prep_data <- function(d) {
dht::check_for_column(d, 'sitecode', d$sitecode)
dht::check_for_column(d, 'start_date', d$start_date)
dht::check_for_column(d, 'end_date', d$end_date)
d$start_date <- dht::check_dates(d$start_date)
d$end_date <- dht::check_dates(d$end_date)
dht::check_end_after_start_date(d$start_date, d$end_date)
if('index_date' %in% colnames(d)) {
d$index_date <- dht::check_dates(d$index_date)
read_chunk_join <- function(d_split, fl_path, verbose=FALSE) {
if(verbose) message("processing ", stringr::str_split(fl_path, '/')[[1]][length(stringr::str_split(fl_path, '/')[[1]])], " ...")
chunk <- qs::qread(fl_path) %>%
d_split_pm <- dplyr::left_join(d_split, chunk, by = c('sitecode', 'date'))
#' add PM2.5, NO2, and O3 concentrations to data based on geohash
#' @param d dataframe with columns called 'sitecode', 'start_date', and 'end_date'
#' (most likely the output from the `schwartz_grid_lookup`` container)
#' @param verbose if TRUE a statement is printed to the console telling the user
#' which chunk file is currently being processed. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[s3]{s3_get_files}}
#' @return the input dataframe, expanded to include one row per day between the given 'start_date'
#' and 'end_date', with appended columns for geohash, PM2.5, NO2, and O3 concentrations.
#' @examples
#' if (FALSE) {
#' d <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~id, ~lat, ~lon, ~site_index, ~sitecode, ~start_date, ~end_date,
#' '55000100280', 39.2, -84.6, '9607238', '211050640897', '2008-09-09', '2008-09-11',
#' '55000100281', 39.2, -84.6, '9607238', '211050640897', '2007-08-05', '2007-08-08',
#' '55000100282', 39.2, -84.6, '9607238', '211050640897', '2015-08-31', '2015-09-02') %>%
#' dplyr::mutate_at(vars(start_date, end_date), as.Date)
#' add_schwartz_pollutants(d)
#' }
#' @export
add_schwartz_pollutants <- function(d, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
d <- prep_data(d)
# check for missing sitecodes
d_missing_sitecode <- dplyr::filter(d,
if (nrow(d_missing_sitecode) > 0) {
cli::cli_alert_warning('sitecode is missing for {nrow(d_missing_sitecode)} input row{?s}')
d_missing_sitecode <- dht::expand_dates(d_missing_sitecode, by = 'day')
d <- dplyr::filter(d, !
# check for out of range dates
d <- dht::expand_dates(d, by = 'day')
d$year <- lubridate::year(d$date)
out_of_range_year <- sum(d$year < 2000 | d$year > 2016)
if (out_of_range_year > 0) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Data is available from 2000 through 2016.")
cli::cli_alert_warning("PM estimates for {out_of_range_year} date{?s} will be NA due to unavailable data.")
d_missing_date <- dplyr::filter(d, !year %in% 2000:2016)
d <- dplyr::filter(d, year %in% 2000:2016)
message('Matching sitecodes to geohashes...')
d <-
d %>%
by = c('sitecode')) %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
dplyr::mutate(gh3 = stringr::str_sub(gh6, 1, 3)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(gh3_combined_lookup, by = 'gh3')
unique_gh3_year <-
d %>%
dplyr::group_by(gh3_combined, year) %>%
dplyr::tally() %>%
dplyr::mutate(gh3_year = paste0(gh3_combined, "_", year)) %>%
files_to_dwnld <- paste0(unique_gh3_year, '_round1.qs')
s3_files_to_dwnld <- paste0('s3://geomarker/schwartz/exp_estimates_1km/by_gh3_year/', files_to_dwnld)
# download files from s3
fl_path <- s3::s3_get_files(s3_files_to_dwnld, ...)
# extract unique gh3 and year from file paths
d_fl_path <- fl_path %>%
tidyr::unnest(file_path) %>%
dplyr::mutate(split_str = stringr::str_split(uri, '/')) %>%
tidyr::unnest(split_str) %>%
dplyr::group_by(uri) %>%
dplyr::slice_tail() %>%
dplyr::mutate(gh3_year = stringr::str_sub(split_str, 1, -11))
# split data by gh3 and year
d_split <- d %>%
split(f = list(d$gh3_combined, d$year), drop = TRUE)
message('Now reading in and joining pollutant data.')
xs <- 1:length(d_split)
p <- progressr::progressor(along = xs)
d_split_pm <- purrr::map(xs, function(x) {
p(sprintf("x=%g", x))
# ensure d_split chunk matches file path
d_fl_path[d_fl_path$gh3_year == paste0(unique(d_split[[x]]$gh3_combined), "_", unique(d_split[[x]]$year)),]$file_path,
d_pm <- dplyr::bind_rows(d_split_pm)
if (nrow(d_missing_sitecode) > 0) d_pm <- dplyr::bind_rows(d_missing_sitecode, d_pm)
if (out_of_range_year > 0) d_pm <- dplyr::bind_rows(d_missing_date, d_pm)
if ("index_date" %in% colnames(d)) {
d_pm <- d_pm %>%
dplyr::mutate(days_from_index_date = as.numeric(date - index_date))
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