
Defines functions values setCols setColNames rowbind rowaggregate rollapply refresh new nas getCol cols colapply clone alter S3WrapperGenerator

Documented in alter clone colapply cols getCol nas new refresh rollapply rowaggregate rowbind S3WrapperGenerator setColNames setCols values

#' S3 wrapper method generator
#' Generates S3 wrapper methods for public methods of `R6ClassGenerator`s, but
#' can also be used to generate \dQuote{plain} function wrappers.
#' @param R6Method An [`expression`] with or a public method ([`function`]) of
#'   an `R6ClassGenerator`.
#' @param self A character string specifying the name of the parameter, which
#'   will take the R6 object.
#' @param dots A logical specifying if a `...` parameter shall be added as last
#'   parameter in case none already exists. This might be required for S3
#'   generic/method consistency.
#' @return Returns an S3 method ([`function`]).
#' @seealso [`S3Methods`], [`R6::R6Class`]
#' @examples
#' # generate an S3 wrapper method for 'alter()' of 'DTSg'
#' alter.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(
#'   R6Method = DTSg$public_methods$alter
#' )
#' @export
S3WrapperGenerator <- function(R6Method, self = "x", dots = TRUE) {
  if (is.function(R6Method)) {
    R6Method <- as.expression(substitute(R6Method))
  if (!is.expression(R6Method) ||
        R6Method[[1L]][[2L]][[3L]] != "public_methods" ||
        !is.R6Class(eval(R6Method[[1L]][[2L]][[2L]]))) {
    stop('"R6Method" must contain a public method of an "R6ClassGenerator".')
  qassert(self, "S1")
  qassert(dots, "B1")

  args <- list()
  args[[self]] <- alist(self = )$self
  args <- c(args, formals(eval(R6Method)))

  if (dots && !any(names(args) == "...")) {
    args[["..."]] <- alist(... = )$...

  S3Method <- function() {
    call <- match.call()
    call[[1L]] <- call("$", as.name(self), R6Method[[1L]][[3L]])
    call[[2L]] <- NULL


