
Defines functions create_bulk

Documented in create_bulk

#' Creates html pages with maps and basic stats for multiple cities
#' @param cities A character vector of cities located in the same country.
#' @param country The name of a country. 
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects (creates html files with maps and basic text)
#' @examples
#' create_bulk(cities = c("Sibiu", "Alba Iulia"), country = "Romania")
#' @export

create_bulk <- function(cities, country) {
  cities <- tolower(cities)
  country <- tolower(country)
  dir.create("html", showWarnings = FALSE) 
  dir.create("html", country, showWarnings = FALSE) 
  # if already processed, don't do them again
  citiesDone <- list.files(path = file.path("html", country), include.dirs = FALSE) %>%
  cities <- cities[is.element(cities, citiesDone)==FALSE]
  if (length(citiesDone)>0) {
    message(paste0("\nThe following cities have already been processed. To re-create the files, delete them first: ", paste(citiesDone, sep = ", ")))

  for (i in cities) {
    file_location_fixed_geo <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(file.path("data", "gendered_street_names_fixed_geo", country, paste0("city_roads_gender_fixed_geo-", iconv(x = i, to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"), ".rds"))))
    file_location_not_fixed_geo <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(file.path("data", "gendered_street_names_geo", country, paste0("city_roads_gender-", iconv(x = i, to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"), ".rds"))))
    if (file.exists(file_location_fixed_geo)) {
      city_roads_path <- file_location_fixed_geo
    } else if (file.exists(file_location_not_fixed_geo)) {
      warning(paste0("Gender has not been manually checked for ", stringr::str_to_title(i)))
      city_roads_path <- file_location_not_fixed_geo
    } else {
      download_OSM(countries = country)
      roads <- extract_roads(countries = country)
      city_boundary <- get_city_boundaries(city = i, country = country, cache = TRUE)

      ## This section will need a parameter to introduce different approaches for each country
      city_roads <- genderedstreetnames::subset_roads(boundary = city_boundary, roads = roads) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(name_clean = Remove_first_word(name)) 

      wiki_street_names <- purrr::map_dfr(.x = city_roads %>% dplyr::pull(name_clean) %>% unique(),
                                          .f = Find_gender,
                                          language = "ro",
                                          quietly = TRUE)
      city_roads_gender <- city_roads %>% 
        dplyr::left_join(wiki_street_names %>%
                           dplyr::rename(name_clean = Query), by = "name_clean")
      dir.create(file.path("data", "gendered_street_names_geo"), showWarnings = FALSE)
      dir.create(file.path("data", "gendered_street_names_geo", country), showWarnings = FALSE)
      saveRDS(object = city_roads_gender, file = file_location_not_fixed_geo)
      city_roads_path <- normalizePath(file_location_not_fixed_geo)
    rmarkdown::render(input = system.file("template.Rmd", package = "genderedstreetnames"),
                      params = list(
                        city = i,
                        country = country, 
                        city_roads_path = normalizePath(city_roads_path)
                      output_file = paste0(iconv(x = i, to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"),".html"),
                      output_dir = file.path("html", country))
giocomai/genderedstreetnames documentation built on June 21, 2020, 8:31 p.m.