Defines functions htd Do.HTD Do.HTD.holdout

Documented in Do.HTD Do.HTD.holdout htd

## HTD-DAG ##
#' @name HTD-DAG
#' @title HTD-DAG
#' @description Implementation of a top-down procedure to correct the scores of the hierarchy according to the 
#' constraints that the score of a node cannot be greater than a score of its parents.
#' @details The HTD-DAG algorithm modifies the flat scores according to the hierarchy of a DAG through a unique run across
#' the nodes of the graph. For a given example \eqn{x \in X}, the flat predictions \eqn{f(x) = \hat{y}} are hierarchically corrected to
#' \eqn{\bar{y}}, by per-level visiting the nodes of the DAG from top to bottom according to the following simple rule:
#' \deqn{
#' \bar{y}_i := \left\{
#'    \begin{array}{lll}
#'      \hat{y}_i  & {\rm if} \quad i \in root(G) \\
#'      \min_{j \in par(i)} \bar{y}_j & {\rm if} \quad \min_{j \in par(i)} \bar{y}_j < \hat{y}_i \\
#'      \hat{y}_i & {\rm otherwise}
#'    \end{array}
#'   \right.
#' }
#' The node levels correspond to their maximum path length from the root.
#' @seealso \code{\link{graph.levels}}, \code{\link{hierarchical.checkers}}
#' @param S a named flat scores matrix with examples on rows and classes on columns.
#' @param g a graph of class \code{graphNEL}. It represents the hierarchy of the classes.
#' @param root name of the class that it is the top-level (root) of the hierarchy (\code{def:00}).
#' @return a matrix with the scores of the classes corrected according to the HTD-DAG algorithm.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(scores);
#' root <- root.node(g);
#' S.htd <- htd(S,g,root);
htd <- function(S, g, root="00"){
    levels <- graph.levels(g,root);

    # a dummy root is added if it does not exist
    if(!(root %in% colnames(S))){
        max.score <- max(S);
        z <- rep(max.score,nrow(S));
        S <- cbind(z,S);
        colnames(S)[1] <- root;
    ## check consistency between nodes of g and classes of S
    class.check <- ncol(S)!=numNodes(g);
        stop("HTD: The number of nodes of the graph and the number of classes of the scores matrix does not match", call.=FALSE);
    # nodes are scanned from top to bottom: a list par.tod with the parents for each node (ordered from top to bottom) is obtained  
    par.tod <- get.parents.top.down(g,levels,root)
    for(i in 1:length(par.tod)){                                    
        child <- S[,names(par.tod[i])];                     
        parents <- as.matrix(S[,par.tod[[i]]]); 
        # Note: the version with an apply and an ifelse statement is slower ...                         
        for(j in 1:length(child)){                              
            x <- min(parents[j,]);                                  
            if(x < child[j])                                        
                child[j] <- x;                                      
        S[,names(par.tod[i])] <- child;                         