  formals(S3Method) <- args


#### aggregate ####
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' Aggregate values
#' Applies a temporal aggregation level function to the _.dateTime_ column of a
#' [`DTSg`] object and aggregates its values column-wise to the function's
#' temporal aggregation level utilising one or more provided summary functions.
#' Additionally, it sets the object's [`aggregated`][DTSg] field to `TRUE`.
#' @param x A [`DTSg`] object (S3 method only).
#' @param funby One of the temporal aggregation level functions described in
#'   [`TALFs`] or a user defined temporal aggregation level function. See
#'   corresponding section for further information.
#' @param fun A summary function, (named) [`list`] of summary functions or
#'   (named) character vector specifying summary functions applied column-wise
#'   to all the values of the same temporal aggregation level. The return
#'   value(s) must be of length one. See corresponding section for further
#'   information.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed on to `fun`.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns to aggregate. Another
#'   possibility is a character string containing either comma separated column
#'   names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column separated by a
#'   colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @param n A logical specifying if a column named `.n` giving the number of
#'   values per temporal aggregation level shall be added. See corresponding
#'   section for further information.
#' @param ignoreDST A logical specifying if day saving time shall be ignored
#'   by `funby`. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @param multiplier A positive integerish value \dQuote{multiplying} the
#'   temporal aggregation level of certain [`TALFs`]. See corresponding section
#'   for further information.
#' @param funbyHelpers An optional [`list`] with helper data passed on to
#'   `funby`. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @param funbyApproach A character string specifying the flavour of the applied
#'   temporal aggregation level function. Either `"timechange"`, which utilises
#'   [`timechange::time_floor`], or `"base"`, which utilises [`as.POSIXct`], or
#'   `"fasttime"`, which utilises [`fasttime::fastPOSIXct`], or `"RcppCCTZ"`,
#'   which utilises [`RcppCCTZ::parseDatetime`] as the main function for
#'   transforming timestamps.
#' @param clone A logical specifying if the object shall be modified in place or
#'   if a deep clone (copy) shall be made beforehand.
#' @section User defined TALFs, TALFs helper data and multiplier:
#' User defined temporal aggregation level functions have to return a
#' [`POSIXct`] vector of the same length as the time series and accept two
#' arguments: a [`POSIXct`] vector as its first and a [`list`] with helper data
#' as its second. The default elements of this [`list`] are as follows:
#' * _timezone:_ Same as the [`timezone`][DTSg] field.
#' * _ignoreDST:_ Same as the `ignoreDST` argument.
#' * _periodicity:_ Same as the [`periodicity`][DTSg] field.
#' * _na.status:_ Same as the [`na.status`][DTSg] field.
#' * _multiplier:_ Same as the `multiplier` argument.
#' * _funbyApproach:_ Same as the `funbyApproach` argument.
#' Any additional element specified in the `funbyHelpers` argument is appended
#' to the end of the default [`list`]. In case `funbyHelpers` contains an
#' _ignoreDST, multiplier_ or _funbyApproach_ element, it takes precedence over
#' the respective method argument. _timezone, periodicity_ and _na.status_
#' elements are rejected, as they are always taken directly from the object.
#' The temporal aggregation level of certain [`TALFs`] can be adjusted with the
#' help of the `multiplier` argument. A `multiplier` of `10`, for example, makes
#' \code{\link{byY_____}} aggregate to decades instead of years. Another example
#' is a `multiplier` of `6` provided to \code{\link{by_m____}}. The function
#' then aggregates all months of all first and all months of all second half
#' years instead of all months of all years separately. This feature is
#' supported by the following [`TALFs`] of the package:
#' * \code{\link{byY_____}}
#' * \code{\link{byYm____}}
#' * \code{\link{byYmdH__}} (UTC and equivalent as well as all Etc/GMT time zones only)
#' * \code{\link{byYmdHM_}}
#' * \code{\link{byYmdHMS}}
#' * \code{\link{by_m____}}
#' * \code{\link{by___H__}} (UTC and equivalent as well as all Etc/GMT time zones only)
#' * \code{\link{by____M_}}
#' * \code{\link{by_____S}}
#' @section Summary functions:
#' Some examples for `fun` are as follows:
#' * [`mean`]
#' * \code{\link{list}(min = \link{min}, max = \link{max})}
#' * `c(sd = "sd", var = "var")`
#' A [`list`] or character vector must have names in case more than one summary
#' function is provided. The method can benefit from \pkg{data.table}'s
#' _[GForce][data.table::datatable-optimize]_ optimisation in case a character
#' vector specifying summary functions is provided.
#' @section Number of values per temporal aggregation level:
#' Depending on the number of columns to aggregate, the `.n` column contains
#' different counts:
#' * One column: The counts are calculated from the columns' values disregarding
#' any missing values.
#' * More than one column: The counts are calculated from the _.dateTime_ column
#' including all missing values.
#' @section Ignore day saving time:
#' `ignoreDST` tells a temporal aggregation level function if it is supposed to
#' ignore day saving time while transforming the timestamps. This can be a
#' desired feature for time series strictly following the position of the sun
#' such as hydrological time series. Doing so ensures that diurnal variations
#' are preserved by all means and all intervals are of the \dQuote{correct}
#' length, however, a possible limitation might be that the day saving time
#' shift is invariably assumed to be one hour long. This feature requires that
#' the periodicity of the time series has been recognised and is supported by
#' the following [`TALFs`] of the package:
#' * \code{\link{byY_____}}
#' * \code{\link{byYQ____}}
#' * \code{\link{byYm____}}
#' * \code{\link{byYmd___}}
#' * \code{\link{by_Q____}}
#' * \code{\link{by_m____}}
#' * \code{\link{by___H__}}
#' @return Returns an aggregated [`DTSg`] object.
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # mean yearly river flows
#' ## R6 method
#' x$aggregate(
#'   funby = byY_____,
#'   fun = "mean",
#'   na.rm = TRUE
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(aggregate(
#'   x = x,
#'   funby = byY_____,
#'   fun = "mean",
#'   na.rm = TRUE
#' ))
#' # variance and standard deviation of river flows per quarter
#' ## R6 method
#' x$aggregate(
#'   funby = byYQ____,
#'   fun = c(var = "var", sd = "sd"),
#'   na.rm = TRUE
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(aggregate(
#'   x = x,
#'   funby = byYQ____,
#'   fun = c(var = "var", sd = "sd"),
#'   na.rm = TRUE
#' ))
#' # mean of river flows of all first and all second half years
#' ## R6 method
#' x$aggregate(
#'   funby = by_m____,
#'   fun = "mean",
#'   na.rm = TRUE,
#'   multiplier = 6
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(aggregate(
#'   x = x,
#'   funby = by_m____,
#'   fun = "mean",
#'   na.rm = TRUE,
#'   multiplier = 6
#' ))
#' @aliases aggregate
#' @export
aggregate.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$aggregate))

