#' Extract identifiers from web pages
#' @param language A character vector of length one corresponding to a language two-letter code. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available language. If more than one, throws error.
#' @param sample Defaults to NULL. If given, it processess only a sample of the available files of the size given with this parameter.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_extract_identifiers <- function(language = NULL,
progress_bar = TRUE,
sample = NULL,
temp = FALSE) {
if (temp == TRUE) {
homepage_folder <- fs::path("nwd_temp", "homepage")
} else {
homepage_folder <- fs::path("homepage")
if (is.null(language)) {
language <- fs::dir_ls(path = homepage_folder,
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory") %>%
for (i in language) {
fs::dir_create(path = fs::path("identifiers", i), recurse = TRUE)
html_location <- fs::path(homepage_folder, i)
html_dirs <- fs::dir_ls(path = html_location, recurse = FALSE, type = "directory")
for (j in html_dirs) {
html_files <- fs::dir_ls(path = j, recurse = FALSE, type = "file")
temp_date <- stringr::str_remove(string = j, pattern = paste0(html_location, "/"))
base_folder <- file.path("identifiers", i, temp_date)
if (fs::file_exists(file.path(base_folder, paste0(temp_date, "_", "identifiers_df.rds")))==FALSE) {
if (is.null(sample)==FALSE) {
html_files <- sample(x = html_files, size = sample)
domains <- fs::path_ext_remove(path = stringr::str_remove(string = html_files,
pattern = stringr::fixed(paste0(j, "/"))))
ua <- rep(x = as.character(NA), length = length(html_files))
ca_pub <- rep(x = as.character(NA), length = length(html_files))
fb_admins <- rep(x = as.character(NA), length = length(html_files))
fb_page_id <- rep(x = as.character(NA), length = length(html_files))
fb_app_id <- rep(x = as.character(NA), length = length(html_files))
taboola <- rep(x = as.character(NA), length = length(html_files))
if (progress_bar == TRUE) {
pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(n = length(html_files), min_time = 1)
for (k in seq_along(html_files)) {
if (progress_bar == TRUE) {
temp <- tryCatch(expr = paste(readLines(html_files[k]), collapse = "\n"),
error = function(e) {
warning(paste("Could not read", html_files[k]))
ua[k] <- stringr::str_extract_all(string = temp,
pattern = stringr::regex("UA-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]+", ignore_case = FALSE))
ca_pub[k] <- stringr::str_extract_all(string = temp,
pattern = stringr::regex("ca-pub-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]+", ignore_case = TRUE))
taboola[k] <- purrr::map(.x = purrr::map(.x = stringr::str_extract_all(string = temp,
pattern = stringr::regex("taboola.com/libtrc/[[:print:]]+/", ignore_case = TRUE)), .f = function(x) stringr::str_remove(string = x, pattern = c("taboola.com/libtrc/"))), .f = function(x) stringr::str_remove(string = x, pattern = c("\\/.*")))
temp <- tryCatch(expr = xml2::read_html(html_files[k]),
error = function(e) {
warning(paste("Could not parse", html_files[k]))
if(is.na(temp)==FALSE&is.element(el = "xml_node", set = class(temp))) {
fb_admins_temp <- temp %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = '//meta[@property="fb:admins"]') %>%
if (length(fb_admins_temp)>0) {fb_admins[k] <- stringr::str_split(string = fb_admins_temp, pattern = ",")}
fb_page_id_temp <- temp %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = '//meta[@property="fb:page_id"]') %>%
if (length(fb_page_id_temp)>0) {fb_page_id[k] <- stringr::str_split(string = fb_page_id_temp, pattern = ",")}
fb_app_id_temp <- temp %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = '//meta[@property="fb:app_id"]') %>%
if (length(fb_app_id_temp)>0) {fb_app_id[k] <- stringr::str_split(string = fb_app_id_temp, pattern = ",")}
identifiers_df <- tibble::tibble(domain = domains,
ua = ua,
ca_pub = ca_pub,
fb_admins = fb_admins,
fb_page_id = fb_page_id,
fb_app_id = fb_app_id,
taboola = taboola) %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(.cols = -domain, .fns = as.list))
fs::dir_create(path = base_folder, recurse = TRUE)
saveRDS(object = identifiers_df, file = file.path(base_folder, paste0(temp_date, "_", "identifiers_df.rds")))
message(paste("\nIdentifiers stored in",
file.path(base_folder, paste0(temp_date, "_", "identifiers_df.rds"))))
#' Extract identifiers from backuped homepages