## DO HTD-DAG ##
#' @title HTD-DAG vanilla
#' @description High level function to correct the computed scores in a hierarchy according to the HTD-DAG algorithm.
#' @details The function checks if the number of classes between the flat scores matrix and the annotations matrix mismatched.
#' If so, the number of terms of the annotations matrix is shrunk to the number of terms of the flat scores matrix and
#' the corresponding subgraph is computed as well. N.B.: it is supposed that all the nodes of the subgraph are accessible from the root.
#' @details We excluded the predictions of the root node in computing all the performances, since it is a \emph{dummy} node added 
#' to the ontology for practical reasons (e.g. some graph-based software may require a single root node to work). However, the root node scores 
#' are stored in the hierarchical scores matrix.
#' @param norm boolean value: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{TRUE} (def.): the flat scores matrix has been already normalized in according to a normalization method; 
#' \item \code{FALSE}: the flat scores matrix has not been normalized yet. See the parameter \code{norm.type} for which normalization can be applied;
#' }
#' @param norm.type can be one of the following three values:
#'  \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{NULL} (def.): set \code{norm.type} to \code{NULL} if and only if the parameter \code{norm} is set to \code{TRUE};
#'  \item \code{MaxNorm}: each score is divided for the maximum of each class;
#'  \item \code{Qnorm}: quantile normalization. \pkg{preprocessCore} package is used;
#'  }
#' @param folds number of folds of the cross validation on which computing the performance metrics averaged across folds (\code{def. 5}).
#' If \code{folds=NULL}, the performance metrics are computed one-shot, otherwise the performance metrics are averaged across folds.
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE}, \code{folds} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed initialization seed for the random generator to create folds (\code{def. 23}). If \code{NULL} folds are generated without seed 
#' initialization. The parameter \code{seed} controls both the parameter \code{kk} and the parameter \code{folds}.
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE} and \code{bottomup} is set to \code{threshold.free}, then 
#' \code{seed} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param recall.levels a vector with the desired recall levels (\code{def:} \code{from:0.1}, \code{to:0.9}, \code{by:0.1}) to compute the 
#' Precision at fixed Recall level (PXR). If \code{compute.performance=FALSE} then \code{recall.levels} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param n.round number of rounding digits to be applied to the hierarchical scores matrix (\code{def. 3}). It is used for choosing 
#' the best threshold on the basis of the best F-measure.
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE} and \code{bottomup} is set to \code{threshold.free}, then 
#' \code{n.round} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param f.criterion character. Type of F-measure to be used to select the best F-measure. Two possibilities:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{F} (def.): corresponds to the harmonic mean between the average precision and recall;
#' \item \code{avF}: corresponds to the per-example \code{F-score} averaged across all the examples;
#' }
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE} and \code{bottomup} is set to \code{threshold.free}, then 
#' \code{f.criterion} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param compute.performance boolean value: should the flat and hierarchical performance (\code{AUPRC}, \code{AUROC}, \code{PXR}, 
#' \code{multilabel F-score}) be returned?  
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{FALSE}: performance are not computed and just the hierarchical scores matrix is returned;
#' \item \code{TRUE} (\code{def.}): both performance and hierarchical scores matrix are returned;
#' }
#' @param flat.file name of the file containing the flat scores matrix to be normalized or already normalized (without rda extension).
#' @param ann.file name of the file containing the label matrix of the examples (without rda extension).
#' @param dag.file name of the file containing the graph that represents the hierarchy of the classes (without rda extension).
#' @param flat.dir relative path where flat scores matrix is stored.
#' @param ann.dir relative path where annotation matrix is stored.
#' @param dag.dir relative path where graph is stored.
#' @param hierScore.dir relative path where the hierarchical scores matrix must be stored.
#' @param perf.dir relative path where the performance measures must be stored. If \code{compute.performance=FALSE}, 
#' \code{perf.dir} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @return Two \code{rda} files stored in the respective output directories:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{Hierarchical Scores Results}: a matrix with examples on rows and classes on columns representing the computed hierarchical scores 
#'  for each example and for each considered class. It is stored in the \code{hierScore.dir} directory;
#'  \item \code{Performance Measures}: \emph{flat} and \emph{hierarchical} performace results:
#'  \enumerate{
#'      \item AUPRC results computed though \code{AUPRC.single.over.classes} (\code{\link{AUPRC}});
#'      \item AUROC results computed through \code{AUROC.single.over.classes} (\code{\link{AUROC}}); 
#'      \item PXR results computed though \code{precision.at.given.recall.levels.over.classes} (\code{\link{PXR}});
#'      \item FMM results computed though \code{compute.Fmeasure.multilabel} (\code{\link{FMM}}); 
#' }}
#' It is stored in the \code{perf.dir} directory.
#' @seealso \code{\link{HTD-DAG}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(scores);
#' data(labels);
#' tmpdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/");
#' save(g, file=paste0(tmpdir,"graph.rda"));
#' save(L, file=paste0(tmpdir,"labels.rda"));
#' save(S, file=paste0(tmpdir,"scores.rda"));
#' dag.dir <- flat.dir <- ann.dir <- tmpdir;
#' hierScore.dir <- perf.dir <- tmpdir;
#' recall.levels <- seq(from=0.2, to=1, by=0.4);
#' dag.file <- "graph";
#' flat.file <- "scores";
#' ann.file <- "labels";
#' Do.HTD(norm=FALSE, norm.type="MaxNorm", folds=NULL, seed=23, n.round=3, f.criterion="F", 
#' recall.levels=recall.levels, compute.performance=TRUE, flat.file=flat.file, ann.file=ann.file, 
#' dag.file=dag.file, flat.dir=flat.dir, ann.dir=ann.dir, dag.dir=dag.dir, 
#' hierScore.dir=hierScore.dir, perf.dir=perf.dir);
Do.HTD <- function(norm=TRUE, norm.type=NULL, folds=5, seed=23, n.round=3, f.criterion ="F", 
    recall.levels=seq(from=0.1, to=1, by=0.1), compute.performance=FALSE, flat.file=flat.file, 
    ann.file=ann.file, dag.file=dag.file, flat.dir=flat.dir, ann.dir=ann.dir, dag.dir=dag.dir, 
    hierScore.dir=hierScore.dir, perf.dir=perf.dir){
    ## Setting Check
    if(norm==FALSE && is.null(norm.type))
        stop("HTD: If norm is set to FALSE, you need also to specify a normalization method among those available", call.=FALSE)
    if(norm==TRUE && !is.null(norm.type))
        warning("HTD: If norm is set to TRUE, the input flat matrix is already normalized.", paste0(" Set norm.type to NULL and not to '", norm.type, "' to avoid this warning message"), call.=FALSE);
    if(f.criterion!="F" && f.criterion!="avF" && compute.performance==TRUE)
        stop("HTD: value of parameter 'f.criterion' misspelled", call.=FALSE);  
    if(compute.performance==FALSE && (!is.null(recall.levels) || !is.null(perf.dir) || !is.null(seed) || !is.null(n.round) || !is.null(f.criterion))){
        perf.dir <- NULL;
        recall.levels <- NULL;
        seed <- NULL;
        n.round <- NULL;
        f.criterion <- NULL;
    ## loading dag
    dag.path <- paste0(dag.dir, dag.file,".rda");
    g <- get(load(dag.path));
    root <- root.node(g);