#### alter ####
#' @export
alter <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("alter", x)
#' Alter time series
#' Shortens, lengthens, filters for a consecutive range, changes the periodicity
#' and/or the status of missing values of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @param from A [`POSIXct`] timestamp in the same time zone as the time series
#'   or a character string coercible to one. Specifies the new start of the time
#'   series.
#' @param to A [`POSIXct`] timestamp in the same time zone as the time series or
#'   a character string coercible to one. Specifies the new end of the time
#'   series.
#' @param by Specifies the new periodicity in one of the ways the `by` argument
#'   of [`seq.POSIXt`] can be specified. Must be specified for time series with
#'   unrecognised periodicity. Time steps out of sync with the new periodicity
#'   are dropped.
#' @param rollback A logical specifying if a call to [`rollback`] shall be made
#'   when appropriate.
#' @param na.status A character string. Either `"explicit"`, which makes missing
#'   timestamps explicit according to the recognised periodicity, or
#'   `"implicit"`, which removes timestamps with missing values on all value
#'   columns. Please note that [`DTSg`] objects work best with explicitly
#'   missing values.
#' @param \dots Not used (S3 method only).
#' @inheritParams aggregate.DTSg
#' @return Returns a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @seealso [`getOption`], [`subset`], [`nas`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # filter for the first two years
#' ## R6 method
#' x$alter(
#'   from = "2007-01-01",
#'   to = "2008-12-31"
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(alter(
#'   x = x,
#'   from = "2007-01-01",
#'   to = "2008-12-31"
#' ))
#' # change periodicity to one month
#' ## R6 method
#' x$alter(by = "1 month")$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(alter(x = x, by = "1 month"))
#' @aliases alter
#' @export
alter.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$alter))

#### clone ####
#' @export
clone <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("clone", x)
#' Clone object
#' Clones (copies) a [`DTSg`] object. Merely assigning a variable representing a
#' [`DTSg`] object to a new variable does not result in a copy of the object.
#' Instead, both variables will reference and access the same data under the
#' hood, i.e. changing one will also affect the other. This is not an issue when
#' calling methods with the _DTSgClone_ option or `clone` argument set to
#' `TRUE`, but has to be kept in mind when setting fields, as they are always
#' modified in place. See [`DTSg`] for further information.
#' @param deep A logical specifying if a deep copy shall be made (for
#'   consistency with the [`R6::R6Class`] the default is `FALSE`, but should
#'   generally be set to `TRUE`).
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @return Returns a cloned [`DTSg`] object.
#' @seealso [`options`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # make a deep copy
#' ## R6 method
#' x$clone(deep = TRUE)
#' ## S3 method
#' clone(x = x, deep = TRUE)
#' @aliases clone
#' @export
clone.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$clone))