#' @param language A character vector of length one corresponding to a language two-letter code.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_extract_identifiers_from_backup <- function(language,
local = TRUE,
googledrive = FALSE) {
if (local == TRUE) {
available_backups <-
nwd_list_available_backups(folder = "homepage",
timeframe = "daily",
language = language,
filetype = "html")
if (googledrive==TRUE) {
available_backups_on_google_drive <-
nwd_list_available_backups_on_google_drive(folder = "homepage",
timeframe = "daily",
language = language,
filetype = "html")
fs::dir_create(path = fs::path("identifiers", language), recurse = TRUE)
identifiers_done_dates <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("identifiers", language)) %>%
if (length(identifiers_done_dates)>0) {
if (local == TRUE) {
backup_homepages_not_processed <-
available_backups %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(string = name,
pattern = paste(identifiers_done_dates,
collapse = "|"),
negate = TRUE))
} else if (googledrive == TRUE) {
backup_homepages_not_processed <-
available_backups_on_google_drive %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(string = name,
pattern = paste(identifiers_done_dates,
collapse = "|"),
negate = TRUE))
} else {
if (local == TRUE) {
backup_homepages_not_processed <- available_backups
} else if (googledrive == TRUE) {
backup_homepages_not_processed <- available_backups_on_google_drive
if (nrow(backup_homepages_not_processed)>0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(backup_homepages_not_processed)) {
fs::dir_create(path = "nwd_temp")
if (local == TRUE) {
untar(tarfile = backup_homepages_not_processed$location[i], exdir = "nwd_temp")
} else if (googledrive == TRUE) {
googledrive::drive_download(file = backup_homepages_not_processed %>%
path = fs::path("nwd_temp", "temp.tar.gz"))
untar(tarfile = fs::path("nwd_temp", "temp.tar.gz"), exdir = "nwd_temp")
nwd_extract_identifiers(language = language,
progress_bar = TRUE,
temp = TRUE)
fs::dir_delete(path = "nwd_temp")
#' Extract identifiers from ads.txt files
#' Extract identifiers from ads.txt files, typically downloaded with `nwd_get_ads()`
#' @param language A character vector of length one corresponding to a language two-letter code. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available language. If more than one, throws error.
#' @param sample Defaults to NULL. If given, it processess only a sample of the available files of the size given with this parameter.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects, i.e. storing identifiers in csv format by language in the `ads_identifiers_csv` folder.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nwd_extract_identifiers_from_ads()
#' }
nwd_extract_identifiers_from_ads <- function(language = NULL,
sample = NULL) {
if (is.null(language)) {
language <- fs::dir_ls(
path = "ads",
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory"
) %>%
.x = language,
.f = function(language_x) {
all_txt <- fs::dir_ls(
path = fs::path("ads", language_x),
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
glob = "*.txt"
if (length(all_txt) == 0) {
if (is.null(sample)==FALSE) {
all_txt <- sample(x = all_txt, size = sample)
names(all_txt) <- fs::path_file(all_txt) %>%
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(all_txt))
identifiers_df <- purrr::map_dfr(
.x = all_txt,
.f = function(x) {
txt <- readr::read_lines(file = x)
if (is.na(txt[1])==TRUE) {
} else if (stringr::str_detect(string = txt[1], pattern = stringr::fixed("<"))) {
} else if (length(txt)>1 & stringr::str_detect(string = txt[2], pattern = stringr::fixed("<"))) {
} else {
first_line_with_data <- c(stringr::str_detect(string = txt,
pattern = ","),
stringr::str_starts(string = txt,
pattern = "#",
negate = TRUE)) %>%
min(na.rm = TRUE)
file = x,
delim = ",",
col_names = c(
col_types = readr::cols(
partner = readr::col_character(),
identifier = readr::col_character(),
type = readr::col_character(),
code = readr::col_character()
comment = "#",
trim_ws = TRUE,
skip = first_line_with_data-1,
skip_empty_rows = TRUE,
# if (check == TRUE & ncol(temp_df)<2) {
# warning(paste("Only one column found in", sQuote(x)))
# } else {
# temp_df
# }
}, .id = "domain"
) %>%
dplyr::filter(is.na(partner) == FALSE) %>%
x = identifiers_df,
file = fs::path("ads_identifiers_csv", paste0("ads_identifiers_", language_x, ".csv"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.