    ## loading annotation matrix
    ann.path <- paste0(ann.dir, ann.file,".rda");
    ann <- get(load(ann.path));
    if(root %in% colnames(ann))
        ann <- ann[,-which(colnames(ann)==root)];

    ## loading flat matrix
    flat.path <- paste0(flat.dir, flat.file,".rda");
        S <- get(load(flat.path));
        if(root %in% colnames(S)){
            classes.names <- colnames(S)
            root.scores <- S[,which(colnames(S)==root)];
            S <- S[,-which(colnames(S)==root)];
        S <- get(load(flat.path));
        S <- scores.normalization(norm.type=norm.type, S);
        cat(norm.type, "NORMALIZATION: DONE", "\n");
        if(root %in% colnames(S)){
            classes.names <- colnames(S)
            root.scores <- S[,which(colnames(S)==root)];
            S <- S[,-which(colnames(S)==root)];

    ## check if |flat matrix classes| = |annotation matrix classes| 
    ## if not the classes of annotation matrix are shrunk to those of flat matrix
    class.check <- ncol(S)!=ncol(ann);
        ann <- ann[,colnames(S)];
        nd <- c(root, colnames(S));
        g <- do.subgraph(nd, g, edgemode="directed");

    ## Compute FLAT PRC, AUC, PXR (average and per class) and FMM (average and per-example) one-shoot or cross-validated 
        PRC.flat <- AUPRC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        AUC.flat <- AUROC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        PXR.flat <- precision.at.given.recall.levels.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed, recall.levels=recall.levels);
        FMM.flat <- compute.Fmeasure.multilabel(ann, S, n.round=n.round, f.criterion=f.criterion, verbose=FALSE, b.per.example=TRUE, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        cat("FLAT PERFORMANCE: DONE", "\n");

    ## Hierarchical Top Down Correction
        S <- cbind(root.scores, S);
        colnames(S)[1] <- root;
        S <- S[,classes.names];
    S <- htd(S, g, root);
    S.hier <- S;

    ## Compute HIER PRC, AUC, PXR (average and per class) and FMM (average and per-example) one-shoot or cross-validated 
        if(root %in% colnames(S))
            S <- S[,-which(colnames(S)==root)];
        PRC.hier <- AUPRC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        AUC.hier <- AUROC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        PXR.hier <- precision.at.given.recall.levels.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed, recall.levels=recall.levels);
        FMM.hier <- compute.Fmeasure.multilabel(ann, S, n.round=n.round, f.criterion=f.criterion, verbose=FALSE, b.per.example=TRUE, folds=folds, seed=seed);

