function(x) vegan::isomapdist(vegan::vegdist(x, "manhattan"), k = 20))
#' plot(emb3)
#' }
#' @include dimRedResult-class.R
#' @include dimRedMethod-class.R
#' @family dimensionality reduction methods
#' @export MDS
#' @exportClass MDS
MDS <- setClass(
    contains = "dimRedMethod",
    prototype = list(
        stdpars = list(d = stats::dist, ndim = 2),
        fun = function (data, pars,
                        keep.org.data = TRUE) {
        meta <- data@meta
        orgdata <- if (keep.org.data) data@data else NULL
        indata <- data@data

        ## there are only efficient implementations for euclidean
        ## distances: extra efficient implementation for euclidean
        ## distances are possible, D is quared several times, it would be
        ## much faster to compute the squared distance right away.
        has.apply <- identical(all.equal(pars$d, dist), TRUE) # == TRUE
                                        # necessary,
                                        # because
                                        # all.equal
                                        # returns
                                        # TRUE or an
                                        # error
                                        # string!!!!

        D <- as.matrix(pars$d(indata))
        if (has.apply) mD2 <- mean(D ^ 2)

        ## cmdscale square the matrix internally
        res <- stats::cmdscale(D, k = pars$ndim)
        outdata <- res

        D <- NULL
        ## Untested: remove that from environment before creating
        ## appl function, else it will stay in its environment
        ## forever

        appl <- if (!has.apply) function(x) NA else function(x) {
            appl.meta <- if (inherits(x, "dimRedData")) x@meta else data.frame()
            proj <- if (inherits(x, "dimRedData")) x@data else x

            ## double center new data with respect to old: TODO: optimize
            ## this method, according to the de Silva, Tenenbaum(2004)
            ## paper. Need an efficient method to calculate the distance
            ## matrices between different point sets and arbitrary
            ## distances.
            Kab <- as.matrix(pars$d(proj) ^ 2)
            Exa <- colMeans(pdist2(indata, proj))
            Kab <- sweep(Kab, 1, Exa)       #, "-")
            Kab <- sweep(Kab, 2, Exa)       #, "-")
            Kab <- -0.5 * (Kab + mD2)

            ## Eigenvalue decomposition
            tmp  <- eigen(Kab, symmetric = TRUE)
            ev   <- tmp$values[seq_len(pars$ndim)]
            evec <- tmp$vectors[, seq_len(pars$ndim), drop = FALSE]

            k1 <- sum(ev > 0)
            if (k1 < pars$ndim) {
                warning(gettextf("only %d of the first %d eigenvalues are > 0",
                                 k1, k), domain = NA)
                evec <- evec[, ev > 0, drop = FALSE]
                ev <- ev[ev > 0]
            points <- evec * rep(sqrt(ev), each = nrow(proj))
            dimnames(points) <- list(NULL, paste0("MDS", seq_len(ncol(points))))

            new("dimRedData", data = points, meta = appl.meta)

        colnames(outdata) <- paste0("MDS", seq_len(ncol(outdata)))

            data         = new("dimRedData",
                               data = outdata,
                               meta = meta),
            org.data     = orgdata,
            apply        = appl,
            has.org.data = keep.org.data,
            has.apply    = has.apply,
            method       = "mds",
            pars         = pars
gdkrmr/dimRed documentation built on March 23, 2023, 5:44 a.m.