#' Report Files Successfully Imported
#' Show a summary report after importing and quality checking a directory of
#' STAR templates.
#' @param cluster a list of STAR objects, including ones that resulted in import
#' \code{"try-error"}.
#' @param cluster.ok a list of STAR objects that have been selected and prepared
#' for final import into the STAR database.
#' @param qc.vector a logical vector, output from \code{qc}.
#' @return Nested list with top elements \code{Count} and \code{Filenames}.
#' @note
#' The full set of Excel templates included in the report consists of all the
#' STAR objects in \code{cluster}. They can be divided into three categories:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Imported. The STAR objects found in \code{cluster.ok}.
#' \item Failed. Files that \code{read.template} could not import.
#' \item Removed. Files that were manually removed by the administrator, because
#' they were duplicate templates, empty templates, etc.
#' }
#' The report also includes a count of files that had errors detected by the
#' \code{qc} suite of quality checks. The QC issues are independent of whether
#' \code{read.template} was able to import or not. The purpose of the QC is to
#' raise a flag where stock assessors may have made a mistake when submitting
#' their STAR templates.
#' In addition to file counts, the report also includes the specific filenames
#' that had errors, were removed, or had QC issues. This list is useful for STAR
#' administrators to bring into focus any STAR templates that were not
#' successfully imported.
#' @section Print Method:
#' When displaying a \code{report} object, error messages from filenames that
#' failed to import are truncated to 23 characters by default. This makes the
#' report easy to read from the console. To show full error messages, pass a
#' large value of \code{nchar} to the \code{print} method:
#' \preformatted{rep <- report(cluster, cluster.ok, qc.vector)
#' print(rep, nchar=999)}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{write.report}} writes a report object to a text file.
#' \code{\link{import.many.templates}} imports many Excel STAR templates from a
#' directory into a cluster (list).
#' \code{\link{qc}} runs all QC tests on an Excel STAR template or a directory
#' containing Excel STAR templates.
#' \code{\link{gfcmSTAR-package}} gives an overview of the package.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Directory names
#' uploads <- "~/StockAssessmentResults/uploads/2021"
#' star.dir <- file.path(uploads, "WGSASP_General")
#' prop.file <- file.path(uploads, "properties/WGSASP_General.xlsx")
#' # Import
#' prop <- read.properties(prop.file)
#' cluster <- import.many.templates(star.dir, prop=prop)
#' # Select valid STAR objects to import into STAR database
#' cluster.ok <- cluster[sapply(cluster, class) != "try-error"]
#' cluster.ok$"star_template.xlsx" <- NULL
#' # Quality check
#' qc.vector <- qc(star.dir)
#' # Report
#' report(cluster, cluster.ok, qc.vector)
#' }
#' @export
report <- function(cluster, cluster.ok, qc.vector)
qc.vector <- qc.vector[qc.vector != ""]
## Filenames
f.all <- names(cluster)
f.imported <- names(cluster.ok)
f.failed <- f.all[sapply(cluster, class) == "try-error"]
f.removed <- setdiff(f.all, union(f.imported, f.failed))
f.qc <- names(qc.vector)
## Count
n.all <- length(f.all)
n.imported <- length(f.imported)
n.failed <- length(f.failed)
n.removed <- length(f.removed)
n.qc <- length(qc.vector)
## Which
w.failed <- paste(which(f.all %in% f.failed), collapse=", ")
w.removed <- paste(which(f.all %in% f.removed), collapse=", ")
w.qc <- paste(which(f.all %in% f.qc), collapse=", ")
## Error message
e.failed <- as.character(cluster[f.failed])
e.failed <- gsub("\\n$", "", e.failed)
## Construct list: Count
Count <- list()
Count$Import <- data.frame(
N=c(n.all, n.imported, n.failed, n.removed),
Group=c("files", "imported", "failed", "removed"),
Which=c("", "", w.failed, w.removed), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Count$QC <- data.frame(N=n.qc, Group="issues", Which=w.qc,
## Construct list: Filenames
Filenames <- list()
Filenames$Failed <- data.frame(File=f.failed, Error=e.failed,
row.names=which(f.all %in% f.failed),
Filenames$Removed <- data.frame(File=f.removed,
row.names=which(f.all %in% f.removed),
Filenames$QC <- data.frame(File=f.qc, Test=qc.vector,
row.names=which(f.all %in% f.qc),
out <- list(Count=Count, Filenames=Filenames)
class(out) <- "report"
attr(out, "timestamp") <- Sys.time()
#' @rdname gfcmSTAR-internal
#' @export
cat.report <- function(x, nchar=23)
arrow <- function(d) # data.frame, put arrow before last column entries
if(nrow(d) > 0)
last <- ncol(d)
d[[last]] <- paste("=>", d[[last]])
bracket <- function(d) # data.frame, convert row names to [1] format
if(nrow(d) > 0)
row.names(d) <- format(paste0("[", row.names(d), "]"), justify="right")
empty <- function(d) # data.frame, replace column names with blank space
names(d) <- rep("", ncol(d))
paren <- function(d) # data.frame, put parentheses around last column entries
last <- ncol(d)
d[[last]] <- ifelse(d[[last]] == "", "", paste0("(", d[[last]], ")"))
## Shorten error messages
x$Filenames$Failed$Error <- substring(x$Filenames$Failed$Error, 1, nchar)
## Format with arrows, brackets, empty names, and parentheses
x$Filenames$Failed <- arrow(x$Filenames$Failed)
x$Filenames$QC <- arrow(x$Filenames$QC)
x$Filenames$Failed <- bracket(x$Filenames$Failed)
x$Filenames$Removed <- bracket(x$Filenames$Removed)
x$Filenames$QC <- bracket(x$Filenames$QC)
x$Count$Import <- empty(x$Count$Import)
x$Count$QC <- empty(x$Count$QC)
x$Filenames$Failed <- empty(x$Filenames$Failed)
x$Filenames$Removed <- empty(x$Filenames$Removed)
x$Filenames$QC <- empty(x$Filenames$QC)
x$Count$Import <- paren(x$Count$Import)
x$Count$QC <- paren(x$Count$QC)
## Replace empty data frame with "None"
none <- structure(list("None"), class="data.frame", names="", row.names="")
if(nrow(x$Filenames$Failed) == 0)
x$Filenames$Failed <- none
if(nrow(x$Filenames$Removed) == 0)
x$Filenames$Removed <- none
if(nrow(x$Filenames$QC) == 0)
x$Filenames$QC <- none
## Print
timestamp <- format(attr(x, "timestamp"), "%a %d %b %Y - %H:%M:%S")
cat("Report generated ", timestamp, "\n\n\n", sep="")
cat("*** Count\n\n")
print(x$Count, right=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
cat("\n*** Filenames\n\n")
print(x$Filenames, right=FALSE)
#' @rdname gfcmSTAR-internal
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
#' @export print.report
print.report <- function(x, nchar=23, ...)
txt <- capture.output(cat.report(x, nchar=nchar))
## Remove traling horizontal space
txt <- trimws(txt, "right")
## Remove lots of vertical space
txt <- txt[txt != ""]
## Add minimal vertical space
txt[txt == "*** Count"] <- "\n*** Count\n"
txt[txt == "*** Filenames"] <- "\n*** Filenames\n"
txt[txt == "$QC"] <- "\n$QC"
txt[txt == "$Removed"] <- "\n$Removed"
cat(txt, sep="\n")
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