
Defines functions timeSplitter

Documented in timeSplitter

#' A function for splitting a time according to time periods
#' If we have a violation of the cox proprtional hazards assumption we need to
#' split an individual's followup time into several. See \code{vignette("timeSplitter", package = "Greg")}
#' for a detailed description.
#' \emph{Important note:} The time variables must have the same time unit. I.e. function can not dedu
#' if all variables are in years or if one happens to be in days.
#' @section The time_offset - details:
#' Both time_var and other variables will be adjusted by the time_offset,
#' e.g. if we the time scale is in years and we want to skip the first 4 years
#' we set the \code{time_offset = 4}. In the outputted dataset the smallest
#' \code{time_var} will be 0. \emph{Note:} 0 will not be included as we
#' generally want to look at those that survived the start date, e.g. if a
#' patient dies on the 4-year mark we would not include him/her in our study.
#' @param data The dataset that you want to split according to the \code{time_var}
#'  option.
#' @param by The time period that you want to split the dataset by. The size of the variable
#'  must be in proportion to the the \code{time_var}. The by variable can also be a vector
#'  for each time split, useful if the effect has large varyations over time.
#' @param event_var The event variable
#' @param event_start_status The start status of the event status, e.g. "Alive"
#' @param time_var The name of the main time variable in the dataset. This variable
#'  must be a numeric variable.
#' @param time_offset If you want to skip the initial years you can offset the
#'  entire dataset by setting this variable. See detailed description below.
#' @param time_related_vars A dataset often contains other variabels that you want
#'  to update during the split, most commonly these are age or calendar time.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with the split data. The starting time for each period
#'  is named \code{Start_time} and the ending time is called \code{Stop_time}. Note
#'  that the resulting event_var will now contain the time-splitted eventvar.
#' @example inst/examples/timeSplitter_example.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom Epi cal.yr Lexis splitLexis
timeSplitter <- function(data, by, time_var,
                         time_related_vars, time_offset) {
  if (tibble::is_tibble(data)) {
    data <- data.frame(data)
  # Save the original order of the names for restoring at the end
  # Also save the labels if any
  org_names <- names(data)
  attr(org_names, "labels") <- sapply(data, label)
  # There is a bug in Lexis that doesn't allow variables of non-base type
  if (any(attr(org_names, "labels") != "")) {
    for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
      if (inherits(data[[i]], "labelled")) {
        class(data[[i]]) <- class(data[[i]])[class(data[[i]]) != "labelled"]
        attr(data[[i]], "label") <- NULL

  if (missing(time_var)) {
    if ("time" %in% names(data) &&
      is.numeric(data$time)) {
      time_var <- "time"
    } else {
        "You need to provide the main time variable name.",
        " If not provided the variable may be named 'time' in the dataset"
  } else if (length(time_var) > 1) {
    stop("You can only have one time variable in the dataset")
  } else if (!time_var %in% names(data)) {
      "Could not find the time variable among the variables in the dataset",
      ", i.e. '", time_var, "' not in '", paste(names(data),
        collapse = "', '"
      ), "'"
  } else if (!is.numeric(data[[time_var]])) {
    stop("The time variable must be numeric.")

  if (!missing(time_offset)) {
    if (!is.numeric(time_offset)) {
        "If you want the time to be offsetted by a certain amount of time",
        " then you need to provide a numeric time_offset. You've provided",
        " '", time_offset, "'"
    if (time_offset < 0) {
      stop("The time_offset must be more than 0")

    data <- subset(
        text =
          paste(time_var, ">", time_offset)
    data[[time_var]] <- data[[time_var]] - time_offset
    if (!missing(time_related_vars)) {
      for (var in time_related_vars) {
        data[[var]] <- data[[var]] - time_offset

  # Change name to temporary names so that we can revert after
  if (!missing(time_related_vars)) {
    if (any(!time_related_vars %in% names(data))) {
        "You have specified variables not in the dataset: ",
        "'", paste(time_related_vars[!time_related_vars %in% names(data)],
          collapse = "', '"

    for (var in time_related_vars) {
      if (is.numeric(data[[var]]) &&
        max(data[[var]]) * 10 < max(data[[time_var]])) {
          "Your time variable seems much larger than the time related variable '", var, "'",
          " - Are you sure that they are both the same time unit, i.e. both are days/years?"
      data[[sprintf("u__temp_time__%s", var)]] <- data[[var]]
      data[[var]] <- NULL

  if (!event_var %in% names(data)) {
      "Could not find the event varible '", event_var, "'",
      " among the dataset variabels: ",
      "'", paste(names(data),
        collapse = "', '"