#### colapply ####
#' @export
colapply <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("colapply", x)
#' Apply function column-wise
#' Applies an arbitrary function to selected columns of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @param fun A [`function`]. Its return value must be of length one.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns to apply `fun` to.
#'   Another possibility is a character string containing either comma separated
#'   column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column separated
#'   by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @param resultCols An optional character vector of the same length as `cols`
#'   specifying the column names for the return values of `fun`. Another
#'   possibility is a character string containing comma separated column names,
#'   for example, `"x,y,z"`. Non-existing columns are added and existing columns
#'   are overwritten. Columns are matched element-wise between `cols` and
#'   `resultCols`.
#' @param suffix An optional character string. The return values of `fun` are
#'   added as new columns with names consisting of the columns specified in
#'   `cols` and this suffix. Existing columns are never overwritten. Only used
#'   when `resultCols` is not specified.
#' @param helpers A logical specifying if helper data shall be handed over to
#'   `fun`. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @param funby One of the temporal aggregation level functions described in
#'   [`TALFs`] or a user defined temporal aggregation level function. Can be
#'   used to apply functions like [`cumsum`] to a certain temporal level. See
#'   corresponding section and examples for further information.
#' @inheritParams aggregate.DTSg
#' @section Helper data:
#' In addition to the `...` argument, this method optionally hands over a
#' [`list`] argument with helper data called `.helpers` to `fun`. This [`list`]
#' contains the following elements:
#' * _.dateTime:_ A [`POSIXct`] vector containing the _.dateTime_ column.
#' * _periodicity:_ Same as the [`periodicity`][DTSg] field.
#' * _minLag:_ A [`difftime`] object containing the minimum time difference
#' between two subsequent timestamps.
#' * _maxLag:_ A [`difftime`] object containing the maximum time difference
#' between two subsequent timestamps.
#' @inheritSection aggregate.DTSg User defined TALFs, TALFs helper data and multiplier
#' @inheritSection aggregate.DTSg Ignore day saving time
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @example examples/colapply.R
#' @aliases colapply
#' @export
colapply.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$colapply))

#### cols ####
#' @export
cols <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("cols", x)
#' Get column names
#' Returns all column names of a [`DTSg`] object, those of certain [`class`]es,
#' [`mode`]s, [`typeof`]s and/or those matching a certain pattern only.
#' @param class An optional character vector matched to the most specific class
#'   (first element) of each column's [`class`] vector. The \dQuote{special
#'   class} `".numerary"` matches the [`integer`] and [`numeric`] classes.
#' @param pattern An optional character string passed on to the `pattern`
#'   argument of [`grep`].
#' @param mode An optional character vector matched to each column's [`mode`].
#' @param typeof An optional character vector matched to each column's
#'   [`typeof`].
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed on to [`grep`]. The `value` argument is
#'   rejected.
#' @inheritParams aggregate.DTSg
#' @return Returns a character vector.
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # get names of numeric columns
#' ## R6 method
#' x$cols(class = "numeric")
#' ## 'names()' is a "hidden" R6 alias for 'cols()'
#' x$names(class = "numeric")
#' ## S3 method
#' cols(x = x, class = "numeric")
#' @aliases cols
#' @export
cols.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$cols))

#### getCol ####
#' @export
getCol <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("getCol", x)
#' Get column vector
#' @description
#' Returns the values of a column of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' The extract operator (`[`) acts as a shortcut for `getCol`.
#' @param x A [`DTSg`] object (`getCol` S3 method only).
#' @param col A character string specifying a column name.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed on to `getCol` (only used by the extract
#'   operator).
#' @return Returns a vector or a [`list`] in case of a [`list`] column.
#' @seealso [`cols`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # get the first ten values of the "flow" column
#' ## R6 methods
#' x$getCol(col = "flow")[1:10]
#' x$`[`("flow")[1:10]
#' ## S3 methods
#' getCol(x = x, col = "flow")[1:10]
#' x["flow"][1:10]
#' @aliases getCol
#' @export
getCol.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$getCol))
#' @rdname getCol.DTSg
#' @export
`[.DTSg` <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$`[`))

