Man pages for gehara/PipeMaster
Building and Simulating Coalescent models. the observed data to get the simulation parameters; base...
get.prior.tableGet a table with prior distributions.
get.tree.infoGet tree information
H.divHaplotype Diversity
iPyrad.alleles.loci2fastaiPyrad alleles.loci file to fasta alignments conversion
main.menuModel Builder ms output to DNAbin file
multiplotMultiple plot function
observed.coexp.sumstatObserved codemographic hippersummary statistics calculation pairwise distances between tips of tree
observed.singlepop.sumstatObserved summary statistics calculation for single pop...
observed.sumstatObserved summary statistics
obs.sumstat.ngsObserved summary statistics for nexgen data
PipeMasterPipeMaster: A package to build and simulate coalescent models
PlotModelPlot model
plotPCsPrincipal Component Analysis plot
plot.priorsPlot prior distribution
plot.sim.obsPlot simulated data against observed
popassignassignment file example for the Dermatonotus muelleri...
PopPlannerCalls PopPlanner, a java aplication with GUI to build ms...
seqs200 sequences of the Dermatonotus muelleri frog
sim.coaltreesSimulate coalescent trees using ms
sim.coexpSimulation of codemographic models
sim.coexp.ngsSimulation of codemographic models with ngs data
sim.coexpPTSimulation of codemographic models
sim.msABC.sangerSimulate summary statistics using msABC
sim.msABC.sumstatSimulate summary statistics using msABC summary statistics using ms and PopGenome
sim.sp.treeSimulation of phylogenetic networks under the coalescent
single.pop.demogSimulation of demographic models for single populations.
update.priorsUpdate priors using a prior table
gehara/PipeMaster documentation built on April 19, 2024, 8:14 a.m.