#' Adapt and write a `tsibble` to a readable ActTrust file
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' `write_acttrust()` allows you to adapt and write a
#' [`tsibble`][tsibble::tsibble()] object to a readable ActTrust file.
#' Note that your data must conform to a predefined structure. See
#' [`?acttrust`][actverse::acttrust] to learn more.
#' ActTrust is a trademark of
#' [Condor Instruments Ltda](https://condorinst.com/en/).
#' @details
#' ## Requirements
#' `write_acttrust()` requires the [`readr`][readr::readr-package] package. If
#' you don't already have it installed, you can install it with:
#' ```
#' install.packages("readr")
#' ````
#' ## `NA` values
#' `write_acttrust()` will transform any `NA` value to `0`. This is because
#' the ActTrust software only deals with numeric values.
#' @param data A [`tsibble`][tsibble::tsibble()] object with a
#' [`POSIXt`][as.POSIXct()] index. The ActTrust software only deals with this
#' type of index.
#' @param file A string with a file path to write to.
#' @param delim (optional) a string indicating the delimiter that must be used
#' to separate values. Valid delimiters are: `";"` and \code{"\t"} (default:
#' `";"`).
#' @param header (optional) a string indicating the path to a file (usually
#' the raw data file) with the ActTrust header. This is not mandatory,
#' the ActTrust software can read files without it (default: `NULL`).
#' @return An invisible `NULL`. This function don't aim to return values.
#' @family utility functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' acttrust
#' file <- tempfile()
#' header <- raw_data("acttrust.txt")
#' write_acttrust(acttrust, file, header = header)
#' readLines(file, n = 30)
write_acttrust <- function(data, file, delim = ";", header = NULL) {
assert_tsibble(data, min.rows = 2, min.cols = 2)
assert_index_class(data, c("POSIXt"))
assert_clear_epoch(data, 0.9)
checkmate::assert_choice(delim, c(";", "\t"))
checkmate::assert_string(header, null.ok = TRUE)
# R CMD Check variable bindings fix (see: https://bit.ly/3z24hbU)
# nolint start: object_usage_linter.
acttrust <- NULL
. <- NULL
timestamp <- date <- time <- ms <- NULL
pim <- pim_n <- tat <- tat_n <- zcm <- zcm_n <- NULL
orientation <- wrist_temperature <- external_temperature <- NULL
light <- ambient_light <- red_light <- green_light <- blue_light <- NULL
ir_light <- uva_light <- uvb_light <- NULL
event <- state <- NULL
# nolint end
"acttrust", package = "actverse", envir = environment()
epoch <- find_epoch(data)$best_match
cols <- paste0("^timestamp$|^", tsibble::index2_var(data), "$") %>%
grep(names(acttrust), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
if (!any(cols %in% names(data))) {
"{.strong {cli::col_red('data')}} must have at least one column ",
"with the following names: {cols}. ",
"See the function documentation to learn more."
if (!identical(names(data), names(acttrust))) {
for (i in names(acttrust)[!(names(acttrust) %in% names(data))]) {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.pLaCeHoLdEr = as.numeric(NA)) %>%
dplyr::rename_with(~ gsub("^.pLaCeHoLdEr$", i, .x))
cli::cli_progress_step("Adapting data")
out <- data %>%
tsibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(timestamp = tsibble::index2_var(data)) %>%
dplyr::across(-timestamp, as.numeric),
~ dplyr::if_else(is.na(.x), 0, .x))
) %>%
timestamp = format(timestamp, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"),
ms = 0,
pim_n = pim / epoch,
tat_n = tat / epoch,
zcm_n = zcm / epoch,
event = dplyr::if_else(event %in% 0:1,
event, 0),
state = dplyr::if_else(state %in% c(0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8), state, 0)
) %>%
`DATE/TIME` = timestamp, MS = ms,
EVENT = event,
TEMPERATURE = wrist_temperature,
`EXT TEMPERATURE` = external_temperature,
ORIENTATION = orientation,
PIM = pim, PIMn = pim_n, TAT = tat, TATn = tat_n, ZCM = zcm,
ZCMn = zcm_n,
LIGHT = light, `AMB LIGHT` = ambient_light,
`RED LIGHT` = red_light, `GREEN LIGHT` = green_light,
`BLUE LIGHT` = blue_light, `IR LIGHT` = ir_light,
`UVA LIGHT` = uva_light, `UVB LIGHT` = uvb_light,
STATE = state)
if (!is.null(header)) {
cli::cli_progress_step("Adding header")
if (grepl("Condor Instruments Report",
readLines(header, n = 1))) {
readLines(header, n = 25) %>% writeLines(file)
cli::cli_progress_step("Writing data")
out %>% readr::write_delim(
file, delim = delim, na = "0", append = TRUE, col_names = TRUE)
} else {
cli::cli_progress_step("Writing data")
out %>% readr::write_delim(file, delim = delim, na = "0")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.