
#' Methylation data in chromosome 1.
#' A dataset containing the methylation data in chromosome 1.
#' Data for this probe are downloaded from site: http://www.neuroepigenomics.org/methylomedb/download.html.
#' We used 4 control samples: Control1 AC, Control2 AC, Control3 AC and Control4 AC and 4 disease samples:
#' SCZ1 AC, SCZ2 AC, SCZ3 AC, SCZ4 AC. After downloading we summed all results on the same position and chromosome separately
#' from control and disease samples. The variables are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item chr. name of chromosome where methylation data was collected (only chromosome 1.)
#'   \item poz. position of chromosome where methylation data was collected
#'   \item no. number of reads per position
#'   \item meth. number of reads with methylated cytosine
#'   \item unmeth. number of reads with unmethylated cytosine
#'   \item meth.rate. methylation.rate that is ratio meth./(meth. + unmeth.)
#'   \item category indicates if data are from control samples ('control' value) or from disease samples ('disease' value)

#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name schizophrenia
#' @usage data(schizophrenia)
#' @format A data frame with 4 116 194 rows and 7 variables
geneticsMiNIng/metR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:41 p.m.