    ## Storing Results 
    rm(S); ## duplicate
        save(S.hier, file=paste0(hierScore.dir, flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
            save(PRC.flat, PRC.hier, AUC.flat, AUC.hier, PXR.flat, PXR.hier, FMM.flat, FMM.hier, file=paste0(perf.dir, "PerfMeas.", flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
        save(S.hier, file=paste0(hierScore.dir, norm.type,".", flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
            save(PRC.flat, PRC.hier, AUC.flat, AUC.hier, PXR.flat, PXR.hier, FMM.flat, FMM.hier, file=paste0(perf.dir, "PerfMeas.", norm.type,".", flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);

#' @title HTD-DAG holdout
#' @description High level function to correct the computed scores in a hierarchy according to the HTD-DAG algorithm applying a 
#' classical holdout procedure.
#' @details The function checks if the number of classes between the flat scores matrix and the annotations matrix mismatched.
#' If so, the number of terms of the annotations matrix is shrunk to the number of terms of the flat scores matrix and
#' the corresponding subgraph is computed as well. N.B.: it is supposed that all the nodes of the subgraph are accessible from the root.
#' @details We excluded the predictions of the root node in computing all the performances, since it is a \emph{dummy} node added 
#' to the ontology for practical reasons (e.g. some graph-based software may require a single root node to work). However, the root node scores 
#' are stored in the hierarchical scores matrix.
#' @param norm boolean value: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{TRUE} (def.): the flat scores matrix has been already normalized in according to a normalization method; 
#' \item \code{FALSE}: the flat scores matrix has not been normalized yet. See the parameter \code{norm} for which normalization can be applied;
#' }
#' @param norm.type can be one of the following three values:
#'  \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{NULL} (def.): set \code{norm.type} to \code{NULL} if and only if the parameter \code{norm} is set to \code{TRUE};
#'  \item \code{MaxNorm}: each score is divided for the maximum of each class;
#'  \item \code{Qnorm}: quantile normalization. \pkg{preprocessCore} package is used; 
#'  }
#' @param folds number of folds of the cross validation on which computing the performance metrics averaged across folds (\code{def. 5}).
#' If \code{folds=NULL}, the performance metrics are computed one-shot, otherwise the performance metrics are averaged across folds.
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE}, \code{folds} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed initialization seed for the random generator to create folds (\code{def. 23}). If \code{NULL} folds are generated without seed 
#' initialization. The parameter \code{seed} controls both the parameter \code{kk} and the parameter \code{folds}.
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE} and \code{bottomup} is set to \code{threshold.free}, then 
#' \code{seed} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param recall.levels a vector with the desired recall levels (\code{def:} \code{from:0.1}, \code{to:0.9}, \code{by:0.1}) to compute the 
#' Precision at fixed Recall level (PXR). If \code{compute.performance=FALSE} then \code{recall.levels} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param n.round number of rounding digits to be applied to the hierarchical scores matrix (\code{def. 3}). It is used for choosing 
#' the best threshold on the basis of the best F-measure.
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE} and \code{bottomup} is set to \code{threshold.free}, then 
#' \code{n.round} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param f.criterion character. Type of F-measure to be used to select the best F-measure. Two possibilities:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{F} (def.): corresponds to the harmonic mean between the average precision and recall;
#' \item \code{avF}: corresponds to the per-example \code{F-score} averaged across all the examples;
#' }
#' If \code{compute.performance} is set to \code{FALSE} and \code{bottomup} is set to \code{threshold.free}, then 
#' \code{f.criterion} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param compute.performance boolean value: should the flat and hierarchical performance (\code{AUPRC}, \code{AUROC}, \code{PXR}, 
#' \code{multilabel F-score}) be returned?  