#### merge ####
#' Merge two objects
#' Joins two [`DTSg`] objects based on their _.dateTime_ column. Their time
#' zones and `aggregated` fields must match.
#' @param y A [`DTSg`] object or an object coercible to one. See [`new`] for
#'   further information.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed on to [`data.table::merge`]. As the
#'   `by`, `by.x` and `by.y` arguments can endanger the object's integrity, they
#'   are rejected.
#' @inheritParams aggregate.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # merge with 'data.table'
#' ## R6 method
#' x$merge(
#'   y = flow,
#'   suffixes = c("_1", "_2")
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(merge(
#'   x = x,
#'   y = flow,
#'   suffixes = c("_1", "_2")
#' ))
#' @aliases merge
#' @export
merge.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$merge))

#### nas ####
#' @export
nas <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("nas", x)
#' List missing values
#' Lists the missing values of selected columns of a [`DTSg`] object with
#' recognised periodicity.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns whose missing values
#'   shall be listed. Another possibility is a character string containing
#'   either comma separated column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start
#'   and end column separated by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @return Returns a [`data.table::data.table`] with five columns:
#' * _.col:_ the column name
#' * _.group:_ the ID of the missing values group within each column
#' * _.from:_ the first timestamp of the missing values group
#' * _.to:_ the last timestamp of the missing values group
#' * _.n:_ the number of missing values per group
#' @seealso [`cols`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # list missing values
#' ## R6 method
#' x$nas()
#' ## S3 method
#' nas(x = x)
#' @aliases nas
#' @export
nas.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$nas))

#### new ####
new <- function(
  ID = "",
  parameter = "",
  unit = "",
  variant = "",
  aggregated = FALSE,
  fast = getOption("DTSgFast"),
  swallow = FALSE,
  na.status = getOption("DTSgNA.status"),
  funbyApproach = getOption("DTSgFunbyApproach")
) {
  # no R CMD check warning
setClass("DTSg", slots = c(. = "logical"))
  function(.Object, ...) {

#### plot ####
#' Plot time series data
#' Displays an interactive plot of a [`DTSg`] object. This method requires
#' \pkg{dygraphs} and \pkg{RColorBrewer} to be installed. Its main purpose is
#' not to make pretty plots, but rather to offer a possibility to interactively
#' explore time series data. The title of the plot and the label of its primary
#' axis are automatically generated from the object's metadata (fields). See
#' [`DTSg`] for further information.
#' @param from A [`POSIXct`] timestamp in the same time zone as the time series
#'   or a character string coercible to one. The data is plotted from this
#'   timestamp on.
#' @param to A [`POSIXct`] timestamp in the same time zone as the time series or
#'   a character string coercible to one. The data is plotted up to this
#'   timestamp.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns whose values shall be
#'   plotted. Another possibility is a character string containing either comma
#'   separated column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column
#'   separated by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @param secAxisCols An optional character vector specifying the columns whose
#'   values shall be plotted on a secondary axis. Another possibility is a
#'   character string containing either comma separated column names, for
#'   example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column separated by a colon, for
#'   example, `"x:z"`. Must be a subset of `cols`.
#' @param secAxisLabel A character string specifying the label of the optional
#'   secondary axis.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # plot data
#' if (requireNamespace("dygraphs", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'     requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   ## R6 method
#'   x$plot()
#'   ## S3 method
#'   plot(x = x)
#' }
#' @aliases plot
#' @export
plot.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$plot))

#### print ####
#' Print object
#' Prints a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # print object
#' ## R6 method
#' x$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(x = x)
#' @aliases print
#' @export
print.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$print))

#### refresh ####
#' @export
refresh <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("refresh", x)
#' Object integrity
#' Checks the integrity of a [`DTSg`] object and tries to automatically
#' (re-)detect its periodicity. Normally, there is no reason for a user to call
#' this method. The only exception is stated in [`values`].
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # check the object's integrity
#' ## R6 method
#' x$refresh()
#' ## S3 method
#' refresh(x = x)
#' @aliases refresh
#' @export
refresh.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$refresh))