  # Setup varibles for the Lexis object
  data <- cal.yr(data)
  # The cal.yr adds a "cal.yr" class that needs to be removed or we get
  # Error: Duration is not the same on all time scales
  rmv_class <- sapply(
    function(v) {
      "cal.yr" %in% class(v)
  if (any(rmv_class)) {
    for (i in which(rmv_class)) {
      class(data[[i]]) <- class(data[[i]])[!class(data[[i]]) %in% "cal.yr"]
  if (missing(event_start_status)) {
    if (is.factor(data[[event_var]])) {
      event_start_status <- levels(data[[event_var]])[1]
    } else if (is.logical(data[[event_var]])) {
      event_start_status <- FALSE
    } else if (all(data[[event_var]] %in% 0:1)) {
      event_start_status <- 0
    } else {
        "No initial status provided for the event variable.",
        " This is usually the status corresponding to the",
        " alive status. The function tries to deduce this",
        " from the factors if available alternatively from",
        " the 0/FALSE if the event variable happens to be",
        " boolean or numeric with only 0 and 1 values."

  if (is.character(data[[event_var]])) {
    data[[event_var]] <- factor(data[[event_var]])

  if (!event_start_status %in% unique(data[[event_var]])) {
      "The event status should be among the levels in the event variable.",
      " Currently '", event_start_status, "' is not found among",
      " '", paste(unique(data[[event_var]]),
        collapse = "', '"
  if (is.factor(data[[event_var]])) {
    data$Entry <- factor(rep(event_start_status, nrow(data)),
      levels = levels(data[[event_var]])
  } else {
    data$Entry <- event_start_status

  if (is.null(data[["Start_time"]])) {
    data$Start_time <- 0

  # Use strange names in order to avoid conflict
  exit_list <- sprintf(
    "list(u___timeband__ = `%s`)",
  if (!missing(time_related_vars)) {
    for (var in time_related_vars) {
      exit_list <- gsub(
        sprintf(", `%s` = `u__temp_time__%s` + `%s`)", var, var, time_var),
  # This is necessary as the Lexis uses substitute
  # with the data as a co-argument and thus very
  # complex to handle with parse()/deparse()/expression()
  lxs_data <- paste0("Lexis(entry = list(u___timeband__ = Start_time),
                      exit = ", exit_list, ",
                      exit.status = ", event_var, ",
                      entry.status = Entry,
                      data = data)") |>
    (\(txt) parse(text = txt))() |>

  if (length(by) == 1) {
    by <- seq(0, ceiling(max(lxs_data$lex.dur)), by = by)

  spl <- splitLexis(lxs_data,
    breaks = by,
    time.scale = "u___timeband__"

  spl$Start_time <- spl$u___timeband__
  spl$Stop_time <- spl$u___timeband__ + spl$lex.dur

  # Remove all extra Lexis variables since these will only be confusing
  spl[[event_var]] <- spl$lex.Xst
  spl$lex.Cst <- NULL
  spl$lex.Xst <- NULL
  spl$lex.id <- NULL
  spl$u___timeband__ <- NULL
  spl$lex.dur <- NULL
  spl$Entry <- NULL
  # Remove the time indicator as this shouldn't be used later on
  spl[[time_var]] <- NULL
  # Drop temp variables
  if (!missing(time_related_vars)) {
    for (var in time_related_vars) {
      spl[[sprintf("u__temp_time__%s", var)]] <- NULL

  re_order <- sapply(names(spl), function(x) {
    ordr <- which(x == org_names)
    if (length(ordr) == 0) {
      ordr <- -1
  for (i in 1:length(re_order)) {
    if (re_order[i] == -1) {
      re_order[i] <- max(re_order) + 1
  if (any(attr(org_names, "labels") != "")) {
    lbl <- attr(org_names, "labels")
    for (var in names(lbl)[lbl != ""]) {
      if (var %in% names(spl)) {
        label(spl[[var]]) <- lbl[var]

  return(spl[, order(re_order)])

globalVariables(c(".", "label<-"))
gforge/Greg documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 5:37 a.m.