#' @include osm-descriptors.R
#' @include osmar-subsetting.R
#' Find element for a given condition
#' @details
#' The basis of an \code{\link{osmar}} object are
#' \code{data.frame}s; therefore the \code{condition} principally
#' follows the rules for \code{\link[base]{subset}}: logical
#' expression indicating elements or rows to keep.
#' Furthermore, one has to define on which element and which data
#' of the \code{\link{osmar}} object the condition applies:
#' \code{element(data(condition))}, see \code{\link{osm_descriptors}}.
#' @examples
#' data("muc", package = "osmar2")
#' find(muc, node(tags(v == "Marienplatz")))
#' find(muc, node(tags(v %agrep% "marienplatz")))
#' find(muc, node(attrs(id == 19475890)))
#' find(muc, way(tags(k == "highway" & v == "pedestrian")))
#' @param object An \code{\link{osmar}} object
#' @param condition A condition for the element to find; see details
#' section.
#' @return The ID of the the element
#' @family finding
#' @seealso binary_grep
#' @export
find <- function(object, condition) {
stopifnot(attr(condition, "element") %in% c("node", "way", "relation"))
handler <- sprintf("find_%s", attr(condition, "element"))
do.call(handler, list(object, condition))
find_node <- function(object, ...) {
find_node.osmar <- function(object, ...) {
find_node.nodes(object$nodes, ...)
find_node.nodes <- function(object, condition) {
#stopifnot(class(condition) == "call")
stopifnot(attr(condition, "what") %in% c("attrs", "tags"))
what <- attr(condition, "what")
## id <- subset(object[[what]], eval(condition$condition), select = id)$id
## ... the above doesn't work when calling find_node.nodes
## inside a function; therefore (from subset.data.frame):
r <- eval(condition$condition, object[[what]], parent.frame(3))
if (!is.logical(r))
stop("'subset' must evaluate to logical")
r <- r & !is.na(r)
id <- object[[what]]$id[r]
if ( length(id) == 0 )
id <- as.numeric(NA)
find_way <- function(object, ...) {
find_way.osmar <- function(object, ...) {
find_way.ways(object$ways, ...)
find_way.ways <- function(object, condition) {
stopifnot(attr(condition, "what") %in% c("attrs", "tags", "refs"))
what <- attr(condition, "what")
## id <- subset(object[[what]], eval(condition$condition), select = id)$id
## ... see find_nodes.node for the explanation.
r <- eval(condition$condition, object[[what]], parent.frame(3))
if (!is.logical(r))
stop("'subset' must evaluate to logical")
r <- r & !is.na(r)
id <- object[[what]]$id[r]
if ( length(id) == 0 )
id <- as.numeric(NA)
find_relation <- function(object, ...) {
find_relation.osmar <- function(object, ...) {
find_relation.relations(object$relations, ...)
find_relation.relations <- function(object, condition) {
stopifnot(attr(condition, "what") %in% c("attrs", "tags", "refs"))
what <- attr(condition, "what")
## id <- subset(object[[what]], eval(condition$condition), select = id)$id
## ... see find_nodes.node for the explanation.
r <- eval(condition$condition, object[[what]], parent.frame(3))
if (!is.logical(r))
stop("'subset' must evaluate to logical")
r <- r & !is.na(r)
id <- object[[what]]$id[r]
if ( length(id) == 0 )
id <- numeric(NA)
### Find all elements:
#' Find all elements related to an ID
#' For a given ID these functions return all IDs of related elements.