#### rollapply ####
#' @export
rollapply <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("rollapply", x)
#' Rolling window function
#' Applies an arbitrary function to a rolling window of selected columns of a
#' [`DTSg`] object with recognised periodicity.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns whose rolling window
#'   `fun` shall be applied to. Another possibility is a character string
#'   containing either comma separated column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or
#'   the start and end column separated by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @param before An integerish value specifying the size of the window in time
#'   steps before the \dQuote{center} of the rolling window.
#' @param after An integerish value specifying the size of the window in time
#'   steps after the \dQuote{center} of the rolling window.
#' @param weights A character string specifying the method applied to calculate
#'   the weights handed over to `fun`. These are useful for functions like
#'   [`weighted.mean`]. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @param parameters A [`list`] specifying parameters for the weight calculation
#'   method. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @param memoryOverCPU A logical specifying if memory usage shall be preferred
#'   over CPU usage for this method call. The former is generally faster for
#'   smaller windows and shorter time series, the latter for bigger windows and
#'   longer time series or might even be the only one which works depending on
#'   the available hardware.
#' @inheritParams colapply.DTSg
#' @section Weights:
#' Currently, only one method to calculate weights is supported:
#' `"inverseDistance"`. The distance \eqn{d} of the \dQuote{center} is one and
#' each time step further away from the \dQuote{center} adds one to it. So, for
#' example, the distance of a timestamp three steps away from the
#' \dQuote{center} is four. Additionally, the calculation of the weights accepts
#' a power parameter \eqn{p} as a named element of a [`list`] provided through
#' the `parameters` argument: \eqn{\frac{1}{d^p}}{1 / d^p}.
#' @section Helper data:
#' In addition to the `...` argument, this method optionally hands over the
#' weights as a numeric vector (`w` argument) and a [`list`] argument with
#' helper data called `.helpers` to `fun`. This [`list`] contains the following
#' elements:
#' * _before:_ Same as the `before` argument.
#' * _after:_ Same as the `after` argument.
#' * _windowSize:_ Size of the rolling window (`before + 1L + after`).
#' * _centerIndex:_ Index of the \dQuote{center} of the rolling window
#' (`before + 1L`).
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # calculate a moving average
#' ## R6 method
#' x$rollapply(
#'   fun = mean,
#'   na.rm = TRUE,
#'   before = 2,
#'   after = 2
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(rollapply(
#'   x = x,
#'   fun = mean,
#'   na.rm = TRUE,
#'   before = 2,
#'   after = 2
#' ))
#' @aliases rollapply
#' @export
rollapply.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$rollapply))

#### rowaggregate ####
#' @export
rowaggregate <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("rowaggregate", x)
#' Aggregate values row-wise
#' Applies one or more provided summary functions row-wise to selected columns
#' of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @param resultCols A character vector either of length one (names of `fun` are
#'   appended in the case one or more functions are provided) or the same length
#'   as `fun` specifying the column names for the return values of `fun`.
#' @param fun A summary function, (named) [`list`] of summary functions or
#'   (named) character vector specifying summary functions applied row-wise to
#'   all the values of the specified `cols`. The return value(s) must be of
#'   length one. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns to apply `fun` to.
#'   Another possibility is a character string containing either comma separated
#'   column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column separated
#'   by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @inheritParams aggregate.DTSg
#' @section Summary functions:
#' Some examples for `fun` are as follows:
#' * [`mean`]
#' * \code{\link{list}(min = \link{min}, max = \link{max})}
#' * `c(sd = "sd", var = "var")`
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' DT <- data.table::data.table(
#'   date = flow$date,
#'   flow1 = flow$flow - abs(rnorm(nrow(flow))),
#'   flow2 = flow$flow,
#'   flow3 = flow$flow + abs(rnorm(nrow(flow)))
#' )
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = DT)
#' # mean and standard deviation of multiple measurements per timestamp
#' ## R6 method
#' x$rowaggregate(
#'   resultCols = "flow",
#'   fun = list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
#' )$print()
#' ## 'raggregate()' is a "hidden" R6 alias for 'rowaggregate()'
#' x$raggregate(
#'   resultCols = "flow",
#'   fun = list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(rowaggregate(
#'   x = x,
#'   resultCols = "flow",
#'   fun = list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
#' ))
#' @aliases rowaggregate raggregate
#' @export
rowaggregate.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$rowaggregate))