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{FALSE}: performance are not computed and just the hierarchical scores matrix is returned;
#' \item \code{TRUE} (\code{def.}): both performance and hierarchical scores matrix are returned;
#' }
#' @param flat.file name of the file containing the flat scores matrix to be normalized or already normalized (without rda extension).
#' @param ann.file name of the file containing the label matrix of the examples (without rda extension).
#' @param dag.file name of the file containing the graph that represents the hierarchy of the classes (without rda extension).
#' @param ind.test.set name of the file containing a vector of integer numbers corresponding to the indices of the elements (rows) of scores 
#' matrix to be used in the test set .
#' @param ind.dir relative path to folder where \code{ind.test.set} is stored.
#' @param flat.dir relative path where flat scores matrix is stored.
#' @param ann.dir relative path where annotation matrix is stored.
#' @param dag.dir relative path where graph is stored.
#' @param hierScore.dir relative path where the hierarchical scores matrix must be stored.
#' @param perf.dir relative path where the performance measures must be stored. If \code{compute.performance=FALSE}, 
#' \code{perf.dir} is automatically set to \code{NULL}.
#' @return Two \code{rda} files stored in the respective output directories:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{Hierarchical Scores Results}: a matrix with examples on rows and classes on columns representing the computed hierarchical scores 
#'  for each example and for each considered class. It is stored in the \code{hierScore.dir} directory;
#'  \item \code{Performance Measures}: \emph{flat} and \emph{hierarchical} performace results:
#'  \enumerate{
#'      \item AUPRC results computed though \code{AUPRC.single.over.classes} (\code{\link{AUPRC}});
#'      \item AUROC results computed through \code{AUROC.single.over.classes} (\code{\link{AUROC}}); 
#'      \item PXR results computed though \code{precision.at.given.recall.levels.over.classes} (\code{\link{PXR}});
#'      \item FMM results computed though \code{compute.Fmeasure.multilabel} (\code{\link{FMM}}); 
#' }}
#' It is stored in the \code{perf.dir} directory.
#' @seealso \code{\link{HTD-DAG}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(graph);
#' data(scores);
#' data(labels);
#' data(test.index);
#' tmpdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/");
#' save(g, file=paste0(tmpdir,"graph.rda"));
#' save(L, file=paste0(tmpdir,"labels.rda"));
#' save(S, file=paste0(tmpdir,"scores.rda"));
#' save(test.index, file=paste0(tmpdir,"test.index.rda"));
#' ind.dir <- dag.dir <- flat.dir <- ann.dir <- tmpdir;
#' hierScore.dir <- perf.dir <- tmpdir;
#' recall.levels <- seq(from=0.2, to=1, by=0.4);
#' ind.test.set <- "test.index";
#' dag.file <- "graph";
#' flat.file <- "scores";
#' ann.file <- "labels";
#' Do.HTD.holdout(norm=FALSE, norm.type="MaxNorm", n.round=3, f.criterion ="F", folds=5, seed=23,
#' recall.levels=recall.levels, compute.performance=TRUE, flat.file=flat.file, ann.file=ann.file, 
#' dag.file=dag.file, ind.test.set=ind.test.set, ind.dir=ind.dir, flat.dir=flat.dir, ann.dir=ann.dir,
#' dag.dir=dag.dir, hierScore.dir=hierScore.dir, perf.dir=perf.dir);
Do.HTD.holdout <- function(norm=TRUE, norm.type=NULL, folds=5, seed=23, n.round=3, f.criterion ="F", 
    recall.levels=seq(from=0.1, to=1, by=0.1), compute.performance=FALSE, flat.file=flat.file, 
    ann.file=ann.file, dag.file=dag.file, ind.test.set=ind.test.set, ind.dir=ind.dir, flat.dir=flat.dir, 
    ann.dir=ann.dir, dag.dir=dag.dir, hierScore.dir=hierScore.dir, perf.dir=perf.dir){
    ## Setting Check
    if(norm==FALSE && is.null(norm.type))
        stop("HTD: If norm is set to FALSE, you need also to specify a normalization method among those available", call.=FALSE)
    if(norm==TRUE && !is.null(norm.type))
        warning("HTD: If norm is set to TRUE, the input flat matrix is already normalized.", paste0(" Set norm.type to NULL and not to '", norm.type, "' to avoid this warning message"), call.=FALSE);
    if(f.criterion!="F" && f.criterion!="avF" && compute.performance==TRUE)
        stop("HTD: value of parameter 'f.criterion' misspelled", call.=FALSE);  
    if(compute.performance==FALSE && (!is.null(recall.levels) || !is.null(perf.dir) || !is.null(seed) || !is.null(n.round) || !is.null(f.criterion))){
        perf.dir <- NULL;
        recall.levels <- NULL;
        seed <- NULL;
        n.round <- NULL;
        f.criterion <- NULL;

