flagtagcounts-methods: Retrieve numbers of reads that pass various filters

flagtagcounts-methodsR Documentation

Retrieve numbers of reads that pass various filters


Retrieve numbers of reads that pass various filters


signature(object = "ChIPQCexperiment")

Retrieve a matrix of counts passing various filters for all the samples in an experiment. Each column represents the counts in a sample.

signature(object = "list")

Retrieve a matrix of counts passing various filters for all the samples in a list of ChIPQCsample objects. Each column represents the counts in a sample.

signature(object = "ChIPQCsample")

Retrieve a vector of counts passing various filters. The values are:

UnMapped Number of reads that are not mapped (aligned)
Mapped Number of reads that are mapped (aligned)
Duplicates Number of reads that align to exactly the same place as another read
MapQPass Number of reads with a mapping quality score greater than or equal to the specified threshold
MapQPassandDup Number of reads that are mapped (aligned) and not duplicates


Thomas Carroll and Rory Stark

See Also

ChIPQC-package, ChIPQCexperiment, ChIPQCsample



genialis/ChIPQC documentation built on May 24, 2022, 5:24 p.m.