
Defines functions facet_qc_violations

  ggplot2::ggproto("Facet_QC_VIOLATIONS", ggplot2::FacetWrap,
                    compute_layout = function(data, params, method=method) {

                ### Test Area ###
                # print(paste0("Method:", params$method))
                # print(params$plot_env)
                # print(str(data))
                #df <- data[[1]] # copy the data
                #df$Index <- 1:nrow(df)

    if(any(!params$show.facets %in% 1:4)){
      stop("Error: show.facets must be vector with values between 1:4")
    if(any(params$show.facets %in% 1:4)){
        stop("Error: show.facets must be a unique integer vector between 1:4")

    id <- factor(unique(RuleSet$Alt_Description))
        #SHOW.FACETS <- show.facets
        layout <- data.frame(PANEL = factor(id,
                   levels = c("Violation Same Side",
                              "Violation 1 Sigma",
                              "Violation 2 Sigma",
                              "Violation 3 Sigma")))

        #Set the Row and Col, and order the
        layout$ROW <- 1
        layout$COL <- as.numeric(layout$PANEL)
        layout <- layout[order(layout$PANEL), , drop = FALSE]
        layout <- droplevels.data.frame(layout[params$show.facets, ,drop=T])
        layout$COL <- as.numeric(layout$PANEL)
        layout$facet.select <- params$show.facets

            rownames(layout) <- NULL

        # Add scale identification
        layout$SCALE_X <- if (params$free$x) id else 1L
        layout$SCALE_Y <- if (params$free$y) id else 1L
        #print(cbind.data.frame(layout, .violations = layout$PANEL))
        cbind.data.frame(layout, .violations = layout$PANEL)

      map_data = function(data, layout, params) {
        if (is.null(data) || nrow(data) == 0) {
            return(cbind(data, PANEL = integer(0)))

        #print("hello 1")
        data <- do.call(rbind,
                                 #print(layout[layout$PANEL == x,]$facet.select)
                                    data$PANEL <- x
                                    data$group <- 1
                                    data$facet.select <- layout[layout$PANEL == x,]$facet.select
                                    #data$silly <- "silly"

        #print("hello 2")

facet_qc_violations <-
  function(nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL,
           scales = "fixed", shrink = TRUE,
           strip.position = "top", method=method,

    facet <- ggplot2::facet_wrap(
                      ~.violations, nrow = nrow,
                      ncol = ncol,
                      scales = scales,
                      shrink = shrink,
                      strip.position = strip.position)

    facet$params$method <- method
    facet$params$show.facets <- show.facets

    ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, Facet_QC_VIOLATIONS,
          shrink = shrink, params = facet$params
ggmtech/ggQC documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 10:43 a.m.