    ## Loading Data
    ## loading examples indices of the test set
    ind.set <- paste0(ind.dir, ind.test.set, ".rda");
    ind.test <- get(load(ind.set));

    ## loading dag
    dag.path <- paste0(dag.dir, dag.file,".rda");
    g <- get(load(dag.path)); 
    root <- root.node(g);

    ## loading annotation matrix
    ann.path <- paste0(ann.dir, ann.file,".rda");
    ann <- get(load(ann.path));
    if(root %in% colnames(ann))
        ann <- ann[,-which(colnames(ann)==root)];

    ## loading flat matrix
    flat.path <- paste0(flat.dir, flat.file,".rda");
        S <- get(load(flat.path));
        if(root %in% colnames(S)){
            classes.names <- colnames(S)
            root.scores <- S[,which(colnames(S)==root)];
            S <- S[,-which(colnames(S)==root)];
        S <- get(load(flat.path));
        S <- scores.normalization(norm.type=norm.type, S);
        cat(norm.type, "NORMALIZATION: DONE", "\n");
        if(root %in% colnames(S)){
            classes.names <- colnames(S)
            root.scores <- S[,which(colnames(S)==root)];
            S <- S[,-which(colnames(S)==root)];

    ## check if |flat matrix classes| = |annotation matrix classes| 
    ## if not the classes of annotation matrix are shrunk to those of flat matrix
    class.check <- ncol(S)!=ncol(ann);
        ann <- ann[,colnames(S)];
        nd <- c(root, colnames(S));
        g <- do.subgraph(nd, g, edgemode="directed");

    ## shrunk scores flat matrix and annotations tables to test test
    S <- S[ind.test,];
    ann <- ann[ind.test,];

    ## Compute FLAT PRC, AUC, PXR (average and per class) and FMM (average and per-example) one-shoot or cross-validated 
        PRC.flat <- AUPRC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        AUC.flat <- AUROC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        PXR.flat <- precision.at.given.recall.levels.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed, recall.levels=recall.levels);
        FMM.flat <- compute.Fmeasure.multilabel(ann, S, n.round=n.round, f.criterion=f.criterion, verbose=FALSE, b.per.example=TRUE, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        cat("FLAT PERFORMANCE: DONE", "\n");

    ## Hierarchical Top Down Correction
        S <- cbind(root.scores[ind.test], S);
        colnames(S)[1] <- root;
        S <- S[,classes.names];
    S <- htd(S, g, root);
    S.hier <- S; 

    ## Compute HIER PRC, AUC, PXR (average and per class) and FMM (average and per-example) one-shoot or cross-validated 
        if(root %in% colnames(S))
            S <- S[,-which(colnames(S)==root)];
        PRC.hier <- AUPRC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        AUC.hier <- AUROC.single.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed);
        PXR.hier <- precision.at.given.recall.levels.over.classes(ann, S, folds=folds, seed=seed, recall.levels=recall.levels);
        FMM.hier <- compute.Fmeasure.multilabel(ann, S, n.round=n.round, f.criterion=f.criterion, verbose=FALSE, b.per.example=TRUE, folds=folds, seed=seed);
    ## Storing Results 
        save(S.hier, file=paste0(hierScore.dir, flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
            save(PRC.flat, PRC.hier, AUC.flat, AUC.hier, PXR.flat, PXR.hier, FMM.flat, FMM.hier, file=paste0(perf.dir, "PerfMeas.", flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
        save(S.hier, file=paste0(hierScore.dir, norm.type,".", flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
            save(PRC.flat, PRC.hier, AUC.flat, AUC.hier, PXR.flat, PXR.hier, FMM.flat, FMM.hier, file=paste0(perf.dir, "PerfMeas.", norm.type,".", flat.file, ".hierScores.HTD.rda"), compress=TRUE);
gecko515/HEMDAG documentation built on Oct. 18, 2019, 6:34 a.m.