#' Collocates retrieval on sentence-based corpus
#' @description Perform collocate search for a given word/pattern based on corpus text files with one sentence per line (e.g., the Leipzig Corpora) (cf. \bold{Details} below).
#' If the input is otherwise, such that each line of the corpus does not correspond to a sentence, use \code{\link{colloc_default}}.
#' @param corpus_path character strings of (full) filepath for the corpus text files in \code{.txt} plain-text format.
#' The corpus file IS a sentence-based corpus, meaning that each line of the file corresponds to one sentence.
#' Each sentence can be in successive, cohesive sequence (e.g. based on a Novel) or randomised (as in the Leipzig Corpora).
#' @param leipzig_input logical; to check if the input corpus is specifically the Leipzig corpus files (\code{TRUE}) so that the function will remove the sentence number in the beginning of the line.
#' @param pattern regular expressions/exact patterns for the target pattern.
#' @param window window-span direction of the collocates: \code{"r"} ('\bold{right} of the node'), \code{"l"} ('\bold{left} of the node'), or the DEFAULT is \code{"b"} ('both \bold{left} and \bold{right} context-window').
#' @param span integer vector indicating the span of the collocate scope.
#' @param case_insensitive whether the search ignores case (TRUE -- the default) or not (FALSE).
#' @param to_lower_colloc whether to lowercase the retrieved collocates and the nodes (TRUE -- default) or not (FALSE).
#' @param save_interim_results whether to output the interim results (per corpus file) into a tab-separated plain text (TRUE) or not (FALSE -- default).
#' @param coll_output_name name of the file for the collocate tables.
#' @return A tbl_df of raw collocates.
#' @details This function, which is largely built on top of the \code{tidyverse}, is specifically designed to handle collocates search that is not crossing boundary of the sentence in which the search word/pattern occurs.
#' The reason is that the sentence can be randomised and totaly unrelated (as in the Leipzig Corpora).
#' Thus, it is important to keep the collocates of the search word/pattern falling within the sentence boundary in which the word/pattern occurs. That way, it aims maintain cohesivness of meaning of the word.
#' Moreover, the function only outputs the raw collocates data without tabulating the frequency of the collocates and performing association measure of the collocates to the search word/pattern.
#' Future iteration of this package aims to accommodate this feature.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # get the path of the Leipzig corpora
#' leipzig_corpus_path <- c("/my/path/to/leipzig_corpus_1M_1.txt",
#' "/my/path/to/leipzig_corpus_300K_2.txt",
#' "/my/path/to/leipzig_corpus_300K_3.txt")
#' # retrieve collocate list
#' df <- colloc_sentence(corpus_path = leipzig_corpus_path[2:3],
#' leipzig_input = TRUE,
#' pattern = "\\bterkalahkan\\b",
#' window = "l",
#' span = 1,
#' case_insensitive = TRUE,
#' to_lower_colloc = TRUE,
#' save_interim_results = FALSE)
#' # see the output
#' df
#' # count the frequency of the collocates
#' df %>% dplyr::count(w, sort = TRUE)
#' }
colloc_sentence <- function(corpus_path = "(full) filepath to sentence-based corpus",
leipzig_input = TRUE, # check if the sentence corpus is from leipzig corpora
pattern = "regular expressions",
window = c("r", "l", "b"),
span = 3,
case_insensitive = TRUE,
to_lower_colloc = TRUE,
save_interim_results = FALSE, # save results per corpus
coll_output_name = "colloc_tibble_out.txt") {
all_all_colloc <- tibble::tibble()
# prepare window span
span_ori <- span
span <- corplingr::span_set(window = window, span = span)
for (h in seq_along(corpus_path)) {
corpus_name <- stringr::str_replace(basename(corpus_path[h]), "\\.txt$", "")
cat(paste("Loading/reading the corpus ('", corpus_name, "') into R...\n", sep = ""))
corpus <- readr::read_lines(file = corpus_path[h])
pattern_rgx <- stringr::regex(pattern = pattern,
ignore_case = case_insensitive)
# subset sentence with match
cat("Extract sentences with the match...\n")
match_id <- stringr::str_which(string = corpus,
pattern = pattern_rgx)
if (length(match_id) == 0) {
message("SORRY! No match found for the pattern!\nTry another corpus!\n\n")
sent_with_match <- corpus[match_id]
# remove sentence number
if (leipzig_input == TRUE) {
sent_with_match <- stringr::str_replace(sent_with_match,
pattern = "^\\d+\\s",
replacement = "")
# tokenising the sentence with the match
tokens <- stringr::str_split(sent_with_match, "[^a-zA-Z-]+")
# give names for each tokenised sentence
names(tokens) <- paste("sentence_", match_id, "_", sep = "")
# remove empty character
tokens <- purrr::map(tokens, function(words) words[nzchar(words)])
# lower casing
if (to_lower_colloc == TRUE) {
tokens <- purrr::map(tokens, function(words) stringr::str_to_lower(words))
# provide sentence boundary
tokens <- purrr::map(tokens, function(words) c(rep("SENTENCE", span_ori), words, rep("SENTENCE", span_ori)))
# count how many match found in a sentence
match_length <- purrr::map(tokens, function(words) stringr::str_count(words, pattern = pattern_rgx))
match_length <- purrr::map_int(match_length, sum)
# replicate the sentence according to the found match in a sentence
tokens_rep <- rep(tokens, match_length)
sent_with_match_rep <- rep(sent_with_match, match_length)
# get the match vector position
match_pos <- purrr::map(tokens, function(words) stringr::str_which(words, pattern = pattern_rgx))
match_pos <- unlist(match_pos)
# get the collocates vector positions
vector_pos <- sapply(match_pos, function(match_pos) match_pos + span)
vector_pos <- as.data.frame(vector_pos)
vector_pos <- vector_pos[rownames(vector_pos) != "node", ]
# prepare data storage
colloc_df_nrows <- (dim(vector_pos)[1] * dim(vector_pos)[2])
all_colloc <- data.frame(row.names = seq_len(colloc_df_nrows))
# progress estimation
p <- dplyr::progress_estimated(n = length(tokens_rep))
# for loops to gather the collocates
cat("Now gathering the collocates...\n")
for (i in seq_along(tokens_rep)) {
w <- tokens_rep[[i]][vector_pos[,i]]
w_span <- rownames(vector_pos)
w_vector_pos <- vector_pos[,i]
sent_num <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(names(tokens_rep[i]), "\\d+"))
sent_match <- sent_with_match_rep[i]
df_temp <- data.frame(w, w_vector_pos, w_span, corpus = corpus_name, sent_num, sent_match, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
all_colloc <- rbind(all_colloc, df_temp)
all_colloc <- tibble::as_tibble(all_colloc)
filter_call <- quo(!w %in% c("SENTENCE", "sentence"))
all_colloc <- dplyr::filter(all_colloc, !!filter_call)
cat(paste("\nDone with corpus ", corpus_name, "!\n\n", sep = ""))
if (save_interim_results == TRUE) {
readr::write_delim(all_colloc, file = coll_output_name, delim = "\t", append = TRUE)
message(paste("\nSaving the interim results for ", corpus_name, "!\n\n", sep = ""))
} else {
all_all_colloc <- dplyr::bind_rows(all_all_colloc, all_colloc)
message("All done!\n")
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