#### rowbind ####
#' @export
rowbind <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("rowbind", x)
#' Combine rows
#' Combines the rows of [`DTSg`] and other suitable objects.
#' @param \dots Any number of [`DTSg`] objects or objects coercible to one (see
#'   [`new`] for further information). [`list`]s of such objects or a mixture of
#'   lists and non-lists are also accepted.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow[1:500, ])
#' # combine rows
#' ## R6 method
#' x$rowbind(
#'   list(flow[1001:1500, ], DTSg$new(values = flow[501:1000, ])),
#'   flow[1501:.N, ]
#' )$print()
#' ## 'rbind()' is a "hidden" R6 alias for 'rowbind()'
#' x$rbind(
#'   list(flow[1001:1500, ], DTSg$new(values = flow[501:1000, ])),
#'   flow[1501:.N, ]
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(rowbind(
#'   x = x,
#'   list(flow[1001:1500, ], DTSg$new(values = flow[501:1000, ])),
#'   flow[1501:.N, ]
#' ))
#' @aliases rowbind rbind
#' @export
rowbind.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$rowbind))

#### setColNames ####
#' @export
setColNames <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("setColNames", x)
#' Set column names
#' Changes the column names of [`DTSg`] objects.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns whose names shall be
#'   set. Another possibility is a character string containing either comma
#'   separated column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column
#'   separated by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`. The name of the _.dateTime_
#'   column cannot be changed.
#' @param values A character vector of the same length as `cols` specifying the
#'   desired column names. Another possibility is a character string containing
#'   comma separated column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # rename column "flow" to "River Flow"
#' ## R6 method
#' x$setColNames(
#'   cols = "flow",
#'   values = "River Flow"
#' )$print()
#' ## 'setnames()' is a "hidden" R6 alias for 'setColNames()'
#' x$setnames(
#'   cols = "flow",
#'   values = "River Flow"
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(setColNames(
#'   x = x,
#'   cols = "flow",
#'   values = "River Flow"
#' ))
#' @aliases setColNames setnames
#' @export
setColNames.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$setColNames))

#### setCols ####
#' @export
setCols <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("setCols", x)
#' Set column values
#' Changes the values of columns, adds columns to and/or removes columns from a
#' [`DTSg`] object. The values can optionally be set for certain rows only.
#' @param i An integerish vector indexing rows (positive numbers pick and
#'   negative numbers omit rows) or a filter expression accepted by the `i`
#'   argument of [`data.table::data.table`]. Filter expressions can contain the
#'   special symbol [`.N`][data.table::special-symbols].
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns whose values shall be
#'   set. Another possibility is a character string containing comma separated
#'   column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`. The values of the _.dateTime_ column
#'   cannot be changed.
#' @param values A vector, [`list`] or list-like object (e.g.
#'   [`data.table::data.table`]) of replacement and/or new values accepted by
#'   the `value` argument of \pkg{data.table}'s [`data.table::set`] function.
#'   `NULL` as a value removes a column.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # cap river flows to 100
#' ## R6 method
#' x$setCols(
#'   i = flow > 100,
#'   cols = "flow",
#'   values = 100
#' )$print()
#' ## 'set()' is a "hidden" R6 alias for 'setCols()'
#' x$set(
#'   i = flow > 100,
#'   cols = "flow",
#'   values = 100
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(setCols(
#'   x = x,
#'   i = flow > 100,
#'   cols = "flow",
#'   values = 100
#' ))
#' # set measurement unit with the help of 'units'
#' if (requireNamespace("units", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   ## R6 method
#'   x$setCols(
#'     cols = "flow",
#'     values = units::set_units(x["flow"], "m^3/s")
#'   )$print()
#'   ## S3 method
#'   print(setCols(
#'     x = x,
#'     cols = "flow",
#'     values = units::set_units(x["flow"], "m^3/s")
#'   ))
#' }
#' @aliases setCols set
#' @export
setCols.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$setCols))

#### subset ####
#' Subset time series data
#' Filters rows and/or selects columns of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns to select. Another
#'   possibility is a character string containing either comma separated column
#'   names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end column separated by a
#'   colon, for example, `"x:z"`. The _.dateTime_ column is always selected and
#'   cannot be part of it.
#' @param funby One of the temporal aggregation level functions described in
#'   [`TALFs`] or a user defined temporal aggregation level function. Can be
#'   used to, for instance, select the last two observations of a certain
#'   temporal level. See corresponding section and examples for further
#'   information.
#' @param na.status A character string. Either `"explicit"`, which makes missing
#'   timestamps explicit according to the recognised periodicity, or
#'   `"implicit"`, which removes timestamps with missing values on all value
#'   columns. See corresponding section for further information.
#' @inheritParams aggregate.DTSg
#' @inheritParams setCols.DTSg
#' @inheritSection aggregate.DTSg User defined TALFs, TALFs helper data and multiplier
#' @inheritSection aggregate.DTSg Ignore day saving time
#' @section Status of missing values:
#' Please note that filtering rows and having or making missing timestamps
#' explicit equals to setting the values of all other timestamps to missing. The
#' default value of `na.status` is therefore `"implicit"`. To simply filter for
#' a consecutive range of a [`DTSg`] object while leaving the `na.status`
#' untouched, [`alter`] is probably the better choice.
#' @inherit alter.DTSg return
#' @seealso [`cols`], [`getOption`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # filter for the first six observations
#' ## R6 method
#' x$subset(i = 1:6)$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(subset(x = x, i = 1:6))
#' # filter for the last two observations per year
#' ## R6 method
#' x$subset(
#'   i = (.N - 1):.N,
#'   funby = function(x, ...) {data.table::year(x)}
#' )$print()
#' ## S3 method
#' print(subset(
#'   x = x,
#'   i = (.N - 1):.N,
#'   funby = function(x, ...) {data.table::year(x)}
#' ))
#' @aliases subset
#' @export
subset.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$subset))

#### summary ####
#' Summarise time series data
#' Calculates summary statistics of selected columns of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @param object A [`DTSg`] object (S3 method only).
#' @param cols A character vector specifying the columns whose values shall be
#'   summarised. Another possibility is a character string containing either
#'   comma separated column names, for example, `"x,y,z"`, or the start and end
#'   column separated by a colon, for example, `"x:z"`.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed on to [`summary.data.frame`].
#' @return Returns a [`table`].
#' @seealso [`cols`]
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # calculate summary statistics
#' ## R6 method
#' x$summary()
#' ## S3 method
#' summary(object = x)
#' @aliases summary
#' @export
summary.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$summary), "object")

#### values ####
#' @export
values <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("values", x)
#' Get values
#' Returns the values of a [`DTSg`] object.
#' @param reference A logical specifying if a copy of the values or a reference
#'   to the values shall be returned. See corresponding section for further
#'   information.
#' @param drop A logical specifying if the object and all references to it shall
#'   be removed from the global (and only the global) environment after
#'   successfully returning its values. This feature allows for a resource
#'   efficient destruction of a [`DTSg`] object while preserving its values.
#' @param class A character string specifying the class of the returned values.
#'   `"data.frame"` only works when either a copy of the values is returned or
#'   the object is dropped.
#' @inheritParams alter.DTSg
#' @section Reference to the values:
#' A reference to the values of a [`DTSg`] object can be used to modify them in
#' place. This includes the _.dateTime_ column, which serves as the object's
#' time index. Modifying this column can therefore endanger the object's
#' integrity. In case needs to do so ever arise, [`refresh`] should be called
#' immediately afterwards in order to check the object's integrity.
#' @return Returns a [`data.table::data.table`], a reference to a
#'   [`data.table::data.table`] or a [`data.frame`].
#' @note
#' The original name of the _.dateTime_ column is restored when not returned as
#' a reference or when dropped.
#' @examples
#' # new DTSg object
#' x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)
#' # get values
#' ## R6 method
#' x$values()
#' ## S3 method
#' values(x = x)
#' @aliases values
#' @export
values.DTSg <- S3WrapperGenerator(expression(DTSg$public_methods$values))
gisler/DTSg documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 6:12 a.m.