
Defines functions guided_tour

Documented in guided_tour

#' A guided tour path.
#' Instead of choosing new projections at random like the grand tour, the
#' guided tour always tries to find a projection that is more interesting
#' than the current projection.
#' Currently the index functions only work in 2d.
#' Usually, you will not call this function directly, but will pass it to
#' a method that works with tour paths like \code{\link{animate}},
#' \code{\link{save_history}} or \code{\link{render}}.
#' @param index_f the index function to optimise.
#' @param d target dimensionality
#' @param alpha the initial size of the search window, in radians
#' @param cooling the amount the size of the search window should be adjusted
#'   by after each step
#' @param search_f the search strategy to use: \code{\link{search_geodesic}}, \code{\link{search_better}},
#'   \code{\link{search_better_random}}, \code{\link{search_polish}}. Default is \code{\link{search_geodesic}}.
#' @param max.tries the maximum number of unsuccessful attempts to find
#'   a better projection before giving up
#' @param max.i the maximum index value, stop search if a larger value is found
#' @param n_sample number of samples to generate if \code{search_f} is \code{\link{search_polish}}
#' @param n_jellies only used for \code{search_jellyfish}, the number of jellyfish to use
#' @param ... arguments sent to the search_f
#' @seealso \code{\link{cmass}}, \code{\link{holes}} and \code{\link{lda_pp}}
#'   for examples of index functions.  The function should take a numeric
#'   matrix and return a single number, preferably between 0 and 1.
#' \code{\link{search_geodesic}}, \code{\link{search_better}},
#'   \code{\link{search_better_random}} for different search strategies
#' @export
#' @examples
#' flea_std <- apply(flea[,1:6], 2, function(x) (x-mean(x))/sd(x))
#' animate_xy(flea_std, guided_tour(holes()), sphere = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' animate_xy(flea_std, guided_tour(holes(), search_f = search_better_random), sphere = TRUE)
#' animate_dist(flea_std, guided_tour(holes(), 1), sphere = TRUE)
#' animate_xy(flea_std, guided_tour(lda_pp(flea$species)), sphere = TRUE, col = flea$species)
#' # save_history is particularly useful in conjunction with the
#' # guided tour as it allows us to look at the tour path in many different
#' # ways
#' f <- flea_std[, 1:3]
#' tries <- replicate(5, save_history(f, guided_tour(holes())), simplify = FALSE)
#' }
guided_tour <- function(index_f, d = 2, cooling = 0.99, max.tries = 25,
                        max.i = Inf, search_f = search_geodesic,
                        n_jellies = 30, n_sample = 100, alpha = 0.5,...) {
  generator <- function(current, data, tries, ...) {
    index <- function(proj) {
      index_f(as.matrix(data) %*% proj)

    valid_fun <- c(
      "search_geodesic", "search_better", "search_better_random",
      "search_polish", "search_posse", "search_jellyfish"
    method <- valid_fun[vapply(valid_fun, function(x) {
      identical(get(x), search_f)
    }, logical(1))]

    if (is.null(current)) {
      if (method == "search_jellyfish"){
        current <- replicate(n_jellies, basis_random(ncol(data), d), simplify = FALSE)
        cur_index <- sapply(current, index)
        best_id <- which.max(cur_index)
        attr(current, "best_id") <- best_id
        class(current) <- c("multi-bases", class(current))

        rcd_env <- parent.frame(n = 3)
        rcd_env[["record"]] <- dplyr::add_row(
          rcd_env[["record"]], basis = current[-best_id],
          index_val = cur_index[-best_id], info = "initiation",
          method = method, alpha = NA, tries = 1, loop = 1:(length(current)-1)
        rcd_env[["record"]] <- dplyr::add_row(
          rcd_env[["record"]], basis = current[best_id],
          index_val = cur_index[best_id], info = "initiation",
          method = method, alpha = NA, tries = 1, loop = length(current)

      current <- basis_random(ncol(data), d)
      cur_index <- index(current)

        rcd_env <- parent.frame(n = 3)
        rcd_env[["record"]] <- dplyr::add_row(
          rcd_env[["record"]], basis = list(current),
          index_val = cur_index, info = "new_basis", method = method,
          alpha = formals(guided_tour)$alpha, tries = 1, loop = 1
      error = function(e){
                 basis = list(), index_val = numeric(), info = character(),
                 method = character(), alpha = numeric(), tries = numeric(),
                 loop = numeric()),
               envir = parent.frame())
        rcd_env[["record"]] <- tibble::tibble(
          basis = list(current), index_val = cur_index, info = "new_basis",
          method = method, alpha = formals(guided_tour)$alpha, tries = 1,
          loop = 1


    if (inherits(current, "multi-bases")){
      best_id <- attr(current, "best_id")
      cur_index <- max(sapply(current, index))
    } else{
      cur_index <- index(current)

    if (cur_index > max.i) {
      message("Found index ", sprintf("%.3f", cur_index), ",
              larger than selected maximum ", max.i, ". Stopping search.")

    # current, alpha = 1, index, max.tries = 5, n = 5, delta = 0.01, cur_index = NA, ..
    basis <- search_f(
      current, alpha = alpha, index = index, tries = tries, max.tries = max.tries,
      cur_index = cur_index, frozen = frozen, n_sample = n_sample, ...)

    if (method == "search_posse") {
      if (!is.null(basis$h)) {
        if (basis$h > 30) {
          alpha <<- alpha * cooling
    } else {
      alpha <<- alpha * cooling

    list(target = basis$target, index = index)

  new_geodesic_path("guided", generator)
# globalVariables(c("cur_index", "index"))
ggobi/tourr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:25 a.m.