#' @details
#' \code{find_down} finds all elements downwards the hierarchy:
#' \tabular{rrr}{
#' node \tab -> \tab node\cr
#' way \tab -> \tab way + node\cr
#' relation \tab -> \tab relation + way + node\cr
#' }
#' @param object An \code{\link{osmar}} object
#' @param ids A vector of IDs tagged whether they are \code{node},
#' \code{way}, or \code{relation}
#' @return A list with the three elements \code{node_ids},
#' \code{way_ids}, \code{relation_ids}
#' @examples
#' data("muc", package = "osmar2")
#' o1 <- find(muc, way(tags(k == "highway" & v == "pedestrian")))
#' find_down(muc, way(o1))
#' find_up(muc, way(o1))
#' @family finding
#' @export
find_down <- function(object, ids) {
handler <- sprintf("find_down_%s", attr(ids, "element"))
do.call(handler, list(object, as.vector(ids)))
find_down_node <- function(object, ids = NULL) {
list(node_ids = ids, way_ids = NULL, relation_ids = NULL)
find_down_way <- function(object, ids = NULL) {
## TODO: check if way id is in object
node_ids <- subset_ways(object$ways, ids)$refs$ref
list(node_ids = node_ids, way_ids = ids, relation_ids = NULL)
find_down_relation <- function(object, ids = NULL) {
## TODO: check if relation id is in object
refs <- subset_relations(object$relations, ids)$refs
#way_ids <- subset(refs, type == "way")$ref # CMD check note: no visible binding
way_ids <- refs[refs$type == "way", ]$ref
#node_ids <- subset(refs, type == "node")$ref # CMD check note: no visible binding
node_ids <- refs[refs$type == "node", ]$ref
ret <- find_down_way(object, way_ids)
ret$node_ids <- c(ret$node_ids, node_ids)
ret$relation_ids <- ids
#' @details
#' \code{find_up} finds all elements upwards the hierarchy:
#' \tabular{rrr}{
#' node \tab -> \tab node + way + relation\cr
#' way \tab -> \tab way + relation\cr
#' relation \tab -> \tab relation\cr
#' }
#' @rdname find_down
#' @export
find_up <- function(object, ids) {
handler <- sprintf("find_up_%s", attr(ids, "element"))
do.call(handler, list(object, as.vector(ids)))
find_up_node <- function(object, ids = NULL) {
#way_ids <- subset(object$ways$refs, ref %in% ids)$id # CMD check note: no visible binding
way_ids <- object$ways$refs[object$ways$refs$ref %in% ids, ]$id
#rel_ids <- subset(object$relations$refs, type == "node" & ref %in% ids)$id # CMD check note: no visible binding
rel_ids <- object$relations$refs[object$relations$refs$type == "node" &
object$relations$refs$ref %in% ids, ]$id
list(node_ids = ids, way_ids = way_ids, relation_ids = rel_ids)
find_up_way <- function(object, ids = NULL) {
#rel_ids <- subset(object$relations$refs, type == "way" & ref %in% ids)$id # CMD check note: no visible binding
rel_ids <- object$relations$refs[object$relations$refs$type == "way" &
object$relations$refs$ref %in% ids, ]$id
list(node_ids = NULL, way_ids = ids, relation_ids = rel_ids)
find_up_relation <- function(object, ids = NULL) {
list(node_ids = NULL, way_ids = NULL, relation_ids = ids)
### Find nearest node with given conditions:
#' Find nearest node with given conditions
#' For a given ID, find nearest node (geographical distance) with
#' given conditions.
#' @param object An \code{\link{osmar}} object
#' @param id An node ID
#' @param condition Condition for the element to find; see
#' \code{\link{find}}
#' @return A node ID or \code{NA}
#' @examples
#' data("muc", package = "osmar2")
#' id <- find(muc, node(tags(v == "Marienplatz")))[1]
#' find_nearest_node(muc, id, way(tags(k == "highway" & v == "pedestrian")))
#' @family finding
#' @importFrom geosphere distm
#' @export
find_nearest_node <- function(object, id, condition) {
node <- subset_nodes(object$nodes, id)
element <- attr(condition, "element")
cand_ids <- find(object, condition)
cand_ids <- do.call(element, list(cand_ids))
cand_ids <- find_down(object, cand_ids)
cand_nodes <- subset_nodes(object$nodes, cand_ids$node_ids)
dist <- distm(node$attrs[, c("lon", "lat")],
cand_nodes$attrs[, c("lon", "lat")])
cand_nodes$attrs[which.min(dist), "id"]
#' Binary operators for grep-like functions
#' Binary operators for grep-like functions to use in conditions
#' similar to the "==" operator.
#' @details
#' \code{%grep%} is currently implemented as \code{grepl(y, x,
#' ignore.case = TRUE)}.
#' @usage
#' x %grep% y
#' @rdname binary_grep
#' @export
`%grep%` <- function(x, y) {
grepl(y, x, ignore.case = TRUE)
#' @details
#' \code{%agrep%} is currently implemented as \code{agrep(y, x,
#' ignore.case = TRUE)} and converts the index result into a logical
#' vector.
#' @usage
#' x %agrep% y
#' @rdname binary_grep
#' @export
`%agrep%` <- function(x, y) {
w <- agrep(y, x, ignore.case = TRUE)
r <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
r[w] <- TRUE
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