
Defines functions strip_varlist_formula print.quoteless_text as_tibble.tbl_svy as.data.frame.tbl_svy as_tbl_svy tbl_vars.tbl_svy

#' tbl_svy object.
#' A \code{tbl_svy} wraps a locally stored svydesign and adds methods for
#' dplyr single-table verbs like \code{mutate}, \code{group_by} and
#' \code{summarise}. Create a \code{tbl_svy} using \code{\link{as_survey_design}}.
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{tbl_df} implements these methods from dplyr.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{\link[dplyr]{select}} or \code{\link[dplyr]{rename}}}{
#'   Select or rename variables in a survey's dataset.}
#' \item{\code{\link[dplyr]{mutate}} or \code{\link[dplyr]{transmute}}}{
#'   Modify and create variables in a survey's dataset.}
#' \item{\code{\link{group_by}} and \code{\link{summarise}}}{
#'  Get descriptive statistics from survey.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(survey)
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(api)
#' svy <- as_survey_design(apistrat, strata = stype, weights = pw)
#' svy
#' # Data manipulation verbs ---------------------------------------------------
#' filter(svy, pcttest > 95)
#' select(svy, starts_with("acs")) # variables used in survey design are automatically kept
#' summarise(svy, col.grad = survey_mean(col.grad))
#' mutate(svy, api_diff = api00 - api99)
#' # Group by operations -------------------------------------------------------
#' # To calculate survey
#' svy_group <- group_by(svy, dname)
#' summarise(svy, col.grad = survey_mean(col.grad),
#'           api00 = survey_mean(api00, vartype = "ci"))
#' @name tbl_svy

# Mostly mimics survey:::print.survey.design2
#' @export
print.tbl_svy <- function (x, varnames = TRUE, all_survey_vars = FALSE, ...) {

  if (length(survey_vars(x)) > 0) {
    print(survey_vars(x), all_survey_vars)
  if(length(groups(x)) != 0) {
    cat("Grouping variables: \n")
    cat(wrap(paste0("- ", deparse_all(groups(x)), collapse = ", "), indent=2))

  if (varnames) {
    vars <- dplyr::tbl_vars(x$variables)
    if (inherits(x$variables, "tbl_lazy")) {
      var_single_row <- dplyr::collect(utils::head(x$variables, 1))
      types <- vapply(var_single_row, dplyr::type_sum, character(1))
    } else {
      types <- vapply(x$variables, dplyr::type_sum, character(1))

    var_types <- paste0(vars, " (", types, ")", collapse = ", ")
    cat("Data variables: \n")
    cat(wrap(" - ", var_types, indent = 2), "\n", sep = "")

#' List variables produced by a tbl.
#' @param x A \code{tbl} object
#' @name tbl_vars
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_vars

#' @export
tbl_vars.tbl_svy <- function(x) {

as_tbl_svy <- function(x, var_names = list()) {
  if (!inherits(x, "tbl_svy")) {
    class(x) <- c("tbl_svy", class(x))

  x_classes <- class(x)
  db_svy_classes <- c("DBIsvydesign", "DBIrepdesign")
  if (any(x_classes %in% db_svy_classes)) {
    x$variables <- dplyr::tbl(x$db$connection, x$db$tablename)
    x <- capture_survey_db_updates(x)
    x$db <- NULL
    x$updates <- NULL
    class(x) <- dplyr::setdiff(x_classes, db_svy_classes)

  if (inherits(x, c("twophase2", "twophase"))) {
    # Convert to tbls if not already (expect them to be one of data.frame or tbl_df)
    # data.frames will be converted, others should inherit "tbl".
    if (!inherits(x$phase1$full$variables, "tbl")) {
      x$phase1$full$variables <- tibble::as_tibble(x$phase1$full$variables)
    if (!inherits(x$phase1$sample$variables, "tbl")) {
      x$phase1$sample$variables <- tibble::as_tibble(x$phase1$sample$variables)

    # To make twophase behave similarly to the other survey objects, add sample
    # variables from phase1 to the first level of the object.
    x$variables <- x$phase1$sample$variables
  } else if (!inherits(x$variables, "tbl")) {
      x$variables <- tibble::as_tibble(x$variables)

  survey_vars(x) <- strip_varlist_formula(var_names)

  # To make printing better, change call
  x$call <- "Called via srvyr"
  class(x$call) <- "quoteless_text"

  # Add db class
  if (inherits(x$variables, "tbl_lazy")) {
    class(x) <- c("tbl_lazy_svy", class(x))

#' @export
as.data.frame.tbl_svy <- function(x, ...) {
  as.data.frame(x$variables, ...)

#' @export
as_tibble.tbl_svy <- function(x, ...) {
  as_tibble(x$variables, ...)

#' Coerce survey variables to a data frame (tibble)
#' @param x A \code{tbl_svy} object
#' @name as_tibble
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble

#' @export
print.quoteless_text <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste0(x, "\n"))

strip_varlist_formula <- function(vars) {
  lapply(vars, function(x) {
    if (length(x) == 0) return(x)
    as.character(x)[-1] # First pos is either ~ or +
gergness/srvyr documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 9:58 p.m.