
##' These functions extract, subset and replace data in a
##' mutaframe. For the most part, these behave much like those for
##' \code{data.frame}.
##' The subset function, \code{[}, does not copy
##' the data; it establishes a dynamic filter.
##' Replacing an existing variable will pass the replacement data up
##' the reverse pipeline, towards the root. When defining a new
##' variable, the variable is stored in the current mutaframe; not at
##' the root.
##' @title Extraction and Replacement
##' @param x A mutaframe
##' @param name Name of the column to extract
##' @return The selected column
##' @rdname accessors
##' @S3method $ mutaframe
"$.mutaframe" <- function(x, name) {
  x[[name, exact=FALSE]]

##' @param i The row indices
##' @param j The column indices
##' @param ... Arguments passed to methods
##' @return The selected column
##' @rdname accessors
##' @S3method [[ mutaframe
"[[.mutaframe" <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
  dotArgs <- list(...)
  if (length(dotArgs) > 0)
    dotArgs <- dotArgs[names(dotArgs) != "exact"]
  if (!missing(j) || length(dotArgs) > 0)
    stop("invalid subsetting")
  if (missing(i))
    stop("subscript is missing")
  if (!is.character(i) && !is.numeric(i))
    stop("invalid subscript type")
  if (length(i) < 1L)
    stop("attempt to select less than one element")
  if (length(i) > 1L)
    stop("attempt to select more than one element")
  if (!is.character(i) && !is.na(i) && (i < 1L || i > length(x)))
    stop("subscript out of bounds")
  if (is.character(i) && identical(dotArgs$exact, FALSE))
    i <- pmatch(i, names(x))
  if (is.numeric(i))
    i <- names(x)[i]
  get(i, x, inherits=FALSE)

##' @param value The replacement column
##' @rdname accessors
##' @S3method $<- mutaframe
"$<-.mutaframe" <- function(x, name, value) {
  if (is.null(value)) {
    # Remove column
    rm(list = name, envir = x)
    names(x) <- setdiff(names(x), name)
    notify_listeners(x, NULL, NULL)
  } else {
    x[[name]] <- value

##' @rdname accessors
##' @S3method [[<- mutaframe
"[[<-.mutaframe" <- function(x, i, j,..., value) {
  nrx <- nrow(x)
  lv <- length(value)
  if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0)
    warning("arguments beyond 'i' ignored")
  if (missing(i))
    stop("subscript is missing")
  if (!is.character(i) && !is.numeric(i))
    stop("invalid subscript type")
  if (length(i) < 1L)
    stop("attempt to select less than one element")
  if (length(i) > 1L)
    stop("attempt to select more than one element")
  if (is.numeric(i) && (i < 1L || i > ncol(x) + 1L))
    stop("subscript out of bounds")
  if (!is.null(value) && !is.function(value) && (nrx != lv)) {
    if ((nrx == 0) || (nrx %% lv != 0))
      stop(paste(lv, "elements in value to replace", nrx, "elements"))
    else value <- rep(value, length.out = nrx)
  if (is.numeric(i)) {
    if (i > length(x))
      i <- paste("V", i, sep = "")
    else i <- names(x)[i]

  if (!exists(i, x)) {
    # Add new column
    nms <- make.names(c(names(x), i), unique = TRUE)
    names(x) <- nms
    i <- tail(nms, 1L)
    if (!is.function(value))
      value <- raw_binding(x, i, value)
    makeActiveBinding(i, value, x)
    notify_listeners(x, NULL, NULL)
  } else assign(i, value, x)


##' @param drop If \code{TRUE} and the result of subsetting is a
##' single column or row, that column or row is extracted as the
##' result. By default, this is \code{TRUE} if the result has one
##' column.
##' @return A dynamic, filtering mutaframe
##' @rdname accessors
##' @S3method [ mutaframe
"[.mutaframe" <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
  if (length(list(...)) > 0)
    warning("parameters in '...' not supported")

  # Single item subsetting: e.g. mtcars[], mtcars[1], mtcars["mpg"]
  # NOTE: matrix-style subsetting by logical matrix not supported
  if ((nargs() - !missing(drop)) < 3) {
    if (!missing(drop))
      warning("parameter 'drop' ignored by list-style subsetting")
    if (missing(i))
    iInfo <- .bracket.Index(i, ncol(x), colnames(x))
    if (!is.null(iInfo$msg))
      stop("subsetting as list: ", iInfo$msg)

    return(filter_proxy(x, j = iInfo$idx, rn = rownames(x)))

  ### NOTE: the indexing into columns is static, so negative column
  ### indices will not propagate new columns

  dim <- dim(x)
  rn <- rownames(x)
  if (!missing(j)) {
    jInfo <- .bracket.Index(j, ncol(x), colnames(x))
    if (!is.null(jInfo$msg))
      stop("selecting cols: ", jInfo$msg)
    j <- jInfo$idx
    dim[2L] <- length(j)
  } else j <- names(x)

  if (!missing(i)) {
    iInfo <- .bracket.Index(i, nrow(x), rownames(x), dup.nms = TRUE,
                            allowNumeric = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(iInfo$msg))
      stop("selecting rows: ", iInfo$msg)
    i <- iInfo$idx
    dim[1L] <- length(seq(dim[1L])[i]) # may have 0 cols, no rownames
    rn <- rn[i]
    if (anyDuplicated(rn))
      rn <- make.unique(rn)
  } else {
    i <- TRUE

  if (missing(drop)) ## drop by default if only one column left
    drop <- length(dim[2L]) == 1

  if (dim[2L] == 1 && drop) {
    # Single column output, and want to drop, so return static clone
  } else {
    # Otherwise return proxy
    filter_proxy(x, i, j, rn)

##' @rdname accessors
##' @S3method [<- mutaframe
"[<-.mutaframe" <- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {  
  if (length(list(...)) > 0)
    warning("parameters in '...' not supported")

  # x[] <- a OR x[ , ] <- a
  # x[, j] <- a
  # x[i ,] <- a
  # x[i ,j] <- a
  if (nargs() < 4) {
    iInfo <- list(msg = NULL, useIdx = FALSE, idx = NULL)
    if (missing(i)) {
      jInfo <- list(msg = NULL, useIdx = FALSE, idx = seq_len(ncol(x)))
    } else {
      jInfo <- .bracket.Index(i, ncol(x), colnames(x), new.nms = TRUE)
  } else {
    if (missing(i)) {
      iInfo <- list(msg = NULL, useIdx = FALSE, idx = NULL)
    } else {
      iInfo <- .bracket.Index(i, nrow(x), rownames(x), allowNumeric=TRUE,
        new.nms = TRUE)
    if (missing(j)) {
      jInfo <- list(msg = NULL, useIdx = FALSE, idx = seq_len(ncol(x)))
    } else {
      jInfo <- .bracket.Index(j, ncol(x), colnames(x), new.nms = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(iInfo$msg))
    stop("replacing rows: ", iInfo$msg)
  if (!is.null(jInfo$msg))
    stop("replacing cols: ", jInfo$msg)
  i <- iInfo$idx
  j <- jInfo$idx

  useI <- iInfo$useIdx
  if (useI) {
    li <- length(i)
  } else {
    li <- nrow(x)

  if (NCOL(value) == 1) {
    lv <- length(value)
    if (li != lv) {
      if ((li == 0) || (li %% lv != 0))
        stop(paste(lv, "rows in value to replace", li, "rows"))
        value <- rep(value, length.out = li)
  } else {
    if (ncol(value) != length(j))
      stop("ncol(x[j]) != ncol(value)")
    nrv <- nrow(value)
    if (li != nrv) {
      if ((li == 0) || (li %% nrv != 0))
        stop(paste(nrv, "rows in value to replace", li, "rows"))
        value <- value[rep(seq_len(nrv), length.out = li), , drop = FALSE]

  if (useI) {
    for (ji in j) {
      x[[ji]][i] <- value
  } else {
    for (ji in j) {
      x[[ji]] <- value


anyMissingOrOutside <- function(x, lower = -.Machine$integer.max,                               upper = .Machine$integer.max) {
  any(is.na(x) | x < lower | x > upper)

.bracket.Index <- function(idx, lx, nms = NULL, dup.nms = FALSE, new.nms = FALSE, allowNumeric = FALSE) {
  msg <- NULL
  if (is.numeric(idx)) {
    if (!is.integer(idx))
      idx <- as.integer(idx)
    if (anyMissingOrOutside(idx, -lx, lx)) {
      msg <- "subscript contains NAs or out of bounds indices"
    } else {
      anyPos <- anyMissingOrOutside(idx, -lx, 0L)
      anyNeg <- anyMissingOrOutside(idx, 0L, lx)
      if (anyPos && anyNeg)
        msg <- "negative and positive indices cannot be mixed"
  } else if (is.logical(idx)) {
    if (any(is.na(idx)))
      msg <- "subscript contains NAs"
    else if (length(idx) > lx)
      msg <- "subscript out of bounds"
  } else if (is.character(idx) || is.factor(idx)) {
    if (any(is.na(idx)))
      msg <- "subscript contains NAs"
    else if (is.null(nms) && length(idx) > 0)
      msg <- "cannot subset by character when names are NULL"
    else {
      if (dup.nms)
        m <- pmatch(idx, nms, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
        m <- match(idx, nms)
      if (!new.nms && !dup.nms && any(is.na(m)))
        msg <- "mismatching names"
  } else if (!is.null(idx)) {
    msg <- "invalid subscript type"
  if (!is.null(msg)) {
    useIdx <- NULL
    idx <- NULL
  } else {
    useIdx <- TRUE
    if (!is.character(idx)) {
      if (allowNumeric) {
        if (is.logical(idx)) {
          if (all(idx))
            useIdx <- FALSE
          if (length(idx) < lx)
            idx <- rep(idx, length.out = lx)
          idx <- which(idx)
      } else idx <- nms[idx]

  list(msg = msg, useIdx = useIdx, idx = idx)

##' @S3method head mutaframe
head.mutaframe <- function(x, n = 6, ...) {
##' @S3method tail mutaframe
tail.mutaframe <- function(x, n = 6, ...) {
  x[seq(to = nrow(x), length.out = n),,drop=FALSE]
ggobi/plumbr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:15